Thursday, April 27, 2023

February-April 2023

Another busy season!!  But I'm counting my blessings in the midst of all the chaos!!

The first of February, I kept our McCrary grandkids so Mom and Dad could have a weekend to catch up on life.  This is our obligatory "before Church" picture (using the timer on my phone)πŸ’•

The weekend I had the kids, Mom was in great pain.  A couple of days earlier, she "dreamed" she had fallen out of bed.  Her back was killing her.  So on Saturday, February 4th, Jeff took her to ER (Kaye and Rob were out of town and I had the kids).  X-rays showed she had fractured her back (so it wasn't a dream after all!).  She was diagnosed with a UTI a few days later so we are sure that's why she was weak and fell and also explained the confusion thinking it was a dream.  She hurt so bad that it was necessary for my sisters and I to take turns staying with her to help her out.  I stayed overnight Feb. 5-6 and then Bev came and stayed from Feb. 6-18 with Mom (Kaye and Rob were on an anniversary cruise during this time).  Only picture we took during that time--one afternoon Bev and I walked the pond outside of Mom's back door.

While Bev was here, we took Mom to several doctor's appointments. She had an MRI done and it was discovered she had two fractures.  The doctor felt he could put cement in the one that was the worse (the other was healing on it's on), so a date of March 8th was set for that.  Because she was on antibiotics for the UTI, that prolonged the procedure as she had to be off those meds for two weeks prior to the Kyphoplasty.

Jeff and I attended a very enjoyable Valentines banquet at our church, hosted by our Ladies Ministry:

The picture collage I posted on FB of my "Valentines" πŸ’–πŸ’–

Feb. 18-23 – I returned to Mom's and stayed with her (then Kaye stayed that next week)

This is pretty much how Mom was for a month 😒

On Feb. 22nd, our 55+ Crew took a day trip to Leslie, AR and ate a delicious lunch and enjoyed a fun fellowship at Skylark Cafe (I appreciated Mom's friend, Marilyn Huston for staying with Mom that day, so both Kaye and I could go on this outing)

After Kaye stayed a week with Mom, I returned for my last week to stay (March 2-9).  Mom was doing better by this time (with the help of pain meds and recovery of the UTI).  Kaye, Rob, Jeff and I was with her on March 8th for her procedure at Conway Regional.  Just as the doctor thought, the pain in that upper fracture was gone as soon as he did the cement!  However, her lower back pain returned full force and she's still struggling with that pain as of this writing. πŸ˜₯  The doctor is going to try an ablation treatment soon that could give her some relief from the pain for 6-18 months.

Jeff and I was able to attend the visitation for our daughter-in-law Carman's grandpa on March 3rd in Glenwood, AR.  We loved seeing the girls in spite of the sad circumstances.

Our pretty daughter-in-law, Michelle's birthday was March 12th.  We love you, Michelle!πŸ’—

During our Swart Texas kids' spring break, Andy, Laine, Ellie, Shep and Mack came to Papa and DeDe's for a fun visit!  We don't get to have them in our home very often, so it's always such a blessing.  Carman and their new puppy stayed home so Carm could catch up on life!

I had already committed a few weeks prior to keeping the McCrary kids that week so that Rachel and Jonathan could help a family member move.  So for 3 days, I had all 8 grandkids here (plus Andy)!  Thankfully, Andy and Laine stayed at night at my Mom's in her two extra bedrooms.  With the use of three air mattresses, I was able to sleep the other 7 grandkids here 😜

Of course, it had to be a rainy cool week, so they couldn't play outside much....but we survived and made sweet memories!!

I decided to do several "re-creation" of pictures.

This was Ellie, Copeland and Laine in 2014/2023 (how quickly they grow!)

2015 (and I didn't get them lined up rightπŸ˜•)

2015 with Eisley added (again, not lined up right)

Papa telling them their nightly Bible story (and then prays with them)

Last pictures before the Swart kids head back to Texas.  So glad these cousins love each other!  The boysπŸ’™

The Girls πŸ’–

Andy and his crew left Friday morning and that afternoon, Michelle and Saylor came for an overnight visit on their way to NWA.   More cousin time!!πŸ’•

Another re-creation 2020/2023 (Michelle helped me get them lined up right this time!)

