Friday, April 6, 2018

Babies, Babies, Babies

10 years ago, Jeff and I were wondering if we were ever going to have the blessing of being grandparents.  At the approximate age of 57 years old, we finally did!!  And those blessings have continued almost every year since!!  We may have gotten a late start, but we have been making up for it ever since! We are so very thankful for that!
We thought 2018 was going to be an extra special year, as for the first time, we were having 2 grandbabies born in the same year.  But it is now going to be an EXTRA, EXTRA, EXTRA special year with 3 babies joining our family!!  This will make 10 grandchildren for Papa and DeDe and 18 people in our legacy!  God is so good and we are so grateful!!!

Saylor Faye Swart should be here within two weeks.  An induction date of April 19th has been set unless she makes her appearance earlier.  Michelle is greatly feeling the last few weeks of pregnancy and is definitely ready to have Saylor 💗 in her arms rather than in her womb.  We appreciate your prayers that all will go well--that Michelle will have an easy delivery and Saylor will be healthy and normal!  Please also pray that Jeff and I will be there for the birth.  With this being Josh's first baby, we really want to experience that with him.  We will be in Mississippi for our National Meeting, April 15-18th.  Jeff is First Vice President and has a lot of responsibilities during that time.  We will be about 6 hours from Nashville, TN, so we are kinda anxious about the timing of her birth.  But will just trust the Lord to do what is best for everyone concerned.
Easter picture of Michelle and Avi
Josh and Avi on Easter (in the sound booth where Josh serves at his church):
Most recent family picture I have of the Swarts.
 Carman is expecting Swart baby #4 (boy 💙) on Father's Day, June 16th.
Recent picture taken at the beach during Spring Break.
Another prayer request on timing -- Jeff will be in the Dominican Republic June 13-20 with a Missions Team from our church and so he is wondering if he will be here for this grandson's birth.  We have been so very blessed to be at each of the children's births (except Avi as we didn't know her then).  So he's sure praying God will also work out the timing of this birth.  Carman is experiencing the aches and pains of a 4th pregnancy and trying to balance Andy's health problems, homeschooling the girls, raising a very active little boy and being a Pastor's wife.  We appreciate your prayers for her as well!
Picture of the Swarts taken Easter Sunday
And lastly but not least, we got the sweet news recently that Rachel is also pregnant with baby #4!  This baby is due November 5th.  As with her pregnancy with Gideon, Rachel struggled tremendously with stomach issues (with no clear diagnosis) and with gestational diabetes.  Just this week, she's had a terrible bout with the stomach pain.  Please pray for our girl and the baby she is carrying!!
This is the McCrary's Easter pic and what Rachel used to publicly announce the upcoming birth.
Eisley is sure it's a sister for her, but we know she'll love the baby no matter the sex (although there may be some initial tears and disappointment 💓).

 We did not get to see any of our children on Easter and was missing them.  So the Monday after Easter, Andy's family and Rachel and children met us for lunch in Rogers and then an afternoon at the Amazeum.  It was a fun day.  

"Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward.  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."
Psalm 127:3-5


  1. Great post. But by the way, you were 56 when Laine was born. ;-)

  2. What an exciting time for the Swart's and McCrary's ! Praying for all the Moms and of course the Dads!! DeDe and Papa too!
    Psalm 103:17
    "But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;"
