Monday, May 8, 2017

Gideon Elias McCrary

Thursday, April 27th, found Jeff and I anxiously awaiting a phone call or text from our daughter, Rachel.  She had a doctor's appointment at 8:45 which would determine if she was going to be admitted and begin the process of birthing Gideon.
It was a long wait.....but finally at 10:22 a.m., we got the text, "IT'S BABY DAY!!!!"  ♥
So we loaded the car and headed to NWA.
We arrived a little after twelve and Rachel was situated in her labor and delivery room
With each grandbaby's birth, Jeff and I get more and more nervous.  
We sure do lots of praying!
I love my girl! ♥♥
We began the "waiting" game
And waiting.....with Aunt Jennifer and Beba (Jonathan's sister and mom)
Rachel got for her darling big kids such cute shirts!
I love this Scripture that is on the wall outside the waiting room at 
Mercy Hospital in Rogers.
Truly, children are a gift from the Lord and such a blessing! ♥
As is common with Rachel, her labor moves slowly.  Doctor checked her around 5 and said it was probably going to be the middle of the night before baby Gideon was going to make his appearance.  So Jeff and I took Copeland and Eisley and headed to eat.  Andy called as we were on our way and his family wanted to join us and then go to the hospital to see Rachel.
We ate a good meal at Abuelo's that gave us a renewed burst of energy for the rest of the night.
Back at the hospital......more waiting
These cousins love each other ♥
Papa trying to entertain Shep -- Looks like the Giant and the Little Guy ♥
Around 8:30-9, everyone except for Jeff, I and Brenda, went home.  Andy took his family home as he was flying out at 5:30 this next morning to do a D-Now Conference in Louisiana.  Jennifer and Michael were gracious enough to take Copeland and Eisley home and put them to bed.
Within 30 minutes after they all left, things started progressing quickly!
At 10:13, we got this picture texted to us!!
Gideon Elias McCrary was born at 10:03 p.m. on April 27th, 2017, weighing 6 lbs., 7 ozs., and was 19" long.
Momma only had to push 1 and a half times and he was there!  The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, so doctor cut it quickly and all seemed well!  We were all surprised as to his weight.  The testings/ultrasounds in the last few weeks all indicated he was going to be a big baby (typical when a mother has gestational diabetes).  As it turned out, he was the smallest of all our grandbabies to date!
Momma is delighted with her third child
Mom and Dad rejoicing and relieved he was finally in their arms
DeDe loves him! ♥
And Papa was so proud!
3 generations ♥  Jonathan's dad had some work stuff that prevented him from being at the hospital that night but got to see him on Facetime and made it to NWA by time Gideon got home
When the nurse came back in after we had a little time with him, there was a concern as he was making little noises.  It was determined he wasn't in the birth canal long enough to force all the fluid out of his lungs, so they did put him in NICU for several hours.  Thankfully by 1:30 in the morning, he was doing well enough to return to his Momma's room.
Jeff and I had gone to Andy's home and spent the night and woke early enough to get back to the hospital before Brenda and Jennifer brought the kids for their first visit.
I was hoping to be able to post the video I took of them,
but it says it's too big to upload :-(.
They were smitten with their baby brother!
The new McCrary family of 5!
Aunt Jen's first hold (but definitely not her last)
Just as precious to DeDe & Papa on Day 2!
Rachel posted this picture this week on Facebook and 
I am copying and pasting what she said about it:
See that smile? Copeland has that expression each and every time he holds Gideon. We've captured it many times on camera, and it never ceases to melt my heart. He is so proud. Proud to be a big brother and proud that Gideon is his. He had faith that he was a boy, picked the name Gideon, and was confident he would have red hair (still too early to tell) and blue eyes. He told us he wants Gideon to suck his thumb so he can be just like him. And when we went to eat at Cracker Barrel for my birthday, he loudly corrected me when I told the hostess we were "four with a sling." "No, Momma, we are five!" Both of these boys have my whole heart and I am so proud that I can call them mine.
How precious is that ♥♥
Miscellaneous pictures in the hospital on Day 2

Carman brought the kids up to meet their newest cousin

Jeff, Carman and I then took the kids all to CFA for lunch and playtime
Jeff and I headed home later in the afternoon.  Sure was hard to say goodbye to this sweet face!
That evening, Josh, Avi and Michelle came to meet Gideon
Because his blood sugar numbers had to be normal for several hours, they did spend a second night in the hospital and then was dismissed Saturday afternoon.
Copeland's first hold in their home that evening
Eisley's turn
Another picture Rachel posted on Facebook...Copeland on top; Gideon on bottom.  
They look almost identical!

Andy & the girls came for a visit Monday as soon as he got back in town

Ellie had a unicorn painted on her face at her Preschool Graduation that morning
Monday, May 1st, was Rachel's 32nd birthday.  I think Gideon was the best birthday present ever! Jennifer was once again so sweet to take Copeland and Eisley to her parent's home in Nashville, Arkansas for a few days to give Jonathan, Rachel and Gideon some bonding time.  Jeff & I went to Texas that week at a meeting, so I plan to go down soon and help out.
At the doctor's office -- and he got a great report!
Sunday, May 7th and 10 days old, he went to church at Metro and was dedicated ♥
One last picture that we got today!  Gideon, you already have our hearts and we are so excited to watch you grow.  We know you are going to be such a joy and delight just as your brother, sister and cousins are to us!!  We love you so much, Buddy!! ♥
Seven Grandchildren -- Thank you, Jesus!!!