Monