Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fall Catch Up Posting+Eisley and Shep's Birthdays

Time --- it sure is fleeting!!  And with it comes many busy days and a lot of sweet memories as well as some sad ones.  I wanted to document our Fall on my blog.
First off, a sweet picture of Jeff and I with all 6 of our grandkiddos taken in September after Copeland's soccer game:
 We celebrated precious Eisley Elizabeth's second birthday at our home in Galena, for just our family.  Rachel and Jonathan sold their home and are renting a small apartment right now and so they decided to have two family birthday parties for Eisley.  One at our house and then one a week later at Jonathan's parents home.  This collage was what I posted on Facebook of Eisley--it shows her "many" sides: from sweet girl--to Miss lovey-dovey--to drama girl!  We love every bit of her!
 A picture with Papa and DeDe
 She's at such a fun age of opening presents!
 Without prompting, she had to give each giver a hug

 Giving Great Grandma a hug for the birthday money

 Momma telling her there are no more gifts to open
 Girlie girl all the way - loves to dress up, wear jewelry and play with dolls
 Papa also had gifts for all the other kids

We had a simple chocolate cake and ice cream
(after eating grilled hamburgers and all the fixings)
Got a couple of pictures with Great Grandma and DeDe 
 and with Papa and DeDe
 Sweet picture at Papa's desk that I wanted to include.....
 I already did a posting on the Pastors Oasis but we got this picture a few days after that from the staff at P.O., so am including it here for memory sake
 A couple of weeks later, Andy & Carman made a trip to KC, so we kept all 3 kids for the day (Mom came over to help me) and no, Shep wasn't in the mood for pictures :-)
 And then the girls stayed the rest of the weekend
 We had fun at the park in Galena, Cunningham park in Joplin and also they had a blast at our association's Lifeword Celebration at Schermerhorn Park on Sunday night (I can't seem to find the pictures of the Lifeword event :-()
On our way to take them home on Monday, we meet Rachel and Jonathan and their kids for lunch.
 Then we returned the girls and got to see Andy & Carman's new home in Centerton.
 So happy for them!
 The Fall was a very, very sad time for us as we lost several beloved church members!
One of those was Joy Lee French.  Joy Lee and her daughter Jennifer have included us in their families Sunday dinners twice a month for the 7+ years we have lived here.  We so enjoyed many delicious meals and wonderful fellowship around Joy Lee's kitchen table.  She was such a blessing to us and we miss her so!
The cycle of life continues.....from death to new birth......
 In September, we were given the exciting news that we were going to have another grandbaby--#7!
Rachel and Jonathan are expecting their third in May.  Copeland is happy--not so sure about Eisley!
 Then in October, we got the wonderful news, that baby Mac #3 is a boy: Gideon Elias
Everyone is thrilled!
 Our church hosted another great Fall Gymboree on Halloween night.
 Didn't get to see any of the grandkids that night, but thankful for pictures
 We voted early as we were going to be out of town on election day.  So thankful for the freedom to vote!  And yes, we were very happy that Donald Trump was elected!  Even though he may not be everyone's ideal of a President, we feel he will elect conservative Supreme Court Judges and other government positions and prayerfully help get America back on the right track.  We are diligently praying that God will send revival and give America a second chance at being a strong, Godly country again!
 Along with Joy Lee, we mourned the deaths this fall of Mary Gilbert, Mac McCoy, Betty Russell, Patty Bennett, Gene Porter and this sweet godly saint: Virginia Derfelt.  You may recall my posting in April, that Bro. Roy Derfelt passed away (Virginia's husband).  Such a wonderful couple that has been the backbone of First Baptist Church.  Virginia and Joy Lee were very close friends and both in the same nursing facility at the time of their death and both in their mid 90's.  We can only imagine the reunion they had in heaven, along with Roy and all the other family and friends that have gone on before.  The Derfelts are a special couple and also very much missed!!
 Ms. Virginia died on a Saturday night.  Due to the fact that we had 11 of our members attending a Senior Adult Conference in Branson Monday-Wednesday, the family graciously set the funeral for Wednesday afternoon.  Jeff and I, Mom and her friend, Anita Melhorn, Jennifer Shoemaker, Judy Hall, Shelva Jean Sleeper, Judy Gilstrap, Bonnie Hopkins and Ron and Debbie Owen all left Monday morning for the conference.  We were enjoying a concert that night by Dallas Holm when Jeff and I started getting several texts that our daughter, Rachel was at the hospital in tremendous pain.  She has been having numerous health problems for a couple of weeks and this was her second ER visit.  They did admit her that night so Jeff and I felt we needed to head to NWA that next morning to check on her at the hospital and then to get the kids.  Andy & Carman had kept them overnight.  So that's what we did, leaving our church folks in Branson to continue enjoying the conference.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of our group.  We stayed with Rach for a couple of hours and then headed to Centerton to get Copeland and Eisley.  They had fared well with Aunt Carman and Uncle Drew :-)!
 We brought the kids on home to Galena Tuesday night and then Wednesday, they went with me to help with the Derfelt funeral meal and funeral.
 Rachel had to stay in the hospital 2 days/nights.  They ran a lot of tests but no real diagnosis. We appreciate your prayers that she can complete this pregnancy with no more major flair ups.  We are so thankful that baby Gideon has remained healthy throughout this ordeal.
Sweet babies after their baths:
 We took them home on Friday because I had committed to staying with Andy & Carman's kids overnight as they had a rehearsal and wedding out of town.  The kids were "playing" here--
They are in their car going to California on a bear hunt 😍 💕  
Jeff went with me so he could see the kids' new home and spend some time with these 3 (and on Friday night with the entire McCrary family)
 I got my Christmas tree up and the house decorated the middle of November.  I hate the job, but sure enjoy the finished product!
 This little guy turned 1 year old on November 23rd!
 The collage his daddy posted on Facebook
 Andy's family had some pictures taken recently......I've included a few of my favorites:

