Thursday, March 26, 2020

January-March: Trip to TN and KY; COVID-19

2020 started out with the usual winter fare!  Cold, rainy days but sadly no snow!  We are really enjoying retirement and not having a "schedule" that had to be followed!  We could stay up as late as we wanted and get up when we desired each morning.  Just wonderful!

Jeff and I worked diligently during January to get the house all settled in.  I will devote a separate post to our retirement home progress (for memory sake).

Jeff, once again, did the Mid-Winter Bible Conference at Antioch Baptist Church in January.  It was well attended and an enjoyable event.  Bev came from Texas and she and Mom attended the conference with us.  We enjoyed some game playing, meals together, etc.  Kaye and Rob left for their anniversary trip during the time, so we didn't have a lot of time all together with her.   Thanks, Bev, for coming!
Jeff was thrilled (and so was I) that his beloved Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl!!  We enjoyed a fun Super Bowl Party and delicious meal with Kaye, Rob, Keith and Wilda!
 It was wonderful to meet these two "old" friends at Cracker Barrel one morning for breakfast.  Toya Aultman, Robin Bowman and I go back to the 80's in Jacksonville, TX.  Robin still lives in Texas but had come to Conway with her husband who is on the BMA Foundation Board.  It had been 17 years since I last saw Robin but thankful for email and Facebook allowing us to keep up with each other!  Love you girls!
 One Sunday, after going to early service at our church (Antioch), we came across town to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church to hear our favorite CBC student preach!  Great job, Garrett Hall!
January brought about a big change for the Texas Swart family.  It was decided that the girls would go to public school this semester.  It was very exciting for Laine and Ellie and they have been doing great!  Shep and Mack go to their church preschool 2 days a week, so Momma is getting a very needed breather!!
 Jeff and I are definitely enjoying living closer to Rachel and her family and being able to go to Little Rock on occasion and help out with the kids and/or having them come to Conway.
This picture was one of the times we went to their home:
 Our first visitors from Kansas were Amy and Jody Parnell.  Amy had a doctor's appointment in Little Rock.  So good to see them.
 One weekend, we kept's always a treat to have just "1" of our grandkids.  He was so good for us -- here at home and at church!
At a restaurant after church on Sunday
 Our second Kansas visitors were Paul Mooney and Aaron Polok.  Paul is on the Missions Advisory Board (as is Jeff) and came to Conway for their meeting.  Aaron was his chauffeur.  Great to see them!
 Jeff and I attended the LadyLife Antioch's Valentine Banquet.  Very enjoyable!
 For the last several years, we always celebrated Valentines with the grandkids by getting a hotel room and keeping them overnight.  Since the kids are scattered now, we didn't do that.  But Rachel's 4 did come and spend a couple of nights/days with us.  Fun times!
 Copeland and Eisley have become big game players -- and DeDe loves it!!
 I had Rachel make Valentine cookies and mail to the Tennessee and Texas kiddos!
 This isn't a Valentines' pic of Andy's crew as I didn't get one sent to me, but sure do like this one!
 We sure do love our Home group!  We recently hosted a birthday party for Eric Rossi....
 Many of our "guys" were gone that night for various reasons, including our facilitator Paul and our brother-in-law, Rob.
 Loved getting together with these friends for lunch at Stoby's!  Besides the gals from my Home Group, I was especially thrilled to see long time friend, Pam Glover!!
We had made plans to go to Tennessee the first of March (in conjunction with Avi's Spring Break).  The picture below was taken the weekend before we went.  The whole family was involved in a huge youth discipleship weekend with their church.  Josh and Michelle hosted 21 7th grade girls in their home two nights and Avi joined a large group of 9th grade girls in another home.  This was a Friday-Sunday event: 
 Two days later, their area got hit by a bad tornado!!  Just a mile or so from the kids home.  So sad - much destruction and several deaths!  Having "lived" thru the Joplin tornado, we were so devastated for all!  We took this picture when we came to town on March 6th (4 days after the tornado)
 Our visit was planned before any of the bad news about the virus. Sure was excited to see this little one, her sister and her parents!
 One day, she and I went for a walk and some fun at the neighborhood park
 That evening after baths (and Mom and Dad had gone on a date)
 This was my post on FB with this picture:
Stinker pot! This morning she got ahold of my IPad and somehow got on First Baptist live video of service and invited someone to “like” the page and also posted a gimmerish comment 🤣. At least she didn’t do on my device, what she did on her Dad’s! She placed a bid for Five million dollars for a used mattress on Marketplace! Yikes! Thankfully the owner also has a toddler and understood! Too smart for a 22 month old. 🥰
 Josh works all 3 services at their church (AV), so we chose the 5:00 pm service to attend that day.  It was an excellent service with the emphasis on trusting the Lord with the tornado devastation, etc.
 Monday morning -- we are ready to head to Kentucky for a little family vacation (still nothing in the news about a shut down due to the virus).  Avi's friend, Shariden went with us.
 Josh paid for our wonderful hotel rooms --connecting rooms, indoor pool, breakfast and an evening meal.  A wonderful place to stay (Staybridge Suites, Florence, KY)
 Saylor loved the pool -- even though it was so cold!!
 Our first morning, we went to the Creation Museum
 It was excellent and we highly recommend it!!  I'm not posting a ton of pictures of it or the Ark as you can see all of those on my Facebook page.
In the afternoon, Jeff and I stayed at the Museum, and Josh's family went to a neat Aquarium....
That evening, Jeff and I babysat Saylor and the rest of them went to an Escape Room and had fun.
The next day was our visit to the ARK!  An amazing experience!!
 The girls rode a camel at the Zoo located at the Ark.
 We all drove home late Wednesday so Josh and Michelle could go to work Thursday.
Jeff and I fixed a birthday meal for Michelle that evening.  We sure do love Michelle and are so thankful she is a part of our family!

