Saturday, November 14, 2015

Late summer, Eisley's first birthday, and a very, very busy Fall!!

Once again, I will start with a disclaimer.  This will be another long posting, so I apologize!  Time has just gotten away from me and as this posting will tell, the days and weeks have been very full, which means I'm very behind on my blog.  But, I want to post about it all for "memory" sake.  I have been so reminded lately, due to the sad stories of many of my friends, that life can change so quickly and loss of health and/or death can come when we least expect it.  So, today, I'm counting my many, many blessings of family, friends, and God's grace and mercy in my life!!
Late August, we had the blessing of spending a few days in Branson with our good friends, Hollis and Gilda Stanbery.  We met the Stanbery's when we lived in NWA and attended Pinnacle Church with them and were involved in the same small group.  A friendship developed immediately and even though they now live in Texas and we live in Kansas, that friendship has remained strong.  We enjoyed catching up on each other's lives, playing games, and eating good! 

 I didn't get a good picture of us in Branson, but the picture below was taken when they came to Kansas for Jeff's mother's funeral.  We love you both and are so thankful for your friendship and inviting us to spend time with you in Branson!
 The next 3 weeks were spent keeping grandchildren!  The first week, I kept Eisley and Copeland so that Rachel could get some tasks done at her home.  Mom and I went down to get them.  We made a stop at Matt and Kristin's home (my nephew) so Mom could meet their newest baby boy, Owen.  Andy & Carman were there too with their girls, so we got a picture of Grandma with 7 of her great grandkiddos.
Eisley and Copeland at Papa and DeDe's
 I love taking the grandchildren to church with us
 Copeland and Eisley went home on Tuesday and Laine and Ellie came on Thursday.  Their momma was making a trip with her sister to Texas and Andy was tied up with ministry obligations.  Laine had been to her school that day and still had on her cute school uniform. 
 First visit for the girls to see Tow Mater on Route 66 in Galena
 That weekend was Labor Day weekend, so after church, the girls, Great Grandma Boore and Jeff and I headed to NWA to take them home.  We were invited to cousin Nora's second birthday party which was a fun time for all!
 They loved the water slide that Nora's Poppa and Mimi Harkness provided
 We returned home on Monday afternoon and Wednesday, Rachel called and was very sick, so I met Jonathan in Jane, MO and got the kids for a few more days visit.  All of the grandchildren are so good for us, so it's always a joy and our pleasure to keep them when asked to!
 Including a picture of Josh, Michelle and Avi.  Sadly, we haven't got to spend much time with them lately.  Looking forward to the holidays when we will get to see them more!
 On September 26th, we returned to NWA to celebrate Eisley Elizabeth's first birthday!  I love the first two collages that her parents created for her:
 This is the one I created to post on Facebook that day.  Sure do love this precious girl!
 Pretty decorations
 Delicious birthday brunch
 Momma and her 1 year old baby girl
 Papa and DeDe with the birthday girl
 With all our grandchildren
 And with the family present that day (Josh was out of state working)
 Jonathan's family, less Lindsey, who was also working that day
 Opening presents
 She liked her cake
 Silly Papa with 3 sillier kiddos
 Another collage Rachel created that summed up the great day!
 In between all of the days/events above, I had spent several days working/painting at the church and parsonage 2 in preparation for our new Student Pastor and wife (Aaron and Jenae Polok).  We are very excited to have them back at First Baptist.  Jeff also had been extremely busy with funerals and "ministry."  So we took a couple of days off and once again returned to NWA, got us a hotel room and invited the grandchildren to stay with us.  Avi was at her dad's that weekend, so wasn't able to join us.  We love making memories with these kids, and hotels/swimming is one of the ways we do that.
 Getting ready to watch Big Hero 6
 The next morning after they all slept well for us
 From the hotel, we headed to Carman & Shep's baby shower
 I was so impressed with Kayce's touching devotional and prayer!
 It was a wonderful shower!
 Family pictures afterwards.....

