Saturday, August 27, 2016

7 Year Anniversary!

On August 23rd, we celebrated the completion of 7 years at First Baptist Church, Galena, KS.   This anniversary was special in many ways.  First off, it's the longest we have been at one ministry.  For Jeff, it's the longest he has lived in the same house.  Even as a child, his parents moved a couple of times, so he never lived in one place more than 6-1/2 years.  We did live in Conway, AR 8 years, but that was two different ministries and two different homes.  So this is definitely a sweet milestone for us.

Seven years ago, I wrote a posting concerning our new ministry.  You can read it here.

We were overwhelmed when the church honored us this past Sunday with a wonderful surprise for this anniversary!  Not only were many kind things said and sweet cards given, they also gave us two weeks additional vacation and $3,000+ in love offerings to use for a vacation (more was given after this certificate was typed).  WOW!  We were blown away!!  Thank you, First Baptist, thank you!!  We love you so very much and count it all joy to serve with you in this place!!

Thanks to Janet Gant for videotaping it for us!  The file was too large for her to email to me though to include in this posting.  It is posted on my Facebook wall if you are interested.

A few pictures to remember the day :-)
 Jenae Polok wrote this poem, framed it and then read to us.  It is great!!  
Words are printed below the picture:
Bro Jeff ~ Preacher, Pastor and Friend

Seven years…Whoa ~ that is a long time to stay in one place.
Especially when dealing with the ministry rat race.
But let us be very clear, the seven year itch is not an option.
You have become a family member, it is a permanent adoption!
Now the Bible teaches that seven is the number of completion,
Let us stop that talk right there… as it is causing tear duct secretion.
Yes, we always want you to follow God’s call – that is a must!
But our love for you says “Keep him til he’s an old pile of dust."
You possess some of the most important Preacher traits.
So we rank you up there with some of the greatest greats.
When you stand behind the pulpit you have an Educator’s flair-
Biblical knowledge and historical wisdom beyond compare;
Eloquent in speech and yet packed full of tender compassion;
Balanced with the new ways but the boldness some think old-fashion.
We know it is not old-fashion; it is based on the truth of His Word.
From the pulpit you swing it so boldly cutting like a two-edged sword.
You are a Pastor that knows how to shepherd his flock;
Investing your heart, not worrying about a ticking clock.
We certainly celebrate these last seven years,
The way you have walked with us through heartaches and cheers.
You have touched our hearts profoundly, deeper than we could ever explain.
Thank You Lord for a Preacher, Pastor, and Friend we Blessedly Exclaim!
~Jenae Polok 
August 17, 2016

 We didn't get a picture of Jeff and I at church, so Mom took one of us after we got home.
 Sunday night, the church hosted a fellowship for us as well as for Paul and Mary honoring their 10th anniversary and Aaron and Jenae honoring their 1st anniversary:
 We were so sad that Paul and Mary weren't able to come for any of the recognition's on Sunday.  Paul had fallen and broken his arm a few days earlier and was home in great pain, waiting to go see the doctor on Monday for some answers.  We are very thankful for the staff at First Baptist, including our wonderful administrative assistant Leigh Ryan and her husband Dave.  We are so blessed!!

We love you and look forward to serving with you for years to come!!

P.S.  Jeff did book a 7 day Western Caribbean cruise this week -- for later in September.  We greatly look forward to relaxing and enjoying this time away that you have graciously blessed us with!  Thank you!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mom's Big Transition

I'm writing this post mainly for Mom - to detail her last week in Girard before making the big move to Galena.

