Thursday, August 6, 2015

Summer 2015

As most of you recall, a few weeks ago I accidentally deleted my blog.  I was beyond devastated at the time.  Thanks to some help from a friend, I contacted Google who restored the blog and then directed me to a company who could clean up my computer as it had a major virus on it.  I haven’t tried to post anything since that time.  Tonight, I decided I was going to write up a new post but there was no option on my blog for new posts, editing, etc., even though I was signed in and could access the dashboard.  So frustrating!  So I have created a new blog (however, the old blog will remain active for reading and to preserve memories--link is on the right side of this current blog).  I realize that those who do follow my blog but are not on Facebook, will not be aware of this new blog, since I can’t post on there to direct them to the new address.  If anyone has a suggestion, I would greatly appreciate it (please email me).  Thank you.

 This will be a rather long blog as I’m going to summarize our summer.  It’s been a full, busy one, but also a very good one!

The first of June, Andy and Carman were blessed with a Caribbean Cruise.  Carman’s Mom kept the girls the first half of their time away and I had them the last half.  On my way down to meet Donna halfway, I stopped in NWA and had a delicious lunch with Rachel, Eisley and Copeland.  
 After lunch, I drove the extra 2 hours on south to meet the girls.  We then stopped back by Lowell and picked up Copeland to bring all 3 home with me for a few days.
It was Galena Days that weekend.  So as soon as we got home, we picked up Papa and headed downtown.  It was a fun but very hot evening of carnival rides, junk food, and lots of laughter.  They were all very brave and rode all the rides they could ride….several times! 

 Rachel and Eisley came up on Saturday to get Copeland because Jeff and I had to work the Chicken Noodle dinner at Galena Days.  One of my favorite pictures of the 4 of them.
The girls were so good during that 3-4 hours, we worked, that I took their picture when we got home to text to their parents J
Sunday morning, all dressed to go to S.S. and church with us.  Their Momma and Daddy came that afternoon to pick them up.  It was a very glad reunion. 
 A couple of weeks later, Rachel, Eisley and Copeland came for a 24 hour stay while their roof was being replaced.  I have never thought to take any of my grandchildren downtown to see the original “Tow-Mater.”  But this time, I did think to do so.  I wish you could have seen Copeland’s big eyes when he saw Tow-Mater.  He was so excited!

Rachel did some research to be sure this was where the “Cars” creator got their idea for Tow-mater in the Movie and sure enough – it was, right here in Galena, Kansas on Route 66! 
 Copeland cried when we had to leave to go to our Wednesday activities at church that night.  We definitely will have to return for another visit.

 Big Red
One of the highlight events of our summer was Josh and Michelle’s wedding.  I will dedicate a whole post to the wedding when I get the professional pictures.  But here are just a few from my camera.
A picture of 3 kiddos before wedding
 A very pretty wedding.  So happy for Josh and Michelle (and Avi)
 Grandma Boore with the new Swart family
Five beautiful kiddos!
 Andy's family at the wedding
 Rachel and family
 We all went out to eat after the wedding.  A picture with all 5 of our grandchildren:
 Bev, Shawna, Kaye & Rob came to Kansas a couple of weekends ago for our cousin's wedding
Adrienne and Mike brought the boys one afternoon for them to go home with Mimi and Papa after the wedding.  The girls:
 The guys
 At Morgan (Boore) and Preston Samuels' reception
 Our last big summer event was a vacation on Lake Avalon in Bella Vista.  We, once again, were blessed to stay at one of Kaye and Rob's lakehouses
 The first night, Copeland and Eisley were our only guests (Momma and Daddy went on a date)

 The next day, Rachel came back and stayed the rest of the week with us.  Carman brought the girls out late morning and then returned home as she and Andy were attending a staff, deacon and wives dinner than night.  They came back out on Wed. and stayed the rest of the week.
Laine loves to play games (which I'm thrilled as I too love to play games and look forward to teaching her many of my favorites).  We taught the kids the easy game of War here....
 Laine did win!
 Sweet Eisley
 Two precious girlies
 Tuesday night, Michelle and Avi joined us for dinner and then Avi (who normally stays at her Dad's during the week in the summer) was able to spend the night and all day Wednesday with us.  We were so glad.  The kids love her and she's so good with them.  We missed Josh...he was out of the country working.
 Our five beautiful grandchildren.  We love them all so much!
 One of the nights, Papa is reading a book to the girls
At some point, during the week, Laine was sitting on Papa’s lap.  Papa told Laine that he would not be around for all her life and may even miss her high school graduation and wedding.  So he asked her to be good and serve Jesus all the days of her life because that would make Jesus and Papa very happy.  She replied, “Papa, I won't be like Cain, I'll be like Abel.”  Papa wasn't expecting that reply and so he asked her to tell him about Cain and Abel.  She said, “Cain was bad because he didn't obey God and Abel was good because he did.”  She went on to say, “Cain disobeyed God by bringing the wrong sacrifice and Abel pleased God by bringing the right sacrifice.”  By this time in their conversation, Papa was totally amazed at her spiritual understanding at the age of 5.  She then promised Papa that she would live for Jesus all her life.  She was so sure and assertive about the story, it was unbelievable for someone her young age. So proud of our girl!