 DeDe's hands and her precious Lainey-Bug's hands!
 After the shower, we decided Ellie needed a visit to DeDe and Papa's house, all on her own.  She hasn't had that privilege like Laine and Copeland have.  So I helped Carman pack her bag and we headed to Kansas.  Much to my dismay, upon arriving home, I realized I had left that packed bag on the couch!  Goodness!!  Thankfully, I had purchased pajamas for Christmas, so she had those to wear, and I went to Walmart to get some necessities, and then my sweet friend, Kelli Wade, loaned me some of her girls' clothes.  However, we weren't able to get those til Sunday, so Ellie wore the pj's to church......
 Where we got the borrowed clothes and quickly changed.  So cute!!!

 The two little gals on the ends, Paige to the right of Ellie and Zoey on the far left, is whose clothes Ellie was privileged to wear.  Thank you, Kelli!!!

 Monday was a pretty day, so we spent some time at the park

 We met her Momma half way on Tuesday to exchange her.
Andy & Carman got some family pics taken that next good!!
 Also in September, it was decided our ladies ministry wouldn't do a Bible study this semester, due to such busy days for those in leadership.  So that opened up a door for me to go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) in Joplin with 500-600 other women.  BSF was my first taste of in-depth Bible study, 25 years ago while living in Texas.  I loved it then and am so enjoying it now.  It's on Revelation this year, so very timely.  This may sound strange, but one of the reasons, I love BSF, is that I'm just another "woman" in the study.  I'm not the Pastor's wife (in fact, I don't think anyone in my group even knows I'm a pastor's wife).  Don't get me wrong, I love being a Pastor's wife--but it's really nice, once in a while, just to be a "woman" with no expectations from the title.
I'm sure we will be offering another ladies Bible study at First Baptist next January and I look forward to that sweet time, but am so thankful for this study of Revelation that I'm blessed to participate in.
In October, we had the blessing of joining the Mooney family celebrating Mary's birthday.  Our friendship goes back over 40 years with them and we always enjoy the times we are together again.
The first of October, we were once again able to attend the Pastor's Oasis in Branson.  So grateful that our church provides this for us each year and that DiscipleGuide host it for pastors and their wives.  Always a wonderful, relaxing and encouraging 3 days.  
 The end of October, we once again returned to Branson (yes, we do love Branson!) for the National Senior Adult Conference.  It was another fun and encouraging time!
 On our way home from Branson, we detoured through NWA to see some of the grandkids.  
 Rachel had made Copeland and Eisley's Halloween costumes so we were excited to see the kids in them.  Milk and Cookies :-)  So cute
 We didn't see the girls in theirs, but pictures were sent...Pretty Little Ponies
 And cute Avi in her costume!
 Jeff and I at the Fall Gymboree at our church
 And then the first of November, Mom and I headed to Central Arkansas to spend time with my two sisters.  We stopped for a quick bite of lunch with some of the kids (Laine and Avi were at school)

 We had a wonderful visit at Kaye's.  She's always a very gracious host and her beautiful home is so enjoyable!
Since both Bev and I are in BSF's in our local cities, we were able to go with Kaye to her BSF on Wednesday.  This was especially neat, as the three of us attended BSF together 25 years ago in Tyler, Texas, so it was a Bible Study reunion for us.  Mom took our picture right before we left.  She stayed home and relaxed during the time we were gone.

 We enjoyed a wonderful time together and so thankful for the opportunity to do so!

 Which brings me to this week.  And yes, I decorated for Christmas!  I know it's early but it is so much work and I do really enjoy my tree.  So I put it up early each year.  
It's a new tree this year....I was very sad to part with the tree I got the first Christmas after moving here to Galena.  It was the prettiest tree I've ever had.  It was wonderful the first 3 years, but the last 3 years, I've had to string lights as the original lights no longer worked.  And it was so much effort to string lights (that seem to only work for one year), that I finally gave it away and got me a new tree.  It's still an all "red" decorated tree with the beautiful decorations that Judy Hall gave me that first year.  I love those decorations!
His birth could happen any day.  His due date is Nov. 30th, but Carman is already showing signs that his birth is near.  So I'm sure my next posting will be the announcement of our newest grandbaby!

 Last night, my heart was so broken to see the news about the terrorist attacks in Paris, France.  It brought back all that fear and uncertainty after 911.  And also a reminder that it could happen again (most probably will) right here in the United States.  
Yes, we loved Paris when we visited in 2004 and are definitely praying for all those affected by these evil, evil people!  
This world is not my home and I long for that heavenly home and Jesus' return!
Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!!!