Monday, March 29, 2021

January-March 2021

Josh, Michelle, Avi and Saylor stopped back by our house on January 1st on their way home to TN (they had been in NWA visiting Michelle's family).  It does make it convenient that we are "on the way" for them when they travel to and from NWA.  We love that they are able to stop and spend the night and/or just to take a potty break 😍


The second week in January, Mom and I accompanied Kaye for a trip to Bella Vista.  The Lakehouse was getting some "updating" with new paint, new floors, etc.  So I helped Kaye prepare some things for that.  We had a fun visit with games, good food and fellowship 💗

Love waking up each morning to this view!

Pretty picture of Mom that Kaye took while we were there

Jeff and I graduated from the same class at Girard High School in 1971.  This summer is our 50th Class Reunion.  Since both he and I were class officers at some point during our high school years, we are on the "planning" committee.  Jeff was Class President our Junior year and I was Class Secretary our Senior Year.  I'm working on a "digital" yearbook to share with our classmates, creating slides for each one with their 1971 Senior Picture and then with current pictures of them, with their spouse and/or with their family.  It's been a fun project going down memory lane and also reconnecting with many via various avenues (email, Facebook, etc.)  It is looking more and more like we will be able to have an "in-person" reunion in June which will be wonderful!

The McCrary grandkids' came for a 3 day/2 night visit the 3rd week of January.  Always a fun and exhausting time! 😁

Later in January, we were finally able to have Garrett Hall & Hannah Clark for dinner in our home.  It was our first time to meet Hannah and she's a doll!  Garrett is "extra" special to us as we watched him grow from a little boy to a fine young man during our days at FBC, Galena.  Garrett surrendered to the ministry while we were there and will graduate in May from Central Baptist College here in Conway with a degree in ministry!  We are so proud of him!  A few weeks ago, Garrett and Hannah became engaged and will marry this summer and then attend New Orleans Baptist Seminary in Louisiana next fall.  We have no doubt, God has big plans for this dedicated wonderful couple!! 💓💓

Our Small Group started a Bible study on the subject of prayer via Zoom on January 10th.  Approx. half of our group are participating.  It's been great to see our friends again on a weekly basis and the study has been very beneficial!  Thanks Paul for leading us!

February 14th was Jeff and I's 50th Valentine's together.  So thankful for each of those years!!


I LOVE SNOW!  And was sure hoping to see some this winter.  It had been 4 years since we have had measurable snow.  So when they weathermen started forecasting snow, I was skeptical but excited!  And sure enough they were right!!!  Hooray!  We actually had an ice event first on Friday the 12th and then on Valentine's night (during the sleeping hours), the snow started and we had lots of it for several days!!  Sure loved it but not so much the cold temps that accompanied it.  We were very blessed not to lose power, water or have frozen pipes (thank you, Lord)!  Sadly, many in Texas were not so fortunate!

From reports, it appeared Conway got about 15-18" total!  WOW!  So pretty!

What was crazy - was that it was several state event!!  Our family in Ft. Worth (and east Texas) got it!

Enjoying snow ice cream!
Our family in Little Rock got it (even more than us -- around 20")
And our family in Tennessee got it -- Saylor loved it (as did all the grandkids)!
Making snow ice cream!
My favorite part was sitting out a large bowl to catch the snow
to eat it plain
Or better yet, make snow ice cream!!  I had several bowls of it and then froze several containers.  Was sure sad when it was all gone.  It was so good!!
This was the last night (Feb. 17) of snowing falling (and yes, I was kinda sad!).  It will probably be years before I see this much snow again 😥
This was a picture of my sister's deck here in Conway
And this was Rachel's deck in Little Rock 😮
On Monday, Feb. 22, the temps soared!!  So I put on my snow books and a jacket and got a 2 mile walk (snow boots are not "made for walking" ha).  Very enjoyable!
That week it warmed up quickly and I walked many days in shorts, no jacket but with snow still in the yards.  It was crazy!  I've never done that before!  It did take a week before all the snow melted.

Jeff was closely exposed to Covid at his Men's Discipleship group on Feb. 19.  So we self-quarantined for 10 days.  Thankfully, he never displayed any symptoms!

As soon as we were all clear from that, we went to Little Rock on March 4 and spent the day with Rachel and her family.  I helped her clean house in preparation for guests they had coming that weekend and Jeff entertained the kids.  Then for lunch, Jeff and I picked up CFA and took the kids to a nice park where they ate and then played for an hour or so.  We hadn't seen them in 6 weeks, so it was a fun day!

This was my Facebook post on Sunday, March 7th: Red Letter Day!

💖💖 It was Senior Adult Day at Antioch and what a beautiful service it was! Just as comfort food is so good for our taste palates, the "old" hymns were comfort food to my soul (I do love the new contemporary music but the hymns are refreshing once in a while!). So good to hear David Smith and Jana Hefner on the piano, Larry Martin singing on stage (along with all the praise team!), Roger and Michelle's daughter singing beautifully the old hymn, "In the Garden", and then Bro. Jason's great sermon reminding us "The Story Is Not Over Yet!"" Also wonderful to see so many of our "old" 🙂 friends!! As we "march to Easter" and hopefully a return to church as normal, my heart is rejoicing!! Thank you, Jesus! 💓💓

Jeff and I (and sometimes, my Mom) also enjoyed worshipping, on a few occasions, with our friends at Springhill Baptist Church in Greenbrier during this time that Antioch was doing on-line services only.  Always good to worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ at our sister churches.

