Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June - A month of keeping grandkids; Mack's birthday; Eisley's surgery, Avi's salvation!


Andy's family had not been to our new home since we moved in, so it was definitely time for a visit!  Andy & Carman and the kids came to Arkansas on the 5th, staying with Carman's mom that night.  Then they came to our home on Saturday.  The picture below of Shep was actually 2 weeks prior to then -- he was packed and ready to come to Arkansas! 💜💜
Rachel's family and Mom came over that evening for dinner and to see the Swart's!
The cousins were so happy to be reunited!

Thankful for a nice evening to be outside...
Kipling loves for anyone to hold him!  Great Grandma gladly obliged!
Mack has grown so much! 💙
Due to the fact I have no seating room inside the house, we set up in the garage and it worked out fine and was cool enough with some fans going.
Roast, Ritz chicken and all the trimmings was on the menu
After dinner, we walked a couple of blocks to the nearby school playground
Then back home
For chocolate cake and ice cream

Andy & Carman headed back to Texas Sunday morning
Leaving the 4 kiddos with us 💗💗
The kids watched their children's service on-line that morning (while Jeff and I watched Antioch's services)
During their stay, there was lots of playing outdoors with water guns, sprinklers, balls, bubbles, etc.

And game playing!
They love each other 💙💙
Papa and his "Swart" boys
Wearing Papa's Russian Hat
Each night, there was a Bible story and prayer time with Papa
Monday morning, we headed to Little Rock to spend the day with their cousins
(the girls had learned how to blow bubbles with their gum) 😁
Lots of fun at the McCrary's!

Time to head home but will reunite 2 days later
On Wednesday, Rachel and her kids came to Conway.  We met at Laurel Park for fun on the Splash Pad and on the playground

CFA for a picnic lunch

Then to our house for snacks, games, and more playing!

After naps - 3 precious boys!
This time, the goodbye was for a long time.....sadly!!
Group hug!
Thursday, we visited the playground one last time

And then packed up and headed to Texas on Friday!
Stopped in Texarkana and ate at El Chico - first time for the kids in a restaurant since covid hit!
Momma and Daddy were thrilled to be reunited with their kids!
A day or two later -- Laine bought some false eyelashes at the neighbors' yard sale.
She looks WAY too grown up! 

We were thrilled to be able to celebrate Mack's 2nd birthday that weekend (a couple of days early)

Sure do love this little guy! 💙💙

My birthday collage for Facebook:
Time to leave....Monday morning.....til next time!

We met our good friends, Hollis and Gilda Stanbery for lunch in Rockwall and then spent the night with them.  Had a wonderful visit, fun game playing, delicious meals, etc.  They are the kind of friends we are just able to pick up like we have never been apart.  We met years ago (2008) in a small group that was a part of Cross Church in Rogers.  We immediately connected and have remained close since that time!  This is an older picture.  They were so gracious to drive to Kansas in 2010 for Jeff's mom's funeral.
Hollis has been ministering to many non-profit organizations, limited income people, etc., by going to Krogers and getting the food that normally is thrown out and then giving to those in need.  He greatly blessed us with 2 ice chests full of meat and other items!!!  Thank you, thank you, Friend!
A miscellaneous picture we received by text of Saylor Faye!
Our own little Troll! 💖💖

Our church, Antioch Baptist, resumed meeting in their facilities on June 7th.  We were in Texas that day, watching Andy and Carman's kids, so that Carman could go to church as The Mount also resumed meeting that day.
The next Sunday, we were home and it just didn't feel right to not be in church, since the doors were now opened!  But due to the fact that Jeff has 4 of the 5 high risk factors and that our Pastor and leadership have recommended that anyone over 65 and/or with health problems stay home, we are still worshiping at home.  I do hate it and will be so glad when we can be back in the House of God!!
But so thankful for on-line services that enable us to worship with our church, Andy's church and other churches that we love.

Eisley Elizabeth was scheduled to have her tonsils and adenoids out on June 15th
We met Rachel, Jonathan, Eisley, Gideon and Kipling in Little Rock on Sunday night to exchange the boys who would be staying with us for a few days during Eisley's surgery and recovery.  Copeland was staying with Jonathan's parents during this time.
Later that same evening, eating watermelon
 Bible story time with Papa
June 15th -- Ready for surgery (Children's Hospital, LR, gave her the bear) 💖
It all went smoothly (Thank you, Lord)....but of course, not without pain!  On her way home a few hours later.
Home and still feeling good since the anesthesia hadn't worn off and pain meds were doing their job.
Also on June 15: COVID cases are increasing greatly
Phase 2 in Arkansas began that day
Back in Conway
The boys had a lot of fun with the water guns
 Monday evening, Michelle's mom Sheila brought Avi to our home (Avi had spent the week with her NWA grandparents).  They were here for dinner along with my Mom.

The next morning, June 16, Jeff and Avi left to meet Josh in Memphis to exchange Avi.
On the drive, Jeff had the sweet privilege to lead Avi to the saving knowledge of Jesus as her Savior.  We have been praying for that from the time Avi joined our family.  And many others had also been praying for that.  What a joy it was to receive the news (Avi called me!).  Jeff said it was one of the best days of his life!!
 Eisley had good days and bad days.  We prayed for complete healing soon (and by the time I completed this post, she is feeling back to normal--thank you, Jesus)!!
 The boys had some time at the playground the last day they were with us.
 Last night at Papa and DeDe's after baths!
 We returned them home on Thursday, June 18.  So glad to see our girl was doing well that day! (Although had a bad day a couple of days later 😢)
 Get well flowers and balloon for our girl
 How we love you, Eisley!!
June 21st was Father's Day.  So thankful for my Heavenly Father that makes life possible and then very thankful for my Dad who is now with my Heavenly Father in Heaven and then for Jeff, Josh, Andy & Jonathan and the great dad's they all are!

Happy Anniversary to Josh and Michelle on .June 25!
 5 years 💗💗
 The last of our grandchildren to stay with us in June was Saylor Faye.  Jeff and I met Michelle in Memphis on June 27th to get the girls.  As soon as we got back to Conway, we met Avi's dad and family to hand her off to them for a 2 week visit.  Saylor stayed with us for 9 days before going to stay with her other grandparents who live in Northwest Arkansas.  Saylor was so good for us and a real joy, as is all our grandkids!!  I will post some of the pictures here of her visit in June and then finish out her visit in the next posting for July.....
She's a cutie (as is her sister, Avi)!!💕💕
 For being such a great traveler, she was rewarded with a Unicorn Barbie Doll
Nightly routine:  Bible story and prayer time with Papa
 She slept great every night -- 9 p.m. til around 8 with no crying!
 From smiles

 To full giggles....love hearing her giggle!😍
 Sunday, I fixed lunch and Aunt Kaye, Uncle Rob and Grandma joined us.  Kaye brought her an apron 💗
 With Great Grandma
 She played on the deck and in the backyard often....
She sometimes crashed DeDe's quiet time in the mornings 💓

 She loves corn on the cob!

Will continue in the next posting of the rest of her visit which included a full day with her McCrary cousins.

COVID-19 is still alive and "well" unfortunately.....this was the stats as of June 29th:
Arkansas:19,818 cases; 264 deaths
United States: 1,548,996 cases; 125,803 deaths
Worldwide: 10,142,489 cases; 601,868 deaths
Still praying for God's healing on our land!!