Thursday, October 11, 2018

August and September/Eisley's 4th Birthday Party

Rachel posted this on Facebook the first of August 💙💙
Behold - the fourth child shall no longer be nameless. He shall be called —
K I P L I N G • E D W A R D
It’s an honor to give him the middle name of Edward as a tribute to one of the greatest men I have ever known — my grandfather. I wish he was still here to meet these great grand babies of his, but oh how I look forward to sharing with Kipling just how special his namesake was. 🖤
What a sweet honor for Rach to name our 10th grandchild in memory of my Dad!!

The next 2 pictures of Andy's family were actually taken in June....newborn of Mack but I didn't see them til recently.  So wanted to add them here for memory sake.  So good!

 The grandkids all started school in August....
Avi, 8th grade
Laine, 3rd grade
 Ellie, 1st Grade
 Copeland Kindergarten/Eisley Preschool started earlier in the summer (school pictures in a previous post) but in August they began going to a Home-school Coop one day a week (this was taken their first day). Momma and Gideon go to Coop too 😍
I spent 24 hours with Andy and Carman's kids the first of August so Carman could attend meetings, prepare for the new school year, etc.

Jeff and I, along with a dozen or more FBC members enjoyed some time in Branson the end of August at Silver Dollar City for Southern Gospel Picnic Days.  Always a fun time.

 Just some misc. pictures that we received via text that I wanted to include (again for memory sake)
Saylor's Daddy is a huge Aggie fan!!
 Always love the "towel" pics of the grandbabies!  Mack...
Saylor--3 months
 Saylor's caregiver has a little girl almost the same age--precious!
 Super Gideon!
Cowboy Gideon
 Mack--3 months
Saylor--3-1/2 months
Saylor-- 4 months
 Pretty Momma and her girl 
 Handsome Daddy and his second born

August 17th marked our 9 year anniversary at First Baptist!  Time has flown!  God has blessed!  We are thankful for this wonderful church family and their support and love all these years!

Our Ladies Ministry began this Bible Study in September.  WOW - it's been so, so good!!
God has already used this study of the Holy Spirit to speak clearly to me concerning a matter heavy on my heart for many months!  Thank you, Jesus for the ministry of your Holy Spirit and for speaking to me!

My Mom spent 3 days in the hospital over Labor Day with a UTI and A-Fib.  Thankfully, meds were able to get her back on her feet!

We were so very saddened at the death of our dear friend, Robin Bowman the first of September. 
 This is what I posted about Robin on Facebook:  One of the most kindest, sweetest, godliest women I have ever known has passed from this world into her heavenly home. When the Swarts moved to Conway, AR in 1996, Robin met us at the house with donuts, drinks and a hug. We had never met, but our mutual friend, Toya, had told her we were coming to town and so there she was to welcome us. From that first meeting, we became good friends. My heart is broken for her family, including a new grandchild. But I am rejoicing for Robin....she is enjoying all the fruit of her labor and I have no doubt, Jesus welcomed her with open arms and said, "Well done, Robin, well done!" 
I drove to Ft. Smith on the Saturday morning of her funeral and picked up Rachel and we then drove to Conway for her "Celebration of Life" service.  It was one of the best services, I have ever attended.  I am posting the link to the service here so I will have to watch again someday:

I spent a couple of nights with Rachel and her family the weekend of the funeral so I could attend church with them on Sunday and also watch the kids while she went to the doctor's appointment on Monday.  

 Sept. 9th was our first born's 41st Birthday!  We love you, Josh!!

 Rachel and Jonathan hosted a wonderful 4th Birthday Party for Eisley Elizabeth!!
 We missed Saylor and Avi in this grandchildren picture
And Josh, Michelle, Avi and Saylor in our family picture
 The McCrary family present for the party
 A couple of collages I created to celebrate our girl! 💖💖
She recently started taking ballet lessons 💕

 These last two pictures were actually taken in October!
Rachel will be induced on October 23rd (if Kip doesn't appear on his own before then).
We are so excited to meet him!
Rachel looks beautiful.  She's done so well with her weight (actually weighing less now that at her first doctor's appointment).  Praying for an easy and quick labor and delivery for her and a healthy baby boy!!
 This precious boy turned 4 months old a couple of days ago!  They grow so quickly!! 

I will devote another posting to the NE Cruise we just recently enjoyed.
Our Fall promises to be very busy with Ellie's upcoming baptism, Kipling's birth; keeping Rachel's kids in Galena a week after the baby's birth and then staying with her and her family a few more days to help in the adjustment of a newborn and 3 little ones; many fall activities at church including Walk of Faith; Church directory pictures, Harvest Party, Gymboree, Senior Adult Conference, Thanksgiving, etc. 

Happy Fall Ya'll!!

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