Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Fall/Winter 2017

A jam packed October, November and start of December......
but thankful for the memories 💝
Jonathan, Rachel, Copeland, Eisley and Gideon moved the first of October to Ft. Smith, Arkansas where Jonathan accepted a job that was a large promotion for him.  It was bittersweet for us, but we know they must do what is best for their family.  Jeff and I did that to our folks for most of our married life.....not easy for anyone, but we all must do what we feel God is leading us to do.
I went to Rogers the Friday of the weekend they were moving to get the kids and bring home with me.
 With the move and all, we didn't have an official birthday party for Eisley's 3rd birthday in September, so we gave her our gifts when we got home....the look of anticipation 😀
Elena doll, Elena dress and a miniature Elena doll set.  She loves Elena!
 Baby boy 💙
 Grandma came over later and brought pizza and ice cream to complete the birthday party
 And a card and money!
 A thank you hug 😍
 Sunday at church....Mom came over and helped me get everyone ready and we were actually early for Sunday School!  
 Monday, Mom and I drove to Ft. Smith to return the kids and see their new pretty home.  It was 1-1/2 hours to Rogers; now it's about 3 hours to Ft. Smith.
 We stayed a couple of days to help unpack boxes, etc.  Mom had fallen when we stopped in Rogers for lunch on our way down, and really hurt her foot (found out later she sprained it).  But she was still able to help hold Gideon and keep an eye on Copeland and Eisley.
 We headed home Wednesday and then Thursday morning, Jeff and I headed back down to Rogers to attend our first Grandparents Day at the girls' school.  That was fun (we've never been able to go before as it always fell when we were at Pastor's Oasis--but no PO this year, so we were able to attend). 💖👍💖
 The week of Oct. 9th, Jeff was honored to preach a 4 night revival at Grandview Baptist Church in Springfield, MO.  This was his second year to do that.  The church is so loving and encouraging as are the pastor and wife, Gary & Kathy Longstaff.  Great church, great pastor and great people!! 💗
Got home from Springfield on Thursday and then had a yard sale on Saturday....C.R.A.Z.Y!  Sadly, we didn't have very many come....and so the profit was very small!  Jeff says it's the LAST yard sale we are ever having! 👏
 We were home a week, then spent 4 days in Branson with our good friends Hollis and Gilda Stanbery.  Saw a couple of shows, including the Branson Showboat, ate well, played games and enjoyed sweet fellowship.  We love you, Friends--thanks for inviting us and sharing your pretty condo with us!
On Monday night while in Branson, we were texted the reveal video of Josh hitting a golf ball and the pink color smoke and the pics of the gender of Josh and Michelle's baby girl!  Wish we could have been there, but it was fun to watch on our phones! 💟
 Then on Tuesday, while still in Branson, we got a text with the following two pictures.  We were shocked, but excited!!
It is fun that the brothers are both expecting near the same time: April and June of 2018.
And that is TWO more grandbabies for Papa and DeDe - whoo hoo!  👍👍
That will give us 9!!! 😍

A collage of the kids dressed up for Halloween:
 Always a fun night--our church's Harvest Party and hayride at Scott and Kellie Boyes!
 The first weekend in November, we kept Laine, Ellie and Shep while Andy & Carman attended a conference in Branson.  With the girls in school now, we don't get to have them as often.  It was a fun visit!
 The girls and I made popcorn balls for the first time.  They were pretty tasty!
and pretty messy! 😃
 Sunday morning and Laine wasn't happy with the way I did her hair 😏
 I had gotten my Christmas tree up for the kids to enjoy but also still had up my Fall Decor out....just not enough time to get it all done.
 That Sunday night, the kids went with us to the Park for the Lifeword Celebration event.  It was a very chilly night, but they had fun!  Jeff, Mom and I then returned them home on Monday.

