Friday, August 30, 2024


Summer is always a very busy time for our family!  But also is a very blessed season!

On June 9th, MacArthur Joshua Swart turned 6 years old!!  Mack is quite the character -- so funny and so smart!!!πŸ’™

The first of June, we got a call from our sweet friend, Amber Spencer, that she was in town and we thoroughly enjoyed catching up with her over dinner at Marketplace.  
Amber and her family were a highlight of our ministry in Galena.  I had the sweet privilege of leading their daughter, Aubri to the Lord one year during VBS!  The Spencers will always hold a special place in our hearts!πŸ’–
A current picture of the Spencers.  They are still active members of FBC Galena and Amber leads the women's ministry, teaches the youth class and speaks at many churches.  She also writes for LifewordπŸ’–

Jeff experienced chest pains the middle of July and after a visit to ER, he was admitted to the hospital for 3 days (June 11-13).  With his family history, we don't take chest pains lightly!  A lot of tests (including a heart cath) were ran but thankfully, his heart showed no problems. He has decided it's just the result of working too hard and not sleeping at night. 😒
We were supposed to go with our Senior Adult group to Murray's Dinner Theater, but didn't make it.  Those who went had a great time! 

June 16: Fathers Day -- So thankful for Godly Dads--my Dad, Jeff, Andy, Josh and Jonathan!
I'm adding Andy's Facebook post to his Dad here for memory sake (so sweet!)
You get to choose many things in life, however, you don't get to choose your father.
One of God's greatest gifts in my life is my Dad. However, my Dad was determined to not give me what he received.  My paternal family line is riddled with broken things. Broken marriages, broken finances, and broken lives.  Generations of Swart men failed to acknowledge God or the great blessing of godly fatherhood. Dad received the unwelcome gift of abuse and godlessness. He didn’t choose it and had little power to change the decades of addiction and sin he inherited.
But by the grace of God, my Dad also gave me a gift. The chain of sin, addiction, and abuse would stop with him. His children (and grandchildren) rise up and call him blessed because he gave us what he never had: the gift of a broken chain.
Here's to you, Dad!  Happy Father's Day!
(Picture Andy used for this post):

June 17-20 VBS at Antioch 
The McCrary children asked Mom if they could attend this year.  So they did!!
Day 1
It was Kipling's first time to go to VBS!
Day 2
Jeff went to Paris, AR for the visitation of our classmate, Keith Morrison (he was a close friend of Jeff's), so I took the kids to a movie that afternoon:  Inside Out 2
Day 3 - Picture Day, so they were told to wear their VBS shirts
Group picture - lots of kids!
That afternoon, I took them to the Laurel Park/Splash Pad
Day 4 (last day)
Program was that Night

