Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December Fun

Started out the month again in Branson!  Jeff and I went to Silver Dollar City on Thursday, using our Season Passes.
Very nice day weather wise (but crowded as usual)
On Friday, we meet several folks from Antioch and Springhill Churches for a couple of days of shows, good eating, and sweet fellowship!  Norman Crass organizes this trip every year.
Our Springhill friends that went to the Holy Land with us in 2011❤
The first Sunday in December was the Antioch Ladies Banquet.  A picture of Mom and I in the pretty decorated foyer at church
Our table (that Kaye decorated so beautifully)
Mom, Kaye and I
And the sweet ladies who sat at our table❤
A couple of cute pictures sent to us this month...our Swart boys!
Rachel's family's Fall Picture
Our oldest granddaughter, Avi, turned 17 on December 9th!😍😍
The second Sunday night of the month was our Home Group Christmas dinner and fellowship.  Sure loved all these folks!  The guys:
And the gals
Jeff doing the game, "I've Got the Spirit"πŸ˜„
Monday night we went to Mike's Place with these friends and celebrated all of our December wedding anniversaries!❤
It was a week full of Christmas and/or Social Events!
Our Antioch Staff were invited on Tuesday night to a delicious catered meal and wonderful fellowship at our Pastor and wife, Jason and Toya's beautiful home:
The Staff:
The Spouses
And to finish out the week, we enjoyed a delicious meal by RaeLynn and Tabatha and more sweet fellowship with the Callaways, Gunnels and Harkness' friends!
When we got home from there, the McCrary family were at our house, dropping off the 4 grandkiddos for 5 days while Mom and Dad flew to California for Jonathan's company's Christmas party and a mini vacation:
Along with game playing, Christmas movies, going around and seeing Christmas lights. etc., we enjoyed church on Sunday at Antioch:
With Great Grandma Boore
The kids had fun in S.S. and JAM
And a pic with Papa and DeDe after a wonderful Christmas program by our worship team and choir and a candlelight ending
On their last full day with us, Monday, the 20th, we went to Silver Dollar City (Jeff and I's 3rd time in Branson in a month!).  Stopped at a McDonald's in Harrison for lunch and they wouldn't let us eat inside 😣so a cold curb in their parking lot was our picnic spot
First picture upon arriving (with a million other people!!)
We did get to ride several rides and they loved each one!! 
They also loved all the beautiful lights
And the amazing tree with it's musical production
Last picture before leaving the park -- they all did so good for us and we had a great time!  And they slept almost the entire 3 hour drive home!
Jeff and I celebrated our 49th anniversary on the 22nd!  Dinner at Red Lobster
They gave us a complimentary ice cream sundae
Afterwards, we enjoyed a relaxing evening at Embassy Suites in LR.  So thankful for the 49 years God has blessed us with!

Always love getting pictures sent to us of the grandkids with Santa😍
Can't wait to see all these kiddos next week!  Josh's crew will come to Conway on the 26th and Andy's crew to LR on the 27th and we will spend that evening and all day on the 28th together in Rachel and Jonathan's big home.  So very appreciative of them hosting us!  

I don't mail Christmas cards anymore but try to still send a Christmas newsletter, via email (if I don't have an email address for you, I'm sorry).  It's just a recap of our year, so if you follow my blog postings and/or Facebook, then you know pretty much all I wrote in that email 😁
I will have one more blog post before 2021 ends with our Christmas family gathering. πŸ’–πŸ’–

Jeff and I do want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and God's richest blessings on the New Year!!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

A BUSY (and beautiful) FALL (Sept-Nov)

Jeff began a 12-week teaching series the first of September at Antioch on Wednesday Nights on the subject of Prophecy.  We were thrilled that we averaged over 80 each week and for the support and encouragement from all those who came as well as many more who watched the livestream.  If you are interested in this series, it is still available on Antioch's You Tube channel:
Jeff also taught a "once a month" noon Bible study for all ages on the subject of Heaven.  Those lessons are available on my Facebook page, if interested.

