Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Blessed Spring: Change/Homegoing/Birthday Parties/Graduation/BMAA Meeting

Another catch up posting.....for memory sake :-)
The first of April, Bev and Kaye came home to celebrate Mom's 87th birthday.  We had a lot of fun times as well as doing some cleaning out of closets, etc.  We always enjoy our time together.
Mom has decided it's time to sell her home in Girard and move into a duplex in Galena at the end of summer.  The upkeep of her large 4 bedroom/3 bath home has become a burden to her and she is ready to downsize in this season of her life.  The duplex she plans to live in is just a block from our church and less than a mile from where Jeff and I live.    My sisters and I were raised in the country halfway between Girard and Pittsburg (south Radley).  After Dad died in 2000, Mom sold the farm and moved to town. Since all her girls and their families lived out of state, she bought a large home to accommodate us when we visited. This home has been a huge blessing to our family and we have made many wonderful memories here in the last 15+ years.   It will be somewhat sad and bittersweet when it sells and Mom moves.  But none of us blame her for wanting to downsize and are supporting her in this decision.  We appreciate your prayers for Mom and us girls as we make this transition (and know that we are so blessed that she is still independent and able to live on her own.  God has been so good to Mom and to us!
Jeff and I made a trip to NWA for Jeff to get a new wireless mic in early April.  The only family available to meet us for lunch was the McCrary's, so we enjoyed a good meal and fun visit!
On a sad note, on April 6th, Jeff and I (and our church family) lost someone that we loved dearly.  Many of you read Jeff's tribute to Bro. Roy Derfelt in the Joplin Globe, which I also posted on Facebook.  I have known Bro. Roy all of my life.  Jeff met him almost 44 years ago when we started working in the Pittsburg Mission.  Roy and Virginia have been great friends and spiritual mentors to us for years and a very special blessing to us since coming to First Baptist.  Roy was one of those men who encouraged Jeff on a daily basis.  Jeff was very honored to preach Roy's funeral service. 
 He is so greatly missed!!  Ms. Virginia is struggling with her health and is in our daily prayers.
  On to a more happier news: April was birthday month for Ellie and Laine.
Ellie Kate turned 4 on the 23rd.  I love this collage her daddy posted on Facebook.  
Such a joy to all of us!
My favorite of Ellie this year--pretty girl
 And this one is of Laine that Dad also posted.  Laine Virginia turned 6 on the 26th.  
And is such a joy as well!  Laine was the first to make us grandparents and that will always be so special to us.
And my favorite of Laine....growing into quite the pretty young lady!
 Mom and Dad hosted a joint party for them at Chuck E. Cheese!  Such a fun party for all the kiddos!

