Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Our retirement days continue to be full of lots of activity and lots of fun!


With Rachel and Jonathan's family only 45 minutes from us, we are blessed to see them often.  We also get to have the kids stay at least once a month to help their parents catch up on "life" (housework, errands, etc.).  That was the case the first week of August.  It was their first visit to see the swing set and they sure have had fun on it.

Yes, I try to get pictures each time of us with them--for memory sake 💓

On August 19-22, we were thrilled that Andy and his kiddos came for a visit.  Carman had flown to North Carolina to spend some time with her best friends, so the rest of the crew came to AR.  We had a wonderful visit.  Andy worked hard during that time, helping Jeff with several tasks.  Thank you, Andy!!  The kids and I went to the school playground while Jeff and Andy were working on the shed, playset, etc.

My first "grandchild" to call me DeDe -- she's growing up so fast!!! 💖💖

Our son-in-law Jonathan had a birthday on August 20.  We are so thankful he is a part of our family!

Rachel had planned, several weeks prior, a weekend getaway for just the 2 of them to Memphis for his birthday (and a belated anniversary trip).  It happened to fall on the same weekend that Andy & kids were here.  

So we had a houseful for a couple of days (and had to get creative in sleeping 8 grandkiddos 😍) but it was wonderful and the cousins had such fun together!  A couple of pictures when R&J came and dropped off the kids. 

I fixed a big meal one evening and Great Grandma joined us 💟

Our two youngest 💙💙

Mackie! 💙

COVID is still causing havoc in our country and with the start of school for so many.  Andy & Carman's kids did start back the end of August (the week after visiting us), however, not as originally planned. Laine and Ellie are being homeschooled again this semester -- the original plan was public school but with the great possibility they would have to do it virtual in a few weeks, Carman decided just to keep them home for a more consistent education.  There was disappointment for all, but they are doing well! 

Mack and Shep attend two days a week at their church's preschool which is great (although at the time of this posting, Mack is quarantined at home as a 2 year old in his class tested positive 😢).  

Rachel homeschools Copeland and Eisley but at the end of the August, they also began going one day a week to Comm Central Academy at Geyer Springs Baptist Church.  They love it!
Rachel is enjoying Tuesdays with just the two youngest at home and tries to do special things with them each week 💙💙
On August 18th, Avi began 10th grade but it was "hybrid."  She goes to school 2 days a week and then does the on-line schooling from home, 3 days a week.  As of this writing (Oct. 24, she is on her second round of 14 days of quarantine due to exposure at her school 😢).  We thought we were going to get to see her and Saylor on her fall break, but the quarantine happened during part of that time.  Doggone it!  She and her parents are seriously considering homeschool!!
Saylor loves her days at her babysitter, Bobbi's house with this little girl 💕💕  Two peas in a pod!
She's so pretty!

Kaye invited Mom, Jeff and I over on Labor Day for a delicious meal and to celebrate Rob's 70th birthday (which is the 8th).  This is what I posted on FB:
We are so very thankful to have Rob in our family. Almost 25 years ago, when we lived in Conway, Jeff and Rob were introduced to each other by their mutual friend, Keith Head and the 3 of them became good friends, traveling to Razorback games, mission trips, etc. About 18 years ago, I felt the nudging to introduce Rob to Kaye. He had been a single man for over 20 years...and God took it from there 😍. Jeff had preached a message on marriage on a Sunday night at Antioch that got Rob to thinking about marriage. And then on a mission trip to Guatemala, while he and Jeff shared a room, the discussion went deeper. A few weeks later, Rob asked for Kaye's phone # and the rest is history (even though he lived in Conway, AR and she lived in KC, MO!). They married over 16 years ago ❤️. Rob not only takes such good care of my sister, he is a tremendous blessing to Jeff and I (he has a heart for ministers!).
Tuesday evening, September 8th, I joined hundreds of others around the world studying the book of Genesis with Bible Study Fellowship.  This is what I posted on FB about my history with BSF:
Over 30 years ago, I was first introduced to BSF by my Pastor's wife, Norita Higgs. I traveled from Jacksonville to Tyler, TX along with Rachel who was 2 at that time and Kaye and her son, Matt. We met our other sister Bev there and then would do lunch together afterwards. It will always be a special time to us. Rachel learned so much in the children's program. Genesis was one of the studies we did (and has always been my favorite). I did the first half of Genesis in Tyler and then we moved to Mesquite and I finished it at a class in Garland, TX with my precious friend, Monica Saunders. I completed the 5 years at that time (that was all you could do then). While in Galena, I was blessed to attend BSF in Joplin, MO for two years. Here, I am in my dear friend, Pam Glover's group along with another dear friend Kerry Stitch, in the evening class. We are doing that by Zoom this first semester due to covid. Really happy to have the privilege to be involved. ❤️✝️❤️✝️