It was wonderful to have 9 of our grandchildren in our home at some point during the week!πŸ’“

Another Sunday morning picture before heading to Antioch.  We took the kids home later that afternoon and then this DeDe "crashed!" 😁😁

On March 22, our 55+ group took a trip to the beautiful Garven Gardens in Hot Springs (we try to do a outing each month with our Sr. Adults--so appreciate Linda and Ruth in organizing these trips)

On March 24, Jeff and I headed to Branson and spent the night (on our way to Springfield the next day)

Our middle son, Andy had a birthday on March 25!  We love you, Andy!

Jeff was honored to speak 4 days at Grandview Baptist Church in Springfield, MO in March.  We love this church family and always greatly enjoy our time with them!


Love their pastor and wife, Gary and Kathy Longstaff!

Michelle and Saylor came back thru Conway on their way home to TN.  Great Grandma took us out for dinner that night!πŸ’•

April 5 was my Mom's 94th birthday!!  This picture was actually taken a week later when Bev was in town.  We love you, Mom!

April 7th was our Torn Veil/Good Friday Service at Antioch.  Always a wonderful service!

Jeff was honored to preach this year on Christ's last 7 sayings on the Cross!

April 9 was a beautiful Easter day!  Wonderful services at church and then Rachel’s family came to our home for lunch and a fun afternoon together!  So glad they are close enough that we can do this!

Easter Egg hunt in our backyardπŸ’—

April 10 is National Sibling thankful for my sisters!!

Speaking of Sisters, Bev returned to Conway April 11-17 to celebrate Mom's birthday.  Her third time in 3 months to come - thanks, Bev!!  Only picture I took of the 4 of us but we had a great time....eating at Stoby's, Pasta Grill and a fun trip to Leslie to Skylark Cafe.  Enjoyable games on Kaye's patio and/or at Mom's.  Also all of us took Mom to the doctor during the week, to the hospital for x-rays and got the ablation procedure scheduled.  It was great to have Bev go to church with us Sunday as well!!

Our good friend, Wilda Head's mother died at 99 years of age.  Kaye and I helped with the funeral meal and Jeff had the honor of speaking at her funeral.

The next day our Jensen Small Group provided another meal for Keith and Wilda and their girls, Kristen and Sarah and families. It had been a tough week for them.  Along with Wilda's mom's funeral, they also had a funeral for Keith's uncle and then for Wilda's brother-in-law.  Three funerals three days in a row.  Bless them, Lord!!

On April 21, our 55+ group went to Petit Jean!  Such a pretty area (and delicious meal at the Lodge).  We had several more that intended to go, but due to bad weather forecast, sickness, funerals, etc., several had to back out at the last minute.

APRIL IS A BUSY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!  Besides Mom and my sister, Kaye, we have 4 grandchildren's birthdays all in one week!  How we love each one!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

April 22nd, Saylor Faye turned 5 years old!

April 23rd, Ellie Kate turned 11 years old

April 26th, the first one to make us grandparents, Laine Virginia turned 13!  A TEENAGER - how can it be?!?!?!

And to wrap up the birthday week, Gideon Elias turned 6 on April 27th!

On April 25-27, the BMA National Meeting was held at Antioch!  Jeff was the liaison between the conference committee and the church. It required hours and hours of planning and then a ton of work getting our facilities ready for it.  Thankfully, it was a great meeting with a large attendance, approx. 1,000 (the largest in over 20 years!).  Always good to hear the reports from our departments and see Pastors and wives, missionaries, and friends from all over the world!  God is still using the BMAA to reach people with the gospel of Christ!  Also thankful that the meeting is now more inspirational and encouraging than it was years ago.  Two nights of great worship and then just one day of business.  Great job by all!!

1 comment:

  1. Another great post and fun pictures. Your grandkids are sure growing up fast! :)
