Monday, July 15, 2024

Jeff's 71st Birthday and 50 Years of Ministry

Today is Jeff’s 71st birthday but even more important and special to him is the fact that on this date, July 15, 1974, 50 years ago, he surrendered to the call of ministry.  We were spending the week at Sagamount Church Camp outside of Joplin, MO with many others from our church (Bethel Baptist Mission) and our associated work from the BMA churches in Kansas and Missouri.

Backing up……Jeff was not raised in a Christian home.  When he and I started dating during our Senior year of High School and then seriously dating a year later, he did go to church with me at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Girard, KS.  It was the first time Jeff heard many biblical truths, including that Jesus was coming again.  The summer before we married, I knew that Paul Mooney was starting a mission work in nearby Pittsburg, KS and I talked him into going with me.  We didn’t make the first Sunday, but did go the second Sunday and loved it!  The Missionary Pastor and his wife (and children) loved us, mentored us and became very good friends over the years.  Jeff will always consider Paul his “Father in the Ministry”.  Jeff had been saved as a young boy, but had not grown spiritually until we started going to the Mission.  Before we married in December, Paul baptized Jeff on November 29, 1972 in the baptistry of First Baptist Church, Galena, KS (where 35+ years later, Jeff would pastor!).  FBC was the “Mother” church for the mission.  Jeff would have his first “teaching” experience at that little Mission in Pittsburg to three 4th grade boys (Sept. 1973).  The mission had purchased property to build a church on, but until that was built, we worshipped in a small house on the property.  Due to very limited space, Jeff taught those three boys in the tiny bathroom of that house🤣.  One boy sat in the tub, two on small folding chairs around the tub and Jeff sat on the toilet to teach 😊 (a humble beginning ... Jeff has always said he started at the “bottom” and there was only one way to “go” from there 😊.  He couldn’t run over teaching time, because people would start knocking on the door to use the restroom)🤣.  Those boys are serving the Lord today (the pastor’s son, Craig Mooney, my younger cousin, Greg Hardister and Mike Livingston).

Then, on his 21st birthday at church camp, Jeff felt the strong call to surrender to ministry.  His own Pastor, Paul Mooney, counseled him at the altar that night.  I have been asked over the years if I was surprised.  And my answer is, “No” – I knew God was calling him even before he realized it.”

 Jeff preached his first sermon at the Mission in Pittsburg on July 28, 1974, entitled, “For By Grace” (Ephesians 2:8-9).  There were 39 in attendance.

 Jeff earned his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Political Science with a minor in Business in December, 1974 from Pittsburg State University, in Pittsburg, KS.  His first full time ministry position was at Highland Park Baptist Church in Independence, KS as Associate Pastor under the leadership of Ernie Watson (March 28, 1975). He was ordained on August 8, 1975 at Highland Park.  In the years following, Jeff got a Masters of Arts Degree in Christian Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage and Family and Substance Abuse Counseling from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA (August, 1988).  In May 1990, he graduated from Baptist Theological Seminary (Jacksonville, TX) with a Masters of Arts in Religion degree.

God has used Jeff during these 50 years as Pastor of 8 churches, Associate Pastor of 2, Dean of Students at a Christian college, Bible teacher in 10 Bible institutes, colleges, and seminaries around the world, church planter/missionary, Asst. Foreign Missions Director, and at present Senior Adult Pastor at Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, AR. He is also a writer (his greatest work is the Church Planting Module that is still being used around the world today).  God has allowed him to preach/teach more than 12,000 times in 19 states and 30 countries of the world.  Over 2,000 have been saved under his preaching, not counting the thousands that have been saved due to his writing (especially under the church planting module).  He is very blessed to be a part of a wonderful men’s discipleship program, MD5, and has loved the opportunity to teach and mentor other men.    

Besides leading each of his children to a saving relationship with Christ, he led his mother to the Lord in June 1981 and his beloved Grandma “Swart” in November, 1981 and has had the privilege to lead 3 of his grandchildren to Jesus.

