Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thanksgiving Week 2015

We knew that Carman was going to be induced on Monday, Nov. 23rd and wouldn't be able to travel to Galena for Thanksgiving.  So we needed an alternative plan for the week.  Once again, my sister so graciously made arrangements for a lakehouse in Bella Vista for us.  Jeff and I and my Mom traveled down on Sunday night after our Thanksgiving dinner at church and was able to get an early start the next morning to the hospital for Shep's arrival.
The lake is such a calming, peaceful setting and the lakehouse is a blessing each time we stay there.
 I kept Laine and Ellie all week for Andy and Carman.  Rachel, Copeland and Eisley came on Monday and stayed the rest of the week with us.  Jonathan had to work during the day, but was there each evening and did stay overnight a couple of nights.  Avi also stayed overnight with us one night and she and Josh were there during the day.  Michelle joined us each evening (after working all day).
So it was a week of lots of fun with our kids and our grandchildren!
Carman and Shepherd were dismissed from the hospital on Tuesday.  That evening they came out and ate dinner with us.
The four "Swart" men
 This was our only night to have all the grandchildren together as Avi had to go to her Dad's on Wednesday for Thanksgiving.
We sure do love all 6 of these kiddos!
Copeland and Eisley thought it was funny faces time :-)

 DeDe and her sweet baby boy
We had mild weather most of the week, so we enjoyed the outdoors a little bit.
 The kids doing some sidewalk chalk drawing (Ellie had just fallen prior to this picture and wasn't interested in being in it)
 They watched some Christmas movies

 And there was lots of holding and cuddling
 One morning, Grandma Boore fixed homemade donuts, I fixed bacon and Rachel made waffles
 With our two youngest
 Thanksgiving Day (Shep's first!)
 We had the big dinner: turkey, mashed potatoes, Grandma's homemade noodles, Josh's homemade dressing, gravy, green been casserole, corn casserole, relish tray, fruit salad, cranberry sauce and cranberry salad; pink jello salad, and hot rolls.   Pecan pie, pumpkin pie, angel food cake with strawberries, banana bread and cookies rounded out the meal. 

We were glad that Jonathan's sister, Jennifer, was able to join us and appreciated so much all her hard work in getting the meal ready as well as cleaning up afterwards!
 There wasn't room for everyone at the table, so Jeff and Andy gladly volunteered for the living room so they could watch football
Josh and Michelle chose the deck since it was so warm out
 The kiddos had the bar
 After dinner, a lot of resting, playing, visiting
 Eisley turned 14 months on Thanksgiving Day

 Picture of the new Swart family of 5
 And a picture of all the family (except for Avi who was at her Dad's)
It truly was a  wonderful Thanksgiving to remember and be so very grateful for!!

Shepherd Knox Swart

We are thrilled to announce the birth of our sixth grandchild:
Shepherd Knox Swart
(third child but first son of Andy & Carman and first grandson to carry on the Swart name)
He was born November 23rd, 2015 at 1:38 p.m. at Northwest Medical Center in Bentonville, Arkansas.  
He weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs., and was 19" long.
Healthy and perfect in every way!
Here are some pictures to document the exciting event!

His anxious sisters waiting on his birth:
 The first text we received telling us he was born!
 Our first look:
 The new Swart family of 5
 So precious
 Pictures of family getting to hold him
DeDe first:
 Proud Papa
 Papa Dean
 Great Grandma Boore (her first time to get to be at the birth of a great grandchild...Shepherd is her 18th!)
 Aunt Ray Ray
 Cousin Copeland's turn
 And then cousin Eisley (who no longer is the baby in our family)
 Uncle Jonathan
 Uncle JJ (I didn't get a picture of Aunt Michelle as she came from work after we had already left the hospital)
 Aunt Cali
 Papa, Daddy, and baby boy
 Shep's sisters:
 Dad and his boy
 Momma and her son (Carman did another wonderful job giving birth!)
 The second day - more holding

 Cousin Avi

 And then the night he was dismissed from the hospital
 One of the newborn pics, a friend of the kids, took.  
 Handsome Boy!

 And a smile to finish out the posting.
We already love you dearly, Shepherd Knox!!  We will enjoy every minute of watching you grow into a fine young man!