The two pictures below were taken in October......(first one was our small group Zoom meeting--I'm really enjoying these ladies--there are 17 in our group!)
After the Zoom meeting, I watch/listen to our Teaching Leader, Heather Harrison do the lecture.  She is fantastic!  This particular night, it was so pretty, I did it outside (at the nice patio table that my sister, Kaye, recently gave me!)

On September 9th, our oldest child, Josh turned 43 years old.  We love his red hair!

Doesn't have much red hair on top, but still has a lot on the chin 💙😄
We love you, Joshua Jerome!
A current picture 💙💗

Sept. 10-11, the McCrary kids once again came for an overnight visit.  It was the first time to have grandkids here when we got a big rain -- so they had fun in "Swart Creek" 😄😄

Sadly on September 11, Jeff received word that his only sibling, sister Kim, had a massive stroke and was being taken to a hospital in Joplin, MO.  So Jeff quickly packed a bag and headed to the hospital (about 5 hours away).  Thankfully, he made it in time to say his goodbyes and to be there with Kim's husband, Billy, her son, Jeremy, daughter, Aimee, and Kim's granddaughter, Carlie.  Kim passed away around 9:30 that same day.  She was 64 years old.  😢😢😢.  I didn't have a current picture of Kim -- this one was many years ago when Jeremy graduated from PSU with a nursing degree.  

And this one was at the time of Jeff and Kim's mother, Evelyn's passing, in 2010.  Our prayers are with the family left behind!

The weekend of September 20th, we had planned a trip to Tennessee to see Avi baptized.  Sadly, it was postponed - once again due to COVID and Josh and Michelle both being exposed to others who had been diagnosed with it (thankfully, they did not get it--Josh has been tested 4 or 5 times due to exposure--arrrggg!).  We are looking forward to the time that we can go and see our oldest grandchild publicly profess Christ as her Savior by observing the ordinance of baptism!  We love you, Avi!

As it turned out, we had a busy weekend as a result of staying home.  Mom had not felt well or acted like herself for several weeks.  We had been to the doctor more than once and had several tests done -- EKG, doppler on her legs, etc.  The tests didn't show any concerns.  My cousin mentioned to us on Friday night that Mom probably had a UTI.  I was so aggravated that I had not even thought of it. Mom has had 2 serious UTI's over the last 5-6 years.  Kaye was out of town, so I took Mom to ER on Saturday.  Sure enough, she did have a bad one along with dehydration.  After several hours with fluids, meds, etc., she was able to go home (and not be admitted as she was last time).  Thank you, Lord! With medicines, she felt so much better for a trip a few days later to the lakehouse!!

On Sunday after church, we decided to go get Eisley and celebrate her birthday since we were going to be gone for a couple of weeks.