We did take a couple of days off the first of September and had an enjoyable time of rest and relaxation in Branson and a couple of evenings using our season passes at Silver Dollar City/Southern Gospel Picnic.πŸ’“

September 7th was our oldest son, Josh's 43rd Birthday.  Love this picture of he and Michelle going to a fundraiser recently. πŸ’Ÿ
And a fun one with Saylor included at the church's trunk or treat:

December 22, 2022, Jeff and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary (that sounds so unbelievable!)  How we ever got this old is beyond me πŸ˜‚.  I sent my kids a message in July that I really didn't want a big party but would love for us all to go to DisneyWorld instead!  We were so blessed to take our kids many times during their childhood and all have such wonderful memories of those vacations.  It would be an extra special time for Jeff and I to go with all our grandchildren before we get too old to do that!  My kids all said YES, so I had our "Galena" travel agent, Valerie, book us 7 days next December (Dec. 4-10, 2022).  We had originally booked it later in the month but then realized it was much more expensive (airline tickets, resort and even Disney tickets).  So we will go the first of the month which is also less crowded.  Posting a few pictures of the reveal for the grandkids πŸ’–
Rachel came to our house and decorated to surprise the McCrary crew (so fun!)
This will be their first time to fly and to go to Disney, so they are excited!
We were blessed to go with 3 of Andy's crew in 2017 but they are just as excited for another trip (and Mack's first visit).  Rachel made cookies for all the nieces and nephews 😍
Saylor was excited (and hopefully Avi is as well)

I am once again doing Bible Study Fellowship this year.  Due to a lot of stomach issues, I decided to join a Zoom class instead of doing it in person.  It's over the book of Matthew and has been a great study.  Nancy Harris is my Zoom facilatator and Heather Harrison continues to do a great job as Teaching Leader (which I also watch on-line).

September 26th was this sweetie's 7th birthday!!
We enjoyed having Eisley for her overnight stayπŸ’–
When we returned her, we met her parents, siblings, other Grandma, Aunt Jen and girls at the River Bridge park in Little Rock for a fun time.

We enjoyed a Staff soup/chili dinner and fellowship at the Aultman's as a going away for Brian Gunnels (Director of Operations) and Sandra (one of our custodians).  Not all our staff was able to come that evening, but these are the ones who did.  So very appreciative of our Leadership at Antioch!πŸ’–

Michelle, Saylor and Avi came through Conway on their way to NWA and spent the night with us.  Always good to have them in our home!😍
And then Michelle and Saylor stopped and spent the night on their way back to TN a few days later!
The next weekend, Avi's other grandma brought her to us and we took her to Memphis to meet her MomπŸ’—

We had a fun "hen" lunch with some of our our Small Group gals the end of September at Glo'sπŸ’“

We enjoyed several Senior Adult activities this fall....September was a potluck at the Perspective Building with Ryan Anderson as our guest speaker
In October, we took a Fall Foliage trip to Heber Springs and ate at Red Apple Inn
Our group with Jeff
And one with me

We had a fun Small Group fellowship at the Stitches in October (since our group have been so good to support Jeff's class on Wed. nights, averaging 20 each week, we have just been meeting once a month for our group fellowships on Sunday nights this fall)

The second Sunday in October, we were thrilled with the new schedule at Antioch: Worship at 9 or 11 and everyone met for Sunday School at 10 (it sure boosted attendance all around!).  Our class was once again back in the gym and we are having great numbers (more than 90 one Sunday!)

Also in October, the LadyLife Ministry (our ladies ministry) fed the staff and spouses/children a wonderful catered meal for Pastor Appreciation Month!  Thanks, girls!

October 23rd was this little guy's 3rd Birthday!πŸ’™
Kipling came to our house and spent his first overnight stay to celebrate!