 Around the first of March, we started hearing the news of a deadly virus in was called "Corona Virus" or COVID-19.  It evidently started in 2019.  It was highly contagious and many were dying from it.  We really didn't give much thought to it, but sadly by mid March it hit the U.S. with a vengeance!!  When we returned to Josh's home in Tennessee after our Kentucky trip, we found out that Avi's school was closed for another week and hearing of other school closings.  By time we got back to Arkansas, the President was requesting no gatherings of more than 50 people!!  Life was about to change BIG TIME for Americans.  Will write more later....
 With Avi out of school and Michelle working in the medical field and long, long hours, we offered to bring Saylor and Avi back to Arkansas with us on Friday.  As with most teenagers, Avi opted to stay home, but Saylor came with us -- her first visit all by herself.  What fun we had!!
 She was so, so good for us!!
 We still hadn't got the word on "stay at home," so the day after we got home, Rachel's family came over to see their little cousin.  We had a fun day together!  I fixed homemade pizzas for lunch and chicken spaghetti for dinner.
 And again, lots of game playing!
 On Saturday, we got the word from our Pastor/Church Leadership that we wouldn't be gathering for worship on Sunday. I had already decided I would keep Saylor home for fear of putting her in the nursery and she getting something.  I had invited Mom, Kaye and Rob over for a big roast meal.  But at the last minute, it was decided we better not gather together.  With Mom in her 90's and Rob a pharmacist and needing to stay healthy to work, it seemed wise.  Jeff, Saylor and I enjoyed a delicious meal with LOTS of leftovers for the week.
Late that Sunday afternoon, Jeff and I packed Saylor up and drove halfway (to Clarksville, AR) to meet her NWA grandparents.  The plan was for her to stay with them til Thursday and Michelle's Mom and a friend would take Saylor home to Tennessee.
However as the virus news grew increasingly worse and with Michelle working in the medical field, it was decided to be too risky for Sheila (Michelle's mom) to go to their home--especially since Michelle's stepdad is undergoing chemo.  So Josh and Avi drove to Conway late Friday afternoon and then Sheila, Danny and Saylor came on Saturday.  I fixed chicken tortilla soup, potato soup and apple pie for our lunch together.  Saylor was SO excited to see her Daddy!!  She only had eyes/arms for him! 
 Josh, Avi and Saylor spent the night and headed home early Sunday morning arriving safely (Thank you, Jesus!)

Due to the directive of no large gatherings, Jeff, as BMAA President, along with the Directors of all the BMA Departments made the difficult decision to cancel the National Meeting the end of April.  It required much work on his part (and others) in getting that done.  It also means that Jeff will have to serve another year as President (he was to finish his term this April).  But with all that is going on, it's a wise decision not to meet!

Our middle child, Andy, turned 40 years old on March 25th!  He has brought us much joy and we are so proud of the man, husband, father, son, brother and minister of the Gospel that he is!!
We love you, Andy!

 Church services all over the world have cancelled all activities til at least the middle of April at the request of our President/leadership.  So we aren't meeting for small groups either as it's now no more than 10 in a gathering.  It is amazing to me, though, to see how the church has gone outside the walls of a building!  My Facebook news feed is full of worship services, teaching opportunities, news of many salvations, etc.  Thank you, Lord!!  
Jeff and I are staying home and away from people since Jeff is high risk with all his health problems. We are sure missing family, church family, Home group, etc.  Mom, too, has been staying in her home.  The facility brings her meals twice a day.  She is lonely but doing well considering all things.
And oh my -- the shortage of toilet paper!!  Who would have ever thought!?!?!
Rachel was so kind to drive all the way over from Little Rock and leave on our doorstep (along with cookies and cute cards from the kids) 💕
I know this virus did not catch you, Lord, by surprise and that YOU are still in control of all things!!  I'm confident that good will come from this difficult time!
There has been nothing like it in my lifetime -- restaurants are closed for dining inside (only carry-out, drive thru).  Many businesses have closed their doors; stock market has dropped to record lows; many people out of jobs, weddings postponed, funerals not being held; schools/universities closed for the rest of the semester (Seniors missing out on Prom, Senior Trips, graduation ceremonies, etc), all sporting events cancelled including Final Four (we sure thought Kansas was going to win it all this year!), Olympics, etc.  As of today (3/26) over 1,000 deaths in America and over 80,000 diagnosed.  Total around the world: 23,000+ deaths; 526,000+ confirmed cases.
Bless and give wisdom to all Pastors, including Jason, Andy, Mike, & Aaron as they lead their churches thru this Pandemic!
Yes, Lord, help us to have Faith Over Fear and to Trust You!!! 

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