Kaye drove to Mom's on the 8th.  I picked up Bev at the NWA airport on the 9th.  We were ahead of schedule in meeting Mom and Kaye in Galena, so I took Bev by Sagmount Camp.  We went to camp there many years as children and have such sweet memories of the place.
 The tabernacle, pool, and snack bar were at the bottom of the hill behind Bev.  It was blocked off, so we couldn't drive down there.  Fun memories!
 Then we headed on to Galena to meet Mom and Kaye and Mom's landlord and tour the duplex.  It looked really nice and bigger than we had anticipated.
 From there, we went to Sandstone Gardens for a fun lunch
 And then on to Girard.  I'm posting a few pictures of Mom's house, again for memory sake. 
My sisters and I were raised on a farm in South Radley (halfway between Girard and Pittsburg).  After Dad died in 2000, Mom sold the farm and bought this home in Girard in 2001.  She chose a large 4 bedroom, 3 bath home because us girls lived out of state and she wanted the room for us to all come home and stay with her.
 It was a wonderful home for her and for us to visit for these 15 years.
We are really going to miss the back yard.  It was so pretty!  We also enjoyed the screened in porch.
There is a neighborhood lake to the south of her backyard and the view was so pretty!

 A picture of Mom in her Girard kitchen a few years ago.  She had a lot of cabinets (this picture only shows a part of them), so there was much downsizing that had to be done!
 She also had a nice large living room.....and 7 closets!!  Now she has 1-1/2!  Whew.
That's been one of the hardest parts of the transition.  
 We spent Wednesday and Thursday preparing for a large garage sale in very hot temperatures!  Adrienne and her boys came one day and helped us.
 The sale was held Friday and Saturday and was successful.  And the weather cooled off which was such a blessing.  Thank you, Lord!
 A picture with Mom's neighbor, Gary Mahnken,who was always willing to do whatever she needed. She was blessed with many great neighbors (and family close by) which we were so thankful.
 Sunday, we all went to Mt. Olive Baptist Church, rural Girard, where Mom was a member for 68 years.
 We missed Rob, Kaye's husband, who wasn't able to come up for the weekend.
We enjoyed a wonderful service and was extra blessed that Uncle Marvin sang!  I tried to post the video but it wouldn't upload :-(
Mom with her Pastor and wife: Tom and Brenda Lewis.  Tom preached a great message!
After the service, they provided a wonderful lunch for us!

After eating, different ones shared memories of Mom :-)

Mom thanking her church family for their love, kind words and support over the years
Goodbyes are always so hard!!

A few pictures we got with was great to see some of Aunt Jo and Uncle Wayne's family there:

With Uncle Marvin and Aunt Judy
With Uncle Harry and Aunt Betty
With Janis and Darrel Goedeke

Barbara Watson and I (Barb was my dearly loved pastor's wife twice!)

The daughters....
Sunday afternoon began the packing process--whew!
And then Monday morning, the moving truck arrived
Grandma graciously allowed the grandchildren to choose whatever possessions that she no longer could use. They all visited her and were blessed with furniture, dishes, appliances, keepsakes, etc.  The Texas granddaughters picked out a few things a few weeks earlier and Dad and Mom got the privilege of taking it to them along with a few things Bev wanted.  You can't tell, but this U-haul is packed to the brim (mainly due to a king size bedroom suite and a patio set).  Don had to really use his mind and his body to get it all to fit!
On that Monday, the high was only 75 -- in August!!  What a miracle.  What a blessing!
Everything was moved without any problems (or any broken items!)
A picture of Mom's new residence in Galena -- a duplex that has just been built.  One block from First Baptist Church and less than a mile from my house.  Grass seed was planted this week, so hopefully there will be green grass growing soon.
These pictures were taken after all the unpacking was done and Kaye had decorated the walls, etc.
The living room/kitchen is one big open room which is so nice.
We have a pretty sectional ordered from Ashley furniture that will complete the living room area when it arrives.
Mom's gone over a week with no cable, internet or home phone!  Hopefully soon that will be installed!
Kaye has that "interior decorator eye" and did a great job with the pictures
Mom's office area
She has two nice size bedrooms.  This is her room.
And this is the guest bedroom
One bathroom
that is also the utility room
And one last picture in the kitchen taken Sunday when I went to pick her up for Sunday School 
We know this transition is a major move in Mom's life.....87 years old and she has always lived in the Girard area.  But we have peace that this is a wise decision and are praying she adjusts quickly and is very content and happy in her new home.
A huge thank you to each one that helped in this process, prayed for us, and cheered us on.
Since this is a public site, I'll not post her address, phone, etc., but feel free to email or Facebook me or her for that information.
Mom would love for you to visit her!