Sunday, March 31, 2024

Winter/Spring (Jan-March)

The first three months of 2024 have been very busy months.  I (along with my sisters) spent most of January tying up Mom's affairs--getting her cottage all cleaned out, writing thank you cards to all those who were so kind and generous at Mom's passing, taking down Christmas decor, and finding a place to put the "stuff" I had brought home from Mom's.  We were blessed with several meals by sweet friends.๐Ÿ˜

It was a bittersweet day when we turned in the keys to Mom's cottage.  We are very thankful for the 4 years, 7 months that Mom lived at Ridgemere!

Snow started to fall on Sunday afternoon, January 14 and was on the ground for several days due to frigid temperatures.  Jeff was supposed to do his mid-winter Bible conference that weekend/week, so it was a good thing he postponed it.   The snow caused our lives to slow down for a few days which was a blessing since things had been so busy!

When the roads cleared, everyone had "cabin fever," so old friends gathered at Paul and Glo's and had a fun afternoon of Mexican Dominoes!

On Jan. 27, I started feeling bad.  On the 29th, I did a covid test and sure enough, it was positive!  My first time since all this started to have covid.  It wasn't any fun!!  I was pretty much down for 10 days. 

On Feb 8-9, Jeff and I did a little overnight trip to Little Rock as a belated birthday, anniversary, early Valentines outing.  It was enjoyable. 

Loved these pictures that were texted to us of a Father/Daughter Valentines Dance that Josh and Saylor attended๐Ÿ’–

Thursday, Feb. 15th, Jeff did his noon Bible study, then we headed to the Lakehouse in Bella Vista and spent 3 days with my sisters and their husbands.

The main reason we did that was so that we could attend our cousin Sandy Vinardi's funeral on Saturday, Feb. 17th in Girard, Kansas.  We love Sandy and hated that she had to endure the cancer journey the last year (plus) of her life.  We know that she loved Jesus and had trusted Him as her Savior, so we rejoice that she is now whole and well in His presence with many family and friends.  We will miss her though!๐Ÿ’” 

Five of her precious grandchildren sang "Jesus Loves Me" during the service๐Ÿ’“

We enjoyed seeing our Brunk cousins

Our prayers continue for Sandy's daughter, two sons, their spouses and her 8 grandchildren!

The Mid Winter Bible conference was held Feb.18-20 with a record crowd.  Jeff taught on the subject of Israel.  We had delicious meals and sweet fellowship during those three days.


March 1-3, the McCrary kids were with us.  It had been over 6 months since they had spent the night, so it was a wonderful time with them.  One day, we went to see the movie, Migration. 

 The very BEST thing that happened that weekend was that Eisley and Copeland asked Jesus into their hearts as their Savior!! PRAISE THE LORD!!  Later in the day, my FB memories reminded me that their Momma, Rachel, accepted Jesus on the same day (March 2,1992--32 years ago)!!  It is wonderful to see the joy in both of them!๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

A quick picture after getting them back home with their parents.  It was a wonderful time together!

On March 5, I prepared an Italian meal/chocolate pie and took to our College Minister and wife, Ryan and Margaret Anderson since they just had a baby girl, Colbie, recently. 

On March 9th, Jeff and I made another trip north to Joplin, Missouri, so that he could preach the service for Kerri Beier.  Kerri was a member at FBC Galena when Jeff pastored there.  He had the privilege of baptizing her and her son, Alex.  We are so sorry for her "early" passing and are praying for her husband and children!

On March 11, I started the new diabetes medicine, Mounjaro.  With all that happened last year with Jeff and Mom, I did so bad on my diet (which has elevated by blood sugar numbers) and exercise and am 25 lbs. heavier than I want to be!!  I'm back on track to eating better and exercising and praying I can lose some weight and get healthy again!

March 12 is our daughter-in-law, Michelle's birthday.  We love her and are so thankful she is a part of our family!๐Ÿ’—

March 13, we had a great group go to Washington State Park

March 25 is our middle son, Andy's birthday.  We love you Andy!

And to finish out this post, March 31st was Easter!  Always a day of celebration!!  So, so thankful Jesus died for my sins but also that He defeated Satan, sin, that cross, death and the grave and rose on the 3rd day!!  Hallelujah!!  He is Risen!!  And soon, He is coming to take us home!!!  This picture was taken on Good Friday prior to our Torn Veil Service which was excellent.  The cross was filled with flowers by the end of the weekend.

We enjoyed a glorious day at Antioch with three services and record attendance.  
Yes, the staff wives pulled a funny one!!  Buying matching shirts for all our guys!!  It was hilarious to see the reactions!!  Too fun!

Not all the staff (including our Pastor) made it to the foyer for the picture.  But here is a pic of those that did:

The McCrarys and Jeff and I enjoyed a delicious Easter lunch at Kaye and Rob's (thanks, Sis!).  A fun day with them as the kids hunted for eggs in their yard.  Thankfully, it was a nice warm Spring day!

Always love getting pictures of our boys and families texted to us!

Now Jeff and I are really looking forward to a long awaited cruise in April.  More details about that after the event.

HALLELUJAH JESUS IS ALIVE!!  Our prayer is that you know Him personally and have the assurance that at your death or at the Rapture, you will go with Him to our forever home in Heaven!!