Saturday, May 30, 2020

May - "Prayerfully" seeing some "light" at the end of COVID-19 Tunnel!

May 1st - Rachel's 35th Birthday!  We are so proud of our girl and love her dearly!

My FB collage 💖💖
Our birthday present to her was to keep the kids a couple of nights to give her and Jonathan a much needed break (from being quarantined for 6 weeks)
Always a fun and sweet blessing

A positive from this quarantine is that I only put on make-up and do my hair a couple of times a week!  And Jeff and I live in shorts and casual shirts -- so my laundry is a lot less.
Another blessing of this quarantine is that I have resumed my walking....Jeff joins me some of the days.  We have had such a beautiful spring and have some gorgeous tree covered neighborhoods to walk in and it's sure been enjoyable.
I've even lost about 10 lbs (20 total from a year ago!) 😊
One day we drove to Petit Jean Mountain, ate a picnic lunch and walked.  So nice!

I loved it when the flowers started blooming.  Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons!

On MAY 6 - our Governor declared PHASE 1 was now in effect.  Hooray!!
I got a much needed haircut that week as well as my nails done (yes, vanity, all is vanity), but I sure felt better!

Also enjoyed a couple of lunches on Glo Jensen's deck with some of my Home Group ladies.  So good to see them -- even though we social distanced and didn't hug!  (I didn't think to take pictures either time!)

The Saturday before Mother's Day, Rachel called and invited us to join them at Twin Rivers Park in Little Rock.  We had a delightful time!!  Walked over 2 miles.....

I looked awful -- as it was a last minute invite, so I just threw on clothes with little makeup or hair stylin!
This girl.....loves her flowers!! 💖💗
Snack time!
and Kite time.  Thanks so much Rachel for inviting us!  Loved it!
As we were driving home from LR, Andy called and said he was having a meal delivered to us from Marketplace Cafe for my Mother's Day.  Delicious meal and perfect ending to a great day!

My Mother's Day posting for my daughter and daughter-in-laws - all of whom we love so much and are so thankful for the great Mom's they are!
I got up early Sunday (Mother's Day) morning and baked a chocolate pie for my Mom and my sister, Kaye.  This is my beloved Aunt Freda's recipe!
After worshiping on-line, we met at Kaye and Rob's and ate a delicious carry-out meal
on their lovely screened-in porch and then played games!
That evening, Andy organized a Zoom call for me.  It was so fun!!  He also did a poll thing where they voted on different things that pertained to me.  Loved it all so much!
Thanks, kids, for making me feel special!
May 17th is daughter-in-law, Carman's birthday.  She is a treasure to us and we love her dearly!
And on May 19th, is Copeland Ware's 7th birthday!!
My FB collage:
One of the sweet things about living so close to the McCrary's is that we get to do something "special" for each one's birthday.  Our treat for Copeland was to take him home for a night.
First, we picked up Chili's and went to a park to eat (still can't eat inside a restaurant)
Then we went to the "Big Dam Bridge" that overlooks the Arkansas River and the dam and locks below

Then to the house.....with lots of game playing.  This kid loves games (and so does his DeDe)

The next evening his family came to get him.  Finally the school playground was opened.  They loved it!

As May draws to a close, the Swart kids finished up their schooling.  The girls had started public school in January......but only got to go about 8 weeks before the virus shut everything down.  So Momma ended up homeschooling them the last half of the semester.
Pictures that their Mom posted on FB of the beginning of school (at home); the middle pic is of their first day in public school; and the last picture, school once again at home.

Shep started in Sept. at their church preschool, but of course didn't get to go from March on....
Mack started preschool at the church in January, but he too finished up at home.  He is the one that looks the most grown during those months.
Laine wanted her ears pierced for her birthday.....and it happened the end of May, when a place opened back up to do it.  Our pretty girl!

I don't have a lot of news about our Tennessee kids for this post.....
Avi finished up her Freshman year at home as well.  
She's been a big help to her Mom and Josh doing housework, cooking, etc.
 This little stinkpot -- she knows how to give you the eye!  
But is as sweet as they come!

COVID-19 STATS as of May 25th:
Arkansas: 5,292 cases; 116 Deaths
U.S.: 1,643,246 cases; 97,720 deaths
W.W.: 5,406,389 cases; 345,037 deaths
George Floyd, an African American man was killed May 25 by a white Policeman who used excessive and wrongful force.  This has spurned many protests, riots, violence, looting, deaths of several policemen, etc.  It now dominates the news - even over the virus.  
Such a sad, sad world we are living in!!
Lord, please, please HEAL OUR LAND!!!  How we need you to intervene!!