His proudest accomplishment, other than receiving Christ as His Savior, is the fact that he and his wife, Debbie have been married over 51 years and he is Dad to three great kids and Papa to ten grandchildren!  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” is Jeff’s life’s theme song and his favorite Bible Scripture is Acts 20:24: “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

 Jeff adds:  I credit my 50 years in the ministry to a gracious God, a faithful wife who prays for me every day, and the patience, love and forgiveness of God’s people to whom I have been privileged to minister over the years.  At times, the journey has been difficult but always a blessing!

I’ve included a slideshow of “ministry” pictures of Jeff.  I wish I had more pictures of the first 30 years of ministry, but there was no cell phone cameras in those days and we just didn’t take pictures like we do now.  Here are some pictures of Jeff preaching, teaching, Mission Trips, Holy Land Trips, National Meeting, baptizing, church programs, VBS, ministering to young and old alike (including those important bedtime devos with his grandkids), Gerald Keller award ceremony, etc. that I could come up with.  I would gladly take more pictures if you have some from those earlier years.  Send to me on email, message or text!

Congratulations, Jeff, on 50 years of serving our Lord!!


Jeff Ministry Pictures

 Updated on 8/27/2024:  In my Facebook memories was this post and I wanted to add it here as I love how Jenae Polok wrote from a different perspective than I did about Jeff's ministry over the years.  Made me tear up.....again!

Jenae's article in the August edition of the Baptist Herald, 2019💗:

Finishing Well
For the last several weeks we have had to endure statements from the pulpit that evoked awkward emotions. So much so, that at times I had to say to my pastor, “Please quit saying that!” Not to worry though, it wasn’t anything that was not Biblically sound or that he stepped on my toes too much… it was just the fact that he was counting down to his retirement. It didn’t seem quite as bad when it was six months away, but those months and weeks have flown by. We certainly celebrate with him though. We celebrate that he will have much more Papa Jeff time with his grandchildren, he will feast on Rachel’s beautiful sugar cookies a little more often, sneak away to hear his son Andy preach, enjoy Josh’s musical connections…even if it might be rock-n-roll, and even better frolic from vacation spot to vacation spot with his wonderful wife and maybe even rest a little. Over the last year Bro. Jeff’s desire to retire has resonated with a common statement, “I just want to finish well.”
Now let me speak very personally, long ago I watched Bro. Jeff as a leader at church camp when it was in Saginaw, Missouri; when he still had hair, played a mean game of softball, and practically sprinted up that huge church camp hill. I watched as high school students lined that old rock wall and he captured their attention with the Word of God. As his ministry developed, many of us would say “remember when…” Then 10 years ago, First Baptist of Galena, was in search of a pastor. The news that Jeff Swart might consider coming “in-view of a call” and many said, “oh, he would never come back to a small church when he’s pastored mega churches and has made something of himself.” He did indeed return to a small-town church and he was quick to correct our “he’ll never come here” way of thinking…it wasn’t numbers in the congregation or a high paying salary…it was God’s call. Over the last 10 years, it has been very evident that God’s hand was all over his ministry here. I watched as attendance numbers grew, town’s people that we thought would never come to church- well, they came, our church’s vision for missions was reignited and we truly became a church on the move under his leadership. He invested in my husband’s ministry as well, becoming a mentor, a “Father in the Faith,” and one of our dearest friends. His wife, Ms. Debbie, poured abundantly in my life as a pastor’s wife. Teaching me how to create an effective, working prayer journal and modeling what it truly means to be a prayer warrior but above all, being one of my greatest encouragers. I can never thank them enough for pouring into our lives. To say “we love them” is quite an understatement. They invest, they love, they impart biblical wisdom, and they shape lives in a powerful way for the cause of Christ. As their ministry at FBC comes to a close, many in this congregation will attest that they certainly “finished well.”
To Bro. Jeff, we say “You know you have finished well when…”
Around 3,000 souls have been saved under your preaching or personal witness.
You have been faithful to complete evangelism materials which are still being used by missionaries all around the world.
You have diligently fed and built four church plants and nine churches.
Your Mother-in-Law chose to attend your church and listen to you each Sunday.
Over 100,000 readers have responded to your Biblical writings over through the years.
Every morning, a little boy named Gabe Polok, looks out his window toward the church and says, “Papa Jeff is home, I need to go see him.”
People come from near and far just to hear your last few sermons.
After all these years, your wife still hangs on every word of your sermon. She still flows with compliments over each one. She proudly posts your writings, articles and each sermon. She’s still your greatest cheerleader and ministry supporter.
The Hall’s and Shoemaker’s let you rotate from dinner table to dinner table each Sunday. You’re in the inner circle when family’s let you in on their unfiltered dinner table conversations- that’s how much we love you.
You’ve seen full circle of ministry, the pastor you began with is also the one you end with. Bro. Jeff and Bro. Paul- the dynamic duo, the father and son of the Faith, friends until the very end.
In small town, Galena, Kansas, you have made an eternal difference on at least 168 lives.
When you do a question and answer sermon, even your church teen’s get excited and interested! Your teaching spurs them on to ask big Biblical questions and dive further into their Bibles.
Your church of ten years mourns the thought of your leaving and celebrates every moment we have with you until your departure.
My final thought about Jeff and Debbie Swart would be, I hope when we are in line to stand before our Heavenly Father that I am close by the Swarts. I can’t imagine how far their ministry has truly reached and the spiritual impact they have made on so many lives. I want to witness their faces as they hear our Father say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servants.” How great their rewards are going to be for being true servants with bold voices always honoring Our King!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saylor's Visit and July 4th with Family

