Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Fall 2022


Jeff and I used our Silver Dollar City season passes and went to Branson Sept 4-6 for the Southern Gospel event and finally "celebrated" his birthdayπŸ’™.  We try to go every year as we enjoy listening to all the different singing groups.  It was great to see our friends, the Wades. and hear Troy's group, The Missourians, among those who sang!

Kaye and Rob invited us in September (and Mom too but she declined) to go with them to the lakehouse for a few days, celebrate Rob's birthday with the family and to a Hogs game.  We loved doing all of that!

Sept. 9 was our oldest son, Josh's 45th birthday.  Ssshhhh, Jeff and I are getting old!πŸ˜ƒ

Love you, Josh!πŸ’™

On Sept. 13, BSF resumed.  I am once again doing it via Zoom on Tuesday evenings.  Nancy Harris is our facilitator:

Sept. 26 was Eisley Elizabeth's 8th birthday.  On the 23rd, we met Rachel in LR to get our girl and then went to a movie, ate at Olive Garden and she spent the night with us.πŸ’–

The birthday collage I posted of her on Facebook.  We love you Eisley!!πŸ’—πŸ’—

On Sept 28 and Oct 2, Michelle and the girls came through Conway on their way to and from NWA for her brother's wedding.  We always love seeing them! 

Oct. 14-16, I once again kept Rachels kids while they went to Nashville, AR to get Jonathan's parents' home ready for Dennis to come home from the hospital:

We toured some of our neighborhoods and looked at Halloween decorations:
Ready for church at Antioch

Oct. 18-19 – we went with our Senior Adults to Eureka Springs.  Fun trip!

The Ladies Ministry at Antioch are always so gracious to provide a delicious meal in October for Staff Appreciation!

Kipling Edward turned 4 on October 23.  We love you, Buddy!πŸ’™

Our brother-in-law, Rob, who is also our Pharmacist sold his pharmacy and retired this year!  Kaye hosted a party for him on October 31st at the pharmacy and Mom, Jeff and I attended.  Congratulations, Rob!!πŸ’™

Nov 15-17 was our annual Sr. Adult Conference in Branson.  Always a great time!
Love seeing friends and family, including my Uncle Marvin and Aunt Judy at the conference:

Shepherd Knox turned 7 on Nov. 23rd!  We love you, Shep!πŸ’™

Now to get ready for the Holidays and our family trip to Florida!!