Monday, October 10, 2016

Pastors and Wives Oasis 2016

Another wonderful gift that First Baptist gives each of our pastors and wives every year is a 3 day conference called Pastor and Wives Oasis.  The conference is at the Hilton Hotel/Conference Center located at the Landing in downtown Branson.  It's always a refreshing and relaxing time!
This year, David Attebery and his team led us in wonderful worship. 
 Chip Jackson from NWA was our guest speaker at all 3 sessions and did a great job!
DiscipleGuide host this event for us and allow us much "free" time.
This year, we did the amazing Top of the Rock Tour (located at Big Cedar Lodge).
Aaron and Jenae (our Student Pastor) and Jeff and I took the tour in this golf cart.
 Aaron was a great driver
 Such pretty waterfalls and scenery
At the very top is a beautiful golf course, that unfortunately experienced a huge sinkhole shortly after opening.
 Such a pretty chapel 
 The Ozarks are just beautiful

We highly recommend this tour!! 

One night of the conference, DiscipleGuide blesses us with a very nice banquet.
Delicious food!
Aaron and Jenae Polok
 My niece and nephew, Mike and Adrienne Goering.  Their first time to attend P.O.  So glad they came!
 Jeff and I
 Scott Attebery, Director of DiscipleGuide did an excellent job in all aspects of the conference
 We enjoyed a good concert by Wayne Watson 
(Watercolor Ponies will always be my favorite of his songs)
We missed our Associate Pastor and wife, Paul and Mary Mooney, who weren't able to join us this year.  
Another great conference and we thank FBC so much for providing it for us!

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