Posting pictures of my grandkids dressed to trick or treat for Halloween:

I did decorate for Christmas on November 4th (part of the reason was to take my mind off of the fact that I was on a 2 day clear liquid diet as part of the prep that I will mention in the next paragraph).  Still using the "red" decor Judy Hall gave me 12 years ago and will most probably use the rest of my life!  I love it! Decorating is a task I dread every year but once it's done, Jeff and I really enjoy the decor, especially the tree!πŸ’–
As mentioned earlier, for over 6 months, I have had some very frustrating/concerning gut issues that indicated a form of "colitis" which possibly was caused by some new medicine I was taking the first of the year.  I saw my regular doctor a few weeks ago who referred me to a GI doctor, who scheduled a colonoscopy for me.  That happened on Nov. 5th.  This is my second one that I've had since turning 50.  The prep this time was much more brutal.  Evidently doctor wanted to be sure I was totally empty of EVERYTHING and believe me, I was!  The procedure went fine and didn't show any problems.  Thankfully, since that awful prep, I've not had any more problems, so I'm hopeful that whatever was going on, is gone!!  Thanking the Lord for that!πŸ™Œ

Jeff and I were thrilled to go with Kaye and Rob to a Razorback game recently!  Roger Smithson also went and sat with us.  We were so excited that the Razorbacks beat Miss. State that day!
Roger and Jeff, and sometimes Steve Crawley, have really enjoyed going to the Greenbrier football games this fall who have had a great season.  A recent picture at one of those games (along with Kyle and his family who is also in Jeff's Discipleship group that Roger and Steve lead):

Beverly came in November for a visit.  We always have a great time!
One day we enjoyed a trip to Petit Jean!  The colors this Fall have been extraordinarily gorgeous!

During that week, our good friend's mom died (Frances Head).  Jeff helped with the service and Kaye and I helped with the funeral meal.  Keith and Wilda have been friends for many, many years to all of us!

Bev's last full day in Conway....capturing more of that beautiful fall color!
We enjoyed an unseasonably warm day playing games on Kaye's patio

Another fun Small Group Fellowship in November at Kaye & Rob's home (playing the Magazine Game πŸ˜‚):

The middle of November, Jeff and I were privileged to take a group of our Senior Adults to the Senior Adult Conference in Branson.  We had a wonderful time!
It's always good to see family and friends!
Our "other" church family - FBC, Galena.  Love them!
Judy and Jennifer are special friends to Jeff and I.  They took turns feeding us almost every Sunday during the 10 years we lived in Galena!😍
After the conference, before heading home, some of us went to see Jesus at the Sight and Sound Theater (Jeff took the picture).  "Jesus" was very good!
A picture on the Branson Belle Showboat (delicious meal, fun show)!

Sadly, after seeing my sister, Bev here in Conway, my Aunt Judy and friend Jennifer Shoemaker at the conference -- they each have had health concerns....Aunt Judy had to have hip replacement surgery while still in Branson and Bev fell out of her attic and is suffering a lot of pain and dizziness and Jennifer passed out in Joplin and had to go to the hospital.  Aunt Judy is now in a rehab place in Girard, Bev is slowly recovering and Jennifer is home and doing well now. Praying for all of them!!

I have sure enjoyed my "walking" this Fall with all the beautiful colors and cool temps.  Just wonderful!  I never want to take "for granted" my health and ability to walk.  I know as I grow older, I may not be able to do so.  But for now, I'm so grateful!

We enjoyed a delicious meal and enjoyable fellowship with our Church family for our Thanksgiving dinner on November 21st.

November 23rd was this handsome boy's 6th birthday!πŸ’™
How we wish we could have had him for an overnighter!  But living in Texas, it wasn't possible.  Love you, Shepherd Knox!  (Sure missing our Texas grandkiddos--we haven't seen them since July!😒)

For Thanksgiving this year, the McCrary's joined us at our home in Conway for our big meal of turkey, homemade noodles and all the fixin's!  We missed the boys and their families, but we had an enjoyable day.

Now we begin the busy "Christmas" season and looking forward to all that entails.