Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Jeff did retire in August from First Baptist Church in Galena, Kansas after serving as their Pastor for 10 years.  It was hard to say goodbye.  We love the church family there and are so thankful we were able to serve alongside them for those years.  They sent us off with a wonderful retirement/going away party AND a cruise to Alaska (that we will enjoy in July of 2020). Thank you FBC!! Jeff and I always thought we would move to Northwest Arkansas when we retired, as all our kids lived there.  But one by one, our kids moved away.  So after much prayer, we felt we needed to move to Conway, AR where we had lived for 8 years (16+ years ago), had many friends, and would be centrally located between our kids.  Also, it was also decided the first of the year, that Mom would move to Conway in May to live in a new Senior Adult facility (my younger sister, Kaye and husband Rob live in Conway).  Jeff and I had just planned to rent a house – we felt at 66 years of age, we were too old to go into debt for a home.  However, rent is so high in Conway and God divinely led us to a builder here who told us he could build us a small home that would be within our budget (and cheaper than rent!). We have lived in a couple brand new homes, but never had built a home!  Consequently, a new experience for us!  So in June, we signed a contract to have a 1600 sq. ft. home built.  We moved to Conway on August 19, put our stuff in 2 storage units and lived with my Mom in her 3 bedroom “cottage” for 3-1/2 months while our retirement home was being built.  That was a blessing and we are so grateful for Mom letting us stay with her and now for our new home.  We feel so unworthy – to be retired and have a new home!  We closed on the house on November 27th and moved on December 2nd.
 God has been so good to us!  
 ðŸ’–Yep, a red door and I love it!💖
And splashes of red in my kitchen!
I asked Rachel to put up my tree on the day we moved in.  She graciously did!💓
 We were so blessed to celebrate our 47th anniversary on December 22nd!  Thank you, Lord!
We are really enjoying life here….we love our church, Antioch Baptist and all her staff including our wonderful Senior Pastor Jason & his wife Toya Aultman (friends over 33 years), our Sunday School class and the excellent teacher, Larry Martin, and our Connect Group (home group that meets on Wednesday nights in the home of some dear friends, Paul and Glo Jensen).  After 45 years of full-time ministry and being at the “forefront” – it’s very refreshing just to be a church member and to be able to “soak in” for a little while.  Thank you to all our Antioch friends for your warm reception!

An update on our children/grandchildren:
Josh, Michelle, Avi and Saylor still live in a suburb of Nashville, TN and are doing well there.  Josh got a large promotion recently and is very busy at work and also works at their church, The Bridge Fellowship (SBC), in the audio dept.  He still does a few “stints” with the musical group Journey.  Michelle continues to work for a medical clinic as their office manager.  Avi is now 15 years old – wow!  Such a pretty girl.  Saylor is 20 months old, active as can be and so much fun!  They are too far away but we anticipate visiting them as often as we can.
In February of this year, Andy, Carman, Laine, Ellie, Shep and Mack moved to Ft. Worth, Texas where Andy became Senior Pastor of “The Mount” (formerly Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church) located in Keller, TX.  They bought a pretty home there and have all transitioned well.  The church is approximately 4 times larger than the church in NWA with numerous staff.   We visited the church/services in November (and saw Ellie be baptized!) and found them to be a loving, friendly church composed of all ages who have been very supportive to our kids.  We are so grateful! Carman stays very busy homeschooling the girls, being a wife, mother and Pastor’s wife. Laine is now 9; Ellie 7; Shep 4 and Mack is almost 19 months; all are delightful children. They are a long way from us as well but thankful to see them whenever we can.
In April, Rachel, Jonathan, Copeland, Eisley, Gideon and Kipling moved to Little Rock, AR.  Jonathan is working for Blue Cross/Blue Shield in downtown LR.  They bought a large beautiful home in the Otter Creek subdivision of west LR.  Rachel homeschools Copeland and Eisley and has a very busy, thriving cookie business!  She is so creative and talented (you can check out her FB page: Rock City Cookies)!  They are active members of Epoch Church (Southern Baptist) located in downtown LR.  One of the Pastors is a professor at Ouachita Baptist University where Jonathan graduated from.  There are also a couple of his former classmates who attend there. They co-lead a small group and Jonathan is a part of the Praise and Worship ministry.  We are loving being 45 minutes away from them.  It’s the closest we have ever lived from Rachel in her adult life. Such a blessing!  Copeland is now 6; Eisley 5; Gideon 2 and baby Kipling is 14 months.  We are enjoying being involved in their precious lives on an almost weekly basis now.
We were all together for Thanksgiving.  Rachel graciously hosted all of us as we were not moved into our new home yet.  We had a wonderful time together and, of course, got some family pictures:
With Mom included:
  We were not all together for Christmas this year.  However, Josh’s family came thru the weekend before Christmas on their way to Michelle’s parents, so we were blessed to celebrate Christmas with them then (and will be back through on Jan. 2nd on their way home).  Rachel’s family came over Christmas Eve for a meal and fun gift exchange and a trip to downtown Conway to see the big Christmas tree and then we went to their house Christmas afternoon to see what Santa brought the kids.  Later this week, we will head to Texas and spend a few days with Andy’s family to celebrate the holiday!

Jeff will once again be doing the Antioch Senior Adult conference Jan. 5-7.  He is thankful for the opportunity and it’s always a good time with some great folks.

Mom is adjusting to her “new” life in Arkansas.  The first time in her 90+ years of life to live outside of Kansas.  It’s been a sad year for her as she lost several family members:  Uncle Wayne (Dad’s brother), Aunt Mildred (Mom’s sister), Uncle Harry (Mom’s brother) and recently Aunt Betty (Mom’s sister-in-law).  We appreciate your prayers for her.

If you would like our new address, etc., please post in the comments here with your email address and I'll send to you.
We are praying for God’s richest blessings upon you and your family!  
Merry, Merry Christmas!!
Sending our love,
Jeff and Debbie
I’m behind on updating my blog but hope to do that soon with all of October, November and December highlights!  
(Jan. 2) This is an added collage I created for Facebook after the holidays with each family.....