Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shepherd Knox Swart

We are thrilled to announce the birth of our sixth grandchild:
Shepherd Knox Swart
(third child but first son of Andy & Carman and first grandson to carry on the Swart name)
He was born November 23rd, 2015 at 1:38 p.m. at Northwest Medical Center in Bentonville, Arkansas.  
He weighed 7 lbs., 10 ozs., and was 19" long.
Healthy and perfect in every way!
Here are some pictures to document the exciting event!

His anxious sisters waiting on his birth:
 The first text we received telling us he was born!
 Our first look:
 The new Swart family of 5
 So precious
 Pictures of family getting to hold him
DeDe first:
 Proud Papa
 Papa Dean
 Great Grandma Boore (her first time to get to be at the birth of a great grandchild...Shepherd is her 18th!)
 Aunt Ray Ray
 Cousin Copeland's turn
 And then cousin Eisley (who no longer is the baby in our family)
 Uncle Jonathan
 Uncle JJ (I didn't get a picture of Aunt Michelle as she came from work after we had already left the hospital)
 Aunt Cali
 Papa, Daddy, and baby boy
 Shep's sisters:
 Dad and his boy
 Momma and her son (Carman did another wonderful job giving birth!)
 The second day - more holding

 Cousin Avi

 And then the night he was dismissed from the hospital
 One of the newborn pics, a friend of the kids, took.  
 Handsome Boy!

 And a smile to finish out the posting.
We already love you dearly, Shepherd Knox!!  We will enjoy every minute of watching you grow into a fine young man! 

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