March 9-10, Josh and family were with us (Spring Break--on their way to see Michelle's mom and stepdad in NWA.  Danny (M's stepdad) is on Hospice as a result of cancer 😢).  It was a beautiful day/evening, so Jeff grilled hamburgers and Rachel and family, my Mom and my sister Kaye and Rob joined us for a meal in the backyard.  Fun times!

We were missing our Texas family!

March 12th is our pretty daughter-in-law, Michelle's birthday!  So thankful she is a part of our family!

March 12-16, we had the privilege to go to Branson and spend several days with our good friends from Texas, Hollis and Gilda Stanbery, at their Nantucket condo.   Beautiful view!

Lunch at the Keeter Center at the College of the Ozarks

From the observation deck at the condo.  We loved catching up with our friends, playing lots of games, eating good and relaxing!!  So thankful for this friendship that began 13 years ago when we were living in Rogers, AR and were both in the same Pinnacle "Cross" Church Home Group.
Jeff and I finished up our last morning in Branson by eating a delicious breakfast at Billy Gail's!
IT'S SPRING TIME!!  My favorite time of the year.  I love it when the dead ole' earth comes alive again with color!  It sure makes my walking more enjoyable!  I'm having some feet problems (most probably due to being diabetic) and haven't been able to walk as far which I'm sure sad about.  I'm hoping to get some medicine soon and some new tennis shoes that will improve that!

On March 19th, we got first covid shot at our brother-in-law Rob's pharmacy!  Thankful!

March 21st was a very sad day for us.  Our precious friend, Norma Crass passed away.  When we lived in Conway 25 years ago, Norma and her husband Norman graciously hosted a small group in their home that Jeff facilitated for 7+ years. She always had a smile and such warm hospitality for all those who walked thru her doors. I have many gifts in my home that she made or gave to me, including this pretty cross that will always remind me of her wonderful friendship. Norma fought cancer twice and won those earthly battles, but this third time, she won the heavenly battle and is whole, healthy and safe in the arms of Jesus. She truly was a godly woman and a real life example of the Proverbs 31 woman. Norma, how I love you and will miss you greatly -- but soon, precious friend, soon we will be reunited in our heavenly home!! My prayers now are for your wonderful husband, daughters, granddaughters and all the family and friends you have left behind!!

My Facebook post for Andy's birthday on March 25:

Today is our middle son, Andy’s birthday!!  It seemed only appropriate that we planned to spend the day at the Little Rock Zoo with Rachel and her kiddos and with my sister Kaye and her crew (but had to postpone a day due to rainy weather).  The reason being: the last time Jeff and I were at this Zoo was 41 years ago – March 24, 1980 and we were here trying to “walk” out a baby (Jeff was pastoring in Bryant, AR at that time)!  And it worked—my water broke during the night and then about 9:30 on March 25th (his due date), our big 9 lb. 6-1/2 oz., second boy was born at Baptist in LR!  Andy, you have always been a joy to us and we are so proud of the man, husband, father, son and minister of the Gospel that you are!!  Wish you and your family were here with us today (but we look forward to seeing you soon!HAPPY BIRTHDAY – WE LOVE YOU!!

Picture below is from several months ago.  Picture above is current--Andy decided to shave his head (like his brother) 💙

We didn't get our "usual"  monthly visit from the McCrary kids in February due to snow, quarantine, etc. (and won't be able to in April due to a busy month).  So it was time!  We meet Rachel and kids at the Zoo on March 26th and had a fun day together, along with Rob and Kaye and grandsons, Lincoln and Graham:
These two cousins became quick buddies 💙💙
Them the 4 McCrary Kids came home with us for the weekend 💗
Purple Cow for dinner once we got back to Conway (with Great Grandma Boore)
Sidewalk chalk fun on Saturday
And some fun on the school playground
What a muddy mess they were afterwards!  Straight into the bath when we got back home!

Our pastor and staff did a great job with a Palm Sunday service/drama/music/sermon and Baby Dedication ❤

Then we had our own children’s sermon by Papa on the Armor of God. ❤️ Thanks to my sister Kaye for the loan of the play set and book!

One last picture of the beautiful color I encountered on my walk today!  Wish I could keep these gorgeous temps all summer!
THIS IS EASTER WEEK!  Looking very forward to the Good Friday service at our church and then Easter services on Sunday!!  
This time of the year always reminds me of the wonderful Holy Land trips (3 for me/4 for Jeff) and seeing that empty tomb with my own eyes!!  We long to go back!
Jeff at Golgotha where Jesus was crucified
With my sisters and husbands at the site of the empty tomb
Praise you Lord!