 The birthday family
 And Papa and DeDe with their 6 sweet blessings
 The Swart family (we missed Michelle who had another commitment)
With the Birthday Girls....We love you both dearly!!
The end of April, we traveled to Gatlinburg, TN for the BMAA (Baptist Missionary Association of America) National Meeting.  Gatlinburg is located at the foot of the Smokey Mountains in a Natural Park.  Such a beautiful area!
(I definitely wore "out" this orange outfit in this blog--sorry!!)
We will always treasure the memories of our first visit to Gatlinburg in 1977 (also for a National Meeting).  I was 5-6 months pregnant with our first child, Josh.  Jeff didn't have any associational responsibilities then, so we got to do a lot of sightseeing.  We also were with family & friends (Mom and Dad, Uncle Marvin and Aunt Judy, the Mooneys, Derfelts, Kellers, Jim Montee and others).  Lots of and lots of laughs and a wonderful time!   This time, however, Jeff was covered up with responsibilities (Second Vice President, Chairman of the Missions Advisory Committee, preaching the Annual Message, etc).  So there wasn't any time to sight see which we were sad about.
 Jeff did have the honor of preaching the annual message.  It was a special blessing to have good friends that bookended him before and after he preached.  His "father in the ministry" and close friend for over 44 years, Paul Mooney, did a great job in introducing him.
 Randy Anderson, whom Jeff served on staff with several years ago at Antioch Baptist, sang a beautiful song, "I Choose Jesus."
 Jeff preached a powerful message.  I was very proud of him.  If interested, you can listen to the sermon here (session 3).  Jeff begins preaching about 40 minutes into the link (although the intro and special music are great if you have time to listen)
 Another good friend, Justin Rhodes gave him the hand of appreciation.  Justin was the pastor here at First Baptist prior to Jeff.
 A sweet lady, Mrs. Herring, gave Jeff this beautiful picture.  I especially love it as I just finished a year of Bible Study in Revelation.  Such a nice gift!  Thank you, Mrs. Herring!
 It was one of those weeks, we so wanted to be "cloned."  There was no way we could be home in time for Lainey Bug's kindergarten graduation :-(.  We had a 14 hour drive that day and had others traveling with us (Paul and Aaron and Jenae Polok).  It just doesn't seem possible, our first grandchild is ready to be in first grade!!  Such a cute graduate!  We love you, Laine, and are so proud of you!!
 The McCrarys represented us at this momentous occasion.
 And now we are in the month of May.  Rachel celebrated her 31st birthday on May 1st.  My baby is 31.....goodness, gracious!!
 Rachel and her family and Mom joined us in Galena for Mother's Day weekend.  Jonathan got some great shots of us before we headed to the banquet at our church.
 Rachel and her babies.....and a little girl who wanted DeDe to hold her.  That girl :-)
 Jonathan and Copeland had a guys date that night.  Love this picture of them that Rach took.
Now she's a happy girl :-) 
 Papa was one of our servers at the banquet, but got a few minutes to hold his girl
 It was another wonderful Mother's Day Banquet at First Baptist.  Leigh Ryan and her team always do such an excellent job in providing this each year for our Moms!
 I didn't get to be with my two daughter-in-laws and their children, but was thankful for pictures!  They are both wonderful Moms and we love them.  Carman......
 and Michelle.....
Eisley and Copeland stayed in Kansas with us after the weekend was over so that Mom and Dad could accomplish numerous tasks at their home that they are planning to sell this summer. 

 This little girl will be 20 months old on the 26th of May!
 We did some fun stuff:  Park; Cars on the Route; Resource Center; time at Shoal Creek, etc.

 Always love each opportunity I am afforded to keep the grandchildren.  And am so thankful they have parents to go home to :-)

Mom and I were privileged to attend a gardenside breakfast brunch for my cousin Holly.  Such a great time and a beautiful setting!
And last but not least, our first grandson turned 3 on May 19th!  They are all growing up so fast!!  We love you, Copeland Ware and are so thankful you are in our lives!  Birth to 3 years old--lickety split!!  Handsome boy!

The collage Momma posted of her boy on his birthday:
Jeff and I traveled over 900 miles in the last few days where Jeff was afforded the opportunity to speak in Cassville, Missouri and then near St. Louis at the Missouri State Associational Meeting in Potosi, MO.  We left Saturday morning from that meeting and made a fast trip to Rogers, AR to celebrate Copeland's third birthday.  He had a Digger party at the Park with some of the family.......

Those of the Swart family present that day:
(Josh was working out of state and Michelle and Avi were in Branson). 
All of the McCrary family were there too:
And to finish out this posting.....our two babies latest month pictures (since last posting)
Eisley at 19 months:  Eisley is our lovey dovey grandbaby.  We cherish those sweet hugs!

And at 20 months with her two sweet cousins.  Love all 3 of these girls!
Shepherd at 5 months:
And he will turn 6 months on the 23rd.  Shep is just now getting his own personality.  Such a joy!
On this day that I post this, my heart has been sad remembering the horrible event of the Joplin tornado 5 years ago:  Such a devastating time for our area, but also one where we saw God's hand of mercy and provision!  This is the posting I wrote those 5 years ago:  Tornado posting
And now summer is upon us and we are confident many more wonderful memories and blog postings will be happening!
Thank you, Jesus!!