June 25 was Josh and Michelle's 9th AnniversaryπŸ’–

June 26 would have been Mom and Dad's 75th AnniversaryπŸ’•
What I wrote on Facebook
❤For memory sakeπŸ’– -- 75 years ago today, my parents married (following Sunday School πŸ˜ƒ). Jeff found these articles a couple of years ago in his research at the Girard Library:
The following wedding announcement was published in the Girard Press on Thursday July 7, 1949:
Before an altar decorated with ferns and garden flowers, Miss Dorothy Jean Brunk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Brunk, Girard R.R. 3, and Edward Lee Boore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boore, Girard R.R. 4, were united in marriage at 11:00 Sunday morning [June 26, 1949] in the Mount Olive Baptist Church. The double ring ceremony was read by Rev. John Duncan of Fort Scott.
The traditional wedding music was played by Miss Freda Boore, sister of the bridegroom. Mrs. Wayne Sellegrin sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly,” accompanied by Miss Boore. The tapers were lighted by Mrs. Charles Goff, cousin of the bridegroom.
The bride wore a dusty rose suit with white accessories. Her corsage was of rosebuds and carnations. Her only jewelry was a pair of golden earrings, a gift of the bridegroom. The bride carried a handkerchief which belongs to her grandmother.
Miss Mildred Brunk, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Charles Goff served as best man.
Following the ceremony, a dinner was served to the wedding party and the immediate families at the home of the bride’s parents. The table was centered with a three-tiered cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. The cake was baked by Mrs. Frank Chiappetta, sister of the bride.
Miss Brunk is a graduate of the Arma High School and has been employed at the county superintendent’s office in Girard. Mr. Boore is employed at the Eagle Cherokee Coal Company near Pittsburg.
After a 2-week wedding trip to Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Boore will make their home in Girard.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Boore Return From Their Honeymoon
The following article were published in the “Mount Olive” column in the July 14, 1949 issue of the Girard Press:
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boore are back from their honeymoon trip. They went as far as Yellowstone Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boore spent Saturday night [July 9, 1949] at the A.W. Brunk home and remained for a family gathering on Sunday. [July 10, 1949]
Living Arrangements
After returning from their honeymoon, Edward & Dorothy lived with Dorothy’s parents for one week (Arville & Lottie Brunk) and then with Edward’s parents (Ted & Gladys Boore) for one week. The following week, they moved into the white house on the south side of the yellow house we all knew as the “farm” house. The white house was the only house they could find to rent. They rented the house for $10 a month.
Sometime later, they bought the white house they were renting and 40 acres for $3,000. Debbie Boore, my future wife, was born at Mt. Carmel Hospital in Pittsburg, KS at the time when her parents lived in this house (1953).  A few years later, they bought the yellow house next door to the north, which had recently been remodeled, and 40 acres for $3,900. At that time, they rented the original house for many years to the Ronnie Ashmore family (until after Debbie Boore & I were married in 1972). Eventually, Ron & John Brown tore the house down for the wood in it.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY in heaven, Mom and DadπŸ’–πŸŽŠπŸ’πŸŽˆ

A great day on our calendar:  June 27th - Shep was saved.  I devoted a separate blog post for Shep, so check it out!

June 29th-July 7: Saylor was with us.  I also devoted a separate blog post for her visit including Andy's family's visit/our 4th together:

July 6th was Rachel and Jonathan's 12th Anniversary!πŸ’–

July 9th was Andy and Carman's 19th Anniversary!πŸ’–

I have been having a lot of shoulder discomfit since February.  I went to the chiropractor for a while and got temporary relief but it was short-lived.  Finally saw an Ortho doctor in June.  He sent me for x-rays and eventually an MRI.  There were no tears or need of surgery, but I do have a "frozen" shoulder. After a 3rd steroid shot, I finally got some pain relief.  I've been going to physical therapy for 6 weeks and will continue til I see the doctor again in September.  So far my therapist says it's still frozen although there is improvement.  It sure hasn't been fun - the pain or the therapy (or those shots!).  It's a bummer getting old!!!πŸ˜–

July 15, 2024 was another important day on our Calendar.  It was Jeff's 71st Birthday and his 50th anniversary since surrendering to the ministry.  I also devoted a separate is the link:

Our Lainey Bug is now 14, so Dad is teaching her to drive in order to get her permit!!

Our July Senior Adult outing to Red River Cafe was cancelled due to heavy flooding!  Many streets were impassable for several hours.  It was crazy for July!

We had a fun Small Group Fellowship July 18 at the Jensens.  Half our group was either on vacation, out of town and two dealing with Covid!  But we enjoyed those who were able to come!

I created a picture collage for my Facebook cover photo...posting here as well!  Lots of wonderful memories in those pictures!πŸ’—

August 7, our Senior Adult group took a trip to Little Rock to visit the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts and the MacArthur Military Museum and then lunch at Homer's Kitchen Table.  It was an enjoyable day!

Just a miscellaneous picture of these two brothers who love to dress alike!!πŸ’™πŸ’™

Now it's time for School to resume!!  Fast summer - especially for my grandkids!