 Saylor Faye spent over 2 weeks in Arkansas this summer.  Her Mom and Dad brought her to her Nana's house for a week and then Sheila met us in Clarksville on Saturday, June 29th so we could exchange her.

She went to church with us on Sunday.  We matched 💖

She did great in S.S. and Children's Church both Sundays.  Even got ice cream in S.S.😍

Monday, I took her to Laurel Park/Splash Pad.  She made friends quickly and had a fun time.

Tuesday, we went to Little Rock and spent the day with the McCrary's, which of course, included swimming!

I had asked if Eisley could come home with us that night to help entertain her.  When Kipling found out, he wanted to come too -- which was perfectly fine (his brothers had Karate that night).

The next day, we headed back to Little Rock to wait on their Texas cousins!  It was a glad reunion!

Saylor is drawn to Andy since he reminds her so much of her Daddy💕

Swimming happened every day -- sometimes twice!!!

Laine is as tall as her DeDe these days!!😲

Too funny -- the girls dressed alike -- totally coincidental!!

Yes, I got in the pool too!

Soo much fun!!

When not in the pool, they played games and lots of other fun stuff!

Us older ones played games too!!  

Saylor also got attached to big cousin, Laine💗💗

Laine loves cats -- but is so allergic to them!!  Here she is with Honey.

We ate wonderful meals during our 4 days together.  So very appreciative of Rachel and Jonathan cooking those meals, cleaning up afterwards, keeping 8 children at night and hosting us!!!  Such a huge blessing.  Andy, Carman and Laine would spend the nights with us in Conway and Andy did several projects at our house for us.  Thanks Andy!!

Here are some pictures we took in the evening of the 4th right before we went to Pleasant Grove Country Club for the neat fireworks show.  We sure did miss Josh, Michelle and Avi, who were all home working this week!!😢

At the Country Club....Rachel took most of the pictures.......

Copeland and his friend 😀

Friday (our last full day together).  Papa spending some time with the kids in the basement.

During the day, the kids decided to make a movie.  Eisley dressed for her part (Old Sally)!
One more night swim and Papa joined them!💙💦💦

Then we all watched their movie. 
 So cute!  Click on the link "CATS" under this picture to watch.  I think we have some budding actors/actresses/directors/producers in our midst!💓

One tired little girl and getting homesick, I think.  Andy was her "go-to"

Andy and family went home Saturday.  Saylor was with us one more night/day.  This was prior to church on Sunday, July 7th (her 9th day with us).
We left immediately after church/S.S. and headed to Memphis to meet her Momma and Daddy.  I think she was worn out!
But so, happy to see them (and they to see her!!)
One last picture together, before we parted ways💗.  She was sure good for us and such a joy to have for those 9 days!

Momma texted us this picture as they were traveling -- said she was talking non-stop!💝💝

So thankful for the wonderful family time!  I never take it for granted as it's very rare!  The bummer of us living so far apart!  Love you all!