I decided it was time to begin a tradition that my Mom always did for her grandkids.  Homemade donuts.  They were a hit J 
 Jonathan had to work during the day, but did join us each evening for dinner and visiting.  One night their family went for a night swim.  Loved Eisley's little wave J 
 We spent a portion of two days on the lake.  My favorite thing to do is float on my raft in the lake.  I could have done it for hours (even if I am 61 years old!).  However, with little ones, the time was limited, but still fun.
 Avi did get to spend one day with us in the water, but for some reason, she didn't get in any pictures.  Sorry Avi!!

Carman took this picture Thursday morning

 I had brought an air mattress from home and that's what the girls slept on.....they felt like they had a slumber party (especially when Avi stayed with them)
 Our last morning together
 Pretty girls
 Jeff and I had 24 hours at the end of the week all to ourselves.  We enjoyed a visit to Crystal Bridges Museum.  I've been several times, but it was Jeff's first time.  He was pretty impressed.
 One of the "art" pieces and where we could get a picture.  Photography is not allowed in most of the exhibits.
 We also enjoyed seeing "Max" the movie and Saturday, we went to downtown Bentonville to the Farmers Market and toured the Walmart Museum which was all enjoyable.

It was a wonderful vacation, but it was good to be home.  As I posted on Facebook, I'm so glad that I have a life that I love to come home to J

It's been an unusually nice summer, weather wise.  We haven't reached 100 degrees yet and there has been quite a bit of rain.  Our yards are still green around here.  What a blessing! 

It has also been a great summer at First Baptist as well.  Bible School was another super week with the salvation of souls.  Our Youth loved SOAR, and the children and students alike had a wonderful week at camp, with more kids trusting Jesus as Savior and two surrendering to the ministry.  We have rejoiced at many salvations, baptisms, new members, visitors, etc.  And the Lord has richly blessed with the coming of a new Student Pastor and Wife: Aaron and Jenae Polok.  We are completing six years of ministry here at FBC.  God is so good and we are so thankful!

The world is in a mess!  America is falling apart.  Murders in movie theaters, military sites, school campuses are rampant!  Same sex marriage has become legal in all states.  Body parts of aborted babies are being sold (Jeff has said more than once,  hell is really going to be hot for those involved in killing babies!).  A nuclear deal with Iran will greatly threaten Israel.  It just appears that the “signs of the times” is pointing more and more to the imminent return of Jesus Christ.  As I’m working on this blog, I’m listening to the Presidential Republican candidates in a debate on issues that are facing America.  Jesus come quickly….but if not, give us the strength and courage to be salt and light in a black, black world.  Lord, please protect us from Satan, from ISIS, from persecution and from evil. 

To end on a HIGH SWEET note......I want to document with pictures the growth of our grandchildren.  They are all growing up so fast.....time please slow down!

Lainey Bug (Laine Virginia)--5 years old and beginning Kindergarten in a couple of weeks. 
 Ellie Kate--3 years old and all potty trained -- whoo hoo!
 A couple of the girls' spring pictures
 So pretty!
 Our grandson...precious Copeland Ware, 2 years old
 Our sweet baby girl, Eisley Elizabeth, 10-1/2 months old.  Doesn't seem possible, we will be celebrating her first birthday soon!
 Such fun kiddos!

 And our newest granddaughter, pretty Aviana Skye (Avi)
 Josh is loving being her "second" daddy!
 And last, but not least, Shepherd Knox, due November 30th.  Shep will be the first grandchild born to carry on the "Swart" name so that's really special to us.  We are so anxious to meet this little guy!

A memorable Summer!  All glory and honor to our Lord!  Thank you, Jesus!

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