We took her to her favorite restaurant for lunch (and ours too!) -- Olive Garden:
Then back to the house where she spent the night with us and got lots of spoiling!
Eisley turned 6 years old on September 23rd.  We love you so much, Eisley Elizabeth!! 💗

September 23-28th, Mom, Jeff and I joined Kaye, Rob, Bev, Don and cousin Holly at the Harkness' beautiful lake house in Bella Vista!  We had such a wonderful time!  Lots of visiting, game playing, laughter, delicious meals, etc.!! Thanks so much Kaye and Rob for hosting us!!

One afternoon, my sisters and our husbands went to Crystal Bridges.  Mom and Holly stayed at the lakehouse due to some walking limitations.

On Sept. 25th, Mom treated us to a delicious meal at Aubelo's in Rogers to celebrate Bev and Don's 44th wedding anniversary! 💓💓
For memory sake -- a picture with those doggone masks that are required now!!
A very meaningful time that weekend was when we watched on-line the National Day of Prayer in Washington, DC that Franklin Graham organized -- to pray for our country.  It was so good!!

Bev, Don and Holly all left for home Sunday morning, but the rest of us went to church at Bethel Baptist in Bentonville where Kaye's son-in-law, Mike Goering pastors.  It was a great service.  We joined both of Kaye's kids and their families for a Zaxby's carryout meal in the church's fellowship hall after the services.  It was so good to see all of them as it had been a long time for Jeff and I.  The kiddos are all growing so fast and are all so cute!

Jeff, Mom and I came home on Monday and then Jeff and I left on Saturday and drove to Springfield, MO for Jeff to do a prophecy conference at Grandview Baptist Church (Oct. 4-7).
This is the 3rd time this gracious church has invited Jeff to speak and we always enjoy being with them.  Fine, fine folks!!
We love their Pastor and wife, Gary and Kathy Longstaff and greatly enjoy the fellowship we experience with them!  Thanks so much for having us, Grandview!!
A couple of days after getting home from Springfield, I joined these wonderful gals on the deck of Kerry Stitch's beautiful home for a fun sack lunch.  Sure do miss our Home Group!!  (doggone covid!)
The McCrary's October visit was the 15-17.  Another fun time!

Sunday, October 18th, Mom, Jeff, Kaye, Rob and I went to 1st service at Antioch and then drove to Petit Jean Mountain to eat at Mather Lodge (delicious meal) and enjoy the pretty views.  Trees had just started turning, so not a lot of color yet, but still very pretty area!

Jeff, Mom and I did vote early!  So thankful for that freedom!  This is such a pivotal, important election!!  Yes, we voted for pro-life and moral platforms/candidates!!  

Kipling Edward turned 2 years old on October 23rd.  He is the "baby" of our Swart family but not so much a baby anymore.  He's a joy and we sure do love you, Kipling!! 💙
We went to a Little Rock Pumpkin Patch after church on Sunday, Oct. 25 to "celebrate" Kip's birthday.  It was Jeff and I's first time to do that with grandchildren.  It was a rather chilly day but we sure had fun!  So enjoyable!!

My Dad died on Oct 28, 2000 - 20 years ago!  Doesn't seem possible!  This was the last time we saw him....about 6 weeks before he passed away.  We all still miss him so much!!  He was a good man! 💔

Jeff and I are faithfully walking and both have lost some weight (25 for me and 15 for him as he started his exercise/diet just a couple of weeks ago.  We are striving for more!).  Since we are both diabetic, we must get our blood sugar #'s and health under control.  It's a daily struggle and requires lots of prayer and self-discipline but thankful for two "fairly" good legs and enough health at our age to be able to walk 40-60 minutes, 5-6 days a week.  I fell flat on my face one day and scrapped up my knees and hands pretty bad, but was determined not to let it stop me from continuing on.  It sure did hurt (especially my pride)! 😏😏

Thanking the Lord for protecting all my family from this ugly virus!  Many close calls (exposures) but so far we have escaped it.  Thank you, Jesus!!  Sure have been praying for many of my friends and acquaintances who have suffered with it!!  Also several friends have lost parents in recent days and they too have been in our prayers!