Monday, June 20, 2016

June Fun

Memorial Day weekend, Jeff had I took a little 24 hour trip to Kansas City for some R&R.  Then we met Rachel, Copeland and Eisley at Mom's in Girard for an overnight visit.  Since Mom has a contract on her house and will be moving in August, she desires for the grandkids to come visit one more time.  We had a good visit!
 On Tuesday afternoon, we followed Rachel and babies to NWA
Later that afternoon, Carman brought Laine and Ellie over to spend the night with us.  
 Had to get a picture with 5 of the 6 grandkids, before Shep went home with Momma
 That evening, Journey was in town giving a concert and Josh graciously got tickets and backstage passes for Michelle, Jonathan, Rachel, Andy & Jeff.  They had a great time!
 I stayed home with the kiddos.......they had a sleepover :-)
 Sweet girls the next morning.......
 And precious boys (Carman & Shep came back to get girls)
 Super Heroes!!
 It was a fun quick visit!  We missed Avi who spends the summer at her Dad's.
That weekend kicked off Galena Days!  Always a very busy 3 days for our community and our church!  God gave us wonderful weather this year.  Such a blessing! 
 On Sunday evening after Galena Days, Jeff was honored to be a part of a revival meeting at Fellowship Baptist Church in Bella Vista, AR.  We definitely enjoyed our time with this church family and their kind pastor and wife, Bro. and Sis. Dan Fagala (I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of them)
 Several nights, friends or family joined us, which thrilled us!  Hollis and Gilda Stanbery came two nights.  We also enjoyed a delicious meal and sweet visit in their home one day
 Rachel, Jonathan, Copeland and Eisley came another night
 DeDe and kiddos spent time together in the nursery
 Gilda sang a very pretty song for us one night
 Our sweet daughter-in-law, Michelle, came the last night of revival
 During the week, we were so blessed to stay in Kaye & Rob's lakehouse.  The grandkids came out and spent one day with us:
And then the week of June 12th was Vacation Bible School at First Baptist in Galena.
We invited Laine, Ellie and Copeland to join us for the week (Avi was invited too, but wasn't able to come).  The parents brought the kids to us Sunday afternoon and we ate together at a local restaurant before VBS that evening:
 She loves her DeDe :-) :-)
 DAY 3 OF VBS (with their cousins, the Goedeke girls)
 DAY 5 OF VBS (Yes, DeDe bought us all matching shirts)
(The Parents came back to attend the program and to take their sweet babies home!) 
Everyone was exhausted but it was a great week!!
Some of my favorite pictures during VBS....this was the first night and we had many more children join us as the week progressed.  We rejoice that 11 students trusted Jesus as Savior during the week!
 Mary and I were crew leaders for the 4th and 5th grade class -- we had a wonderful group of kids!
Sure appreciated Mary Mooney for helping me!
 The remaining pictures include my grandchildren.  They had so much fun!
A couple of videos at the closing program

 Not only did we keep busy with VBS each night, but we had fun during they daytime too.
Playing Uno (Ellie Kate won all 3 hands!)
 An extra fun day swimming at Leigh Ryan's beautiful pool with Leigh, Aidan and Adam Meier, Aubri Langford, Judy Hall and Donna Langford (delicious lunch too!)
  A trip to Walmart one day
 And brought home new dolls
 to play in the cars/motorcycle that Donna and Aubri gave the kids
 One day Great Grandma Boore joined us.  We went to Joplin and ate at Chick-Fil-A together
 Then back to Galena to visit the Nature Center
 And down to Shoal Creek for a few minutes
 And a quick visit to see the Cars on the Route (it was SO HOT!!)
 And on Friday, the Parents came......this was Shepherd's first visit to DeDe and Papa's house (Papa had already left for church, so didn't get in picture)
Father's Day was the thankful for my Heavenly Father, my earthly father, the father of my 3 children, and my sons and son-in-laws!  All wonderful Dads!!
Yesterday, Rachel and Eisley came back to Kansas so we could go to Girard to visit Grandma, Aunt Bev and her cousins, Shannan, Shawna and baby boy, Malachi (all from Texas).  The rest of the kids were in Texas with grandparents.  Copeland had a bad cough, so Jonathan stayed home with him.  It was great to see you all!!

To conclude this post.....some of my favorite, most recent, pictures of the kids:
Eisley after eating her brother's birthday cake!

Cowboy Copeland
 Spring pictures of Andy and Carman's precious kiddos:
 And a few of sweet Avi.  We have sure missed seeing her this summer, but as I said earlier, she spends the majority of it at her Dad's, so the timing hasn't worked out for us to see her when we are in NWA.  Love you, Avi!
 At her piano recital

A crazy busy fun blessed June!!  Loved every minute of it!

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