 And then for Thanksgiving, my sister, Kaye invited us to Conway.  We sure appreciated it!  She served an abundant, delicious meal (and Mom made delicious homemade noodles too!)
 Love my family!
 Kaye also had some of Rob's family.  We had a fun visit with all!
 The next day, my sister Bev's daughter, Shannan and family from East Texas came by.  They had come to Arkansas to Mike's grandparents for Thanksgiving.  We sure enjoyed seeing them!
 It was my kids' turn to spend Thanksgiving with their spouses' family (as it was for Kaye's kids)
Rachel and family were in Nashville, Arkansas at Jonathan's parents' home.
 Josh, Michelle and Avi went to Tennessee to visit Michelle's grandparents and her Dad
 Jeff really enjoyed a "reunion" Hogs road trip (something they did once a year when we lived in Conway).  He, Rob, Keith Head and Bobby Stoner made the long drive to Columbia, MO for the Hogs game on Friday.  Sadly they lost, so it was an even longer ride home.  But they had a lot of fun in spite of the loss.
On Saturday, we left early to head to NWA leaving Mom in Conway to spend a few more days with Kaye and Rob.  Carman had graciously invited us to join her family for their Thanksgiving meal and then to have a little birthday party for Shep.

 We sure love this little "wild" one! (the theme of his party)
Normally, he's Mister Smiley, but we couldn't pull a smile out of him for any of these pictures
 The Swarts (the rest of our crew were all out of town)
 Carman's family
 Nonnie with her grandson
 Opening presents

 He liked playing with the big box best of all :)
 Daddy putting together the walker that Papa and DeDe got him (and Momma picked out)
 Eating cake (he liked it!)
 I didn't get a picture of all the delicious Thanksgiving meal food, but did get one of the desserts :-)
Thank you, Carman, Donna and Courtney for the wonderful meal!!
 A fun day!  Happy First Birthday, Shepherd Knox!
There is so much to be thankful for!!  My heart does overflow with God's goodness and blessings on my life and the lives of those I love.  Thank you, Lord!!  Thank you, Jesus!!