Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas 2016

For memory sake -- a posting to document our Christmas.
This is the email greeting I sent to many of you that I have email addresses for:
 The second page of the email greeting....
 I always love to get the grandkids pictures with Santa....

 It was our turn to have the kids and grandkids with us for Christmas.  Rachel, Jonathan, Copeland and Eisley arrived first -- on Friday afternoon.  Then Josh, Michelle and Avi came soon after.  Andy and family didn't come til Sunday afternoon.
 We had soups for supper and a relaxing evening together
Avi's dog, Jack, also came for the weekend :-)
 Papa reading them their bedtime story
 Saturday morning, Christmas Eve, Copeland moved the tree to the right day.  Rachel had used this little calendar during the month of December to create excitement and anticipation for the kids.
 Since Josh, Michelle and Avi hadn't been to see Cars on the Route, some of them bundled up (even though it wasn't very cold out) and headed downtown Galena.

 Santa and his little helper :-)
 Saturday afternoon, Josh, Michelle and Avi headed back to NWA to have Christmas with Michelle's Mom and family.  Sheila has been diagnosed with breast cancer :-( and started chemo this week so they weren't sure how she would feel to do Christmas later.  Please pray for Sheila!
Rachel and Jonathan took Jeff, as part of his Christmas, to see the newest Star Wars movie.  So Mom and I and the kids met them at Johnny Carino's after the movie for dinner.
 Then back to our house for the kids to open a few gifts
 It's tradition for their family to open Christmas pajama's and a Christmas book on Christmas Eve

 Really cute customized Santa book!
 Momma reading them the book

 Then they had baths, dressed in their new p.j.'s and then opened their gifts they bought for each other
 Giving each other a hug for their gifts
 Momma and Daddy also decided to let them open their stockings since the next morning was also church and we would be a little rushed.

 Harmonicas in both stockings.  Copeland did good playing it!

 Another sweet hug
 He was so excited it was Christmas Eve!
 Precious kiddos!
 Jonathan had baked his delicious chocolate chip cookies that evening, so we left a plate for Santa

 Sunday/Christmas morning -- Mom and Dad's gifts are ready for them
 And Santa had come and left them each a big gift
 Had to wake them up at fun!
 First thing Copeland noticed was the cookies were gone
 and Santa left a note (he was pretty attached to that note!)

 Opening all the rest of the gifts from Mom and Dad
 They loved everything they opened and it was so much fun watching them.  Thank you, Rachel and Jonathan for allowing Papa and DeDe to be a part of the kids' Christmas morning!  And due to the fact they were here the longest, this posting includes many more pictures of them than the rest of our sweet grandchildren :-).
 Then we headed to church at First Baptist on an almost summer like day--got up to 70 or higher!
Since we had to cancel services the week before due to ice, snow and frigid temps (0 and felt like -8), our choir performed the cantata Christmas morning that was scheduled the week before.  We had a full house that day!
 Eisley sat on Great Grandma's lap and was so good (Copeland was too)
 Jeff preached a short Christmas message
 A couple of pictures on the church entryway (no coats on Christmas day--crazy)!
 Mom has been having a lot of back problems so is needing to wear her brace daily.  She has an appt. with her back doctor Jan. 13th.
 Jeff and I at the house before we changed clothes
 And with Copland and Eisley
 After getting home from church, we started on our big Christmas meal and in a while, Josh, Michelle and Avi arrived and later, Andy, Carman, Laine, Ellie and Shep.  All were present and accounted for and we were thrilled!
 For memory sake, I'm posting about the meal:  Turkey, ham, Grandma's homemade noodles, Josh's green bean casserole, Rachel's mashed potatoes, Grandma's giblet gravy, corn, hot rolls and Carman's homemade dressing (although it was still in the oven evidently, when I took the picture).
 The cold dishes included celery with cheez whiz, fresh fruit salad, Grandma's deviled eggs
 Mandarin Orange Lettuce Salad and a relish tray with pickles, olives and cranberries
For dessert, we had the kids' favorite:  Oreo ice cream dessert, in addition to Pumpkin Lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, fudge, peppermint bark, coconut/chocolate cookie bars and Cappuccino Punch.
It tasted delicious and was enjoyed by all.
 Getting the living room ready to take some pictures with Jonathan's camera and timer
 Jeff and I and our greatest earthly blessings!
 With Mom/Grandma added
 And then it was time to open gifts!  Our bigger girls passed them all out

 Ooops - we forgot to take down the step stool from the table that we used to put the camera on :-)

 Our oldest and youngest :)

 And then stocking time

 Avi got a plastic doodle machine from her parents -- she and Laine had a lot of fun with it.  Laine wearing some glasses Avi made
 Really cool - Eiffel Tower she made (the guys are behind her getting the tent set up for sleeping later)
 Playing Uno -- it's fun that the grandkids are getting big enough to play with us!

 Then it was bedtime!  Appreciated Josh bringing the tent for them to use.
 Avi chose the couch - ha!  And Eisley ended up in bed with Mom and Dad....but the other 3 did great in the tent
 Monday morning, we had a big breakfast including Grandma's homemade donuts and just relaxed.  Andy & Carman had gone to Grandma's to sleep as we only have 3 bedrooms here.  Sadly, Andy was up all night sick with vomiting and diarrhea. He wasn't able to eat all day Monday.  We are so thankful that no one else got whatever it was!!

 Ellie modeling her Bride outfit I got her.
 And Laine modeling the Elena outfit
 The other two wanted their turn too -- so Copeland in his Batman shirt
 And wild haired Eisley!
Shep is so active at this stage of his little life, it's almost impossible to get a picture of him.  This is the one I used on the 23rd for his 13 month birthday.  In the last couple of weeks, he's started walking and jabbering all the time.
 Avi didn't model, but Mom sent me this picture, so wanted to include it.  
All of my grandchildren are beautiful to us and we sure do love them!
 I LOVED all my gifts, but included a picture of this one as it was such a cute idea.
 Monday afternoon -- everyone headed home!
 It was truly a wonderful Christmas.  So thankful for family but most of all I'm so thankful for the reason we celebrate:  JESUS -- who came as a baby to live that perfect life in order to be the perfect sacrifice and die that horrific death for my sins!!  Thank you, Jesus!!!  Every year brings us closer to Your return.  I pray it will be this year!
Jeff had some vacation time to use up since it's the end of the year, so we enjoyed some days last week as well as this week together.  For our 44th anniversary on the 22nd, we went to Branson, went to Silver Dollar City, spent the night and then came home for the kids' arrival.  44 years -- doesn't seem possible -- but so very grateful for each day of each year!
This week, we were able to get all the Christmas decor down (which is very early for me!), get the house cleaned, mounds of laundry done and even relax.  We celebrated my 63rd birthday with our friends, Gilda and Hollis Stanbery in NWA.  That was a fun night. 
Tomorrow is 2017!  We pray it's a year that we all will serve Jesus, love others, and stay healthy and happy.  Trusting that God will walk with us in the valleys as well as the mountaintops.  That some of our grandchildren accept Jesus as Savior.  That our lives will bring honor and glory to our Lord!
Happy New Year to all!!

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