The next weekend, I once again had Rachel's 3.  She was doing a garage sale at the Roger's house and since all their furniture was moved (except for an air mattress), it was just easier for me to keep them in Galena.  They did well with their sale, thankfully, also selling a lot of the stuff I didn't sell at my yard sale in October. They are working diligently to get their Rogers house on the market by the first of the year.  We appreciate your prayers that it sells quickly for them!
 I did get up the rest of my Christmas decor before their visit (and the fall decor put away!)
 Rachel and Jonathan drove up to Galena Sunday morning in time for church.  Gideon listening to his Papa preaching 💙💙
 One Friday night, the pastors and wives were treated to a delicious meal at Josie's in Scammon by Curt and Kellie and Troy and Diane Wade.  Thank you!!

There is a separate posting, below this one, with Shep's 2nd birthday pictures and our family Thanksgiving which was a wonderful time!!

The week after Thanksgiving, Sandra Lee "French" Alexander passed away.  Sandra Lee is the older sister to Jennifer Shoemaker and Mike and Randy French.  This family has been the backbone of FBC for many generations and they also include Jeff and I in many delicious Sunday meals!  Jeff and I both felt the strong desire to be able to go to the funeral and support this wonderful family (the picture below was actually taken last year after mother, Joy Lee's, funeral).
 Jeff and I took 2 days to drive to New Mexico where the Alexanders live and planned to drive the 11 hours home after the funeral on Saturday because Jeff needed to preach on Sunday.  However, God was so gracious in the blessing of the Wade brothers offering for us to fly home with them and Aaron Polok agreeing to drive our car home on Sunday.  Thank you to all!!!  
 It was my first time to fly on a privately owned plane and it was absolutely wonderful!!
Steve Wade was our pilot and owner of the plane and brother Curt was our co-pilot.
 The Wade boys are cousins to the Alexander girls and Troy sang 3 beautiful songs at the funeral.
 What a luxury to just sit back and enjoy this short flight (less than 2 hours!)
 It was a beautiful night and the flight was so smooth.  We were home by 7 p.m. Saturday (compared to 5 a.m. Sunday had we driven).  THANK YOU, Steve, Curt, Troy and Aaron for making it all possible!!

Our beautiful pregnant mama, Michelle!
 Josh and Michelle announced their baby girl's name while we were together Thanksgiving and we love it!!  Saylor Faye -- they wanted to honor both Josh and Michelle's grandpas -- who were in the Navy and were sailors 😍.  Faye is Michelle's grandma's name.  So sweet of them to name their baby in honor/memory of their grandparents! 💗
 Avi will be a great big Sis!
 I wanted to post pictures of our grandchildren for memory sake.
Oldest first -- Avi will be 13 on Saturday!!  Wow!!  Such a pretty girl!  Happy Birthday Avi!  We love you!  Sorry we can't be with you on this big birthday!  
 She played soccer this year in Tennessee!
 Laine's 2nd grade picture -- growing up way too fast!
 Ellie's Kindergarten Picture....she's a sweetie!
 Sisters, Sisters! At the time of this writing, both of these girlies are very sick with the flu!  Makes DeDe's heart sad!  Praying for you both and love you lots! 💕💕
 Rachel has started homeschooling this cutie, Copeland....Preschool already!
 And Miss Priss, Eisley, is doing Pre-K
 Our Elena girl
 Brother and Sister 💙💗
 Our wild man, Shepherd!  He turned 2 on Thanksgiving Day!  He is a delight!
He finds his Daddy's phone and asks to call Papa....which, of course, Papa loves! 💙
 Sweet Baby Gideon -- 7 months old as of Nov. 27th 
 In front of my tree 💙
 Baby Saylor Faye Swart (all tests show she is healthy--thank you Jesus)! 💓
 And just this week, we got to see our second Baby Swart -- we don't know yet this baby's gender 😍 but he/she appears healthy too!!  Again, thank you, Lord!
 Some miscellaneous pictures....for memory sake
 In front of their tree before it was decorated
 With Santa 💝💙💙
 Our icing on the cake of life!
 A few pictures of my Christmas decor as I close out this long post.....
I'm still using all the beautiful red decor on my tree that Judy Hall gave me 9 years ago!!  Also love the sled Gary Wilson made for us last year (as well as the church that Jeff has in his office, the Noel sign and the birdhouse!)
We are thankful for many other wonderful Christmas decor gifts over the years from our church family!

Merry Christmas to all!!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't have time tonight to read, but sure did enjoy all the pictures. :)