SAYLOR was the first to return to school
1st Grade at Donelson Christian Academy

It's a BIG year of transition for the McCrary family!!  RACHEL has her Masters in Elementary Education from UCA and taught several years in Rogers, AR but once she had kids, she chose to homeschool her children.  But she has now chosen to return to the public classroom.  She is teaching Kindergarten at Fulbright Elementary School in Little Rock (just two blocks from their home).
Hello Fulbright Elementary Falcons, I’m excited to join the Fulbright team as a Kindergarten Teacher and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Rachel McCrary, and I am returning to teaching after a 10-year break to stay at home with my children. My husband, Jonathan, and I have been married for 12 years, and we have four wonderful children—three boys and one girl. Our oldest son is entering 6th grade at Pinnacle View Middle School, and we are working on transferring our other three children from Jefferson Elementary to Fulbright Elementary. Our youngest son is starting Kindergarten this year. Before my time at home, I taught Kindergarten in the Rogers School District, and I’m thrilled to be back in the classroom. Teaching is my passion, and I feel great about returning to a profession I love. I look forward to meeting all of you and becoming a part of the Fulbright community!
Which means her children are now going to Public school for the first time.
COPELAND - 6th Grade -- Pinnacle View Middle School, Little Rock
The younger 3 are all at Rachel's school--Fulbright (such a blessing!)
EISLEY - 4th Grade
 (her parents chose for her to repeat 4th grade so that she can be in the same grade with her age group--she was a year ahead in Homeschool).  This also will give her extra help with her dyslexia.
Bless her heart -- came down with the flu after 3 weeks and so missed several daysπŸ˜ͺ
GIDEON - 2nd Grade
KIPLING - Kindergarten
First Day picture -- in Momma's Classroom
After the first week, Eisley was able to read a chapter book all by herself with the specialized help at Fulbright!!  With her handicap, this is quite amazing!!  Way to go, Eisley!!πŸ‘
ELLIE -- Homeschool by Mom (M-T) and Classical Communications (Coop each Friday)
7th Grade
LAINE - Homeschool by Mom (M-T) and Classical Communications (Coop each Friday)
9th Grade -- First Year of High School!!!
SHEP -- Homeschool by Mom (M-T) and Classical Communications (Coop each Friday)
3rd Grade:
MACK -- Homeschool by Mom first time (M-T) and Classical Communications (Coop each Friday)
1st Grade:

August 16th is a very special day on my calendar/in my life! It was on this day, 60 years ago (1964), I made the very best decision of my life! I was 10-1/2 years old and on a Sunday night at my childhood church, Mt. Olive Baptist, rural Girard Kansas under the counsel of Pastor Carl George, I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior! I still remember how the burden of guilt and sin was lifted! Such a blessed moment and continues to this day!! My cousin Janis recently sent me these pictures of the old church and the creek, where I was baptized a couple of weeks later!!❤️ Thank you, Jesus for saving me and giving me eternal life❤️πŸ’–❤️!
This was Mt. Olive Baptist Church where I was a member as a child:
This is the creek I was baptized inπŸ’™

We finally made a trip to Texas (Aug. 15-19)!!  Jeff hadn't been since 2020 (I did go in January of 23 when Carman was so sick with Shingles).  Jeff and I have had plans to go a couple different times but something always came up (Jeff's stroke, etc.).  The visit was way past due and we so wanted to be there for Shep's baptism!!
This picture of Mack was earlier in the summer, but too cute not to post!  Trying to make some money!😁
We arrived late on a Thursday night.  Friday morning was the girls first day to attend their Classical Communications Coop.  Snapped a picture before they left for the day.  Such pretty (and sweet) girls!πŸ’–πŸ’–
The boys don't start for a couple of weeks.  Handsome guys!πŸ’™πŸ’™
Papa got in as many cuddles as he could!
Ellie baking us delicious cookies one night!
The Swart's new doggie:  Gus -- pretty dog and spoiled rotten!!πŸ’š
Game Night!
I didn't really take very many pictures (I know--surprising!) The following two are after church Sunday (and Shep's baptism):
Carman fed us many delicious meals and is always such a sweet hostess!  Jeff and Andy talk non-stop since they are both in ministry and have so much in common.  Thanks, Andy and Carman for having us.  We so enjoyed the time with all of you!!
Sunday night -- Carman and I took the kids to their community pool:
Jeff and I headed home early Monday morning as he had his MD5 group to led that night and a cardiologist appt. Tuesday morning (which he got a good report there).

It's hard to believe that it's already been 5 years ago that we had our last Sunday at FBC, Galena (Aug. 18, 2019) and moved to Conway the next day (Aug. 19)!

Our Son-in-Law, Jonathan had a birthday on August 20th!

A pretty picture to close out this loooonnnnnngggg post!!
We are so thankful for our church and the wonderful people who compose her!!  Jeff has completed three years and began his fourth year as Senior Adult Pastor on June 1st.
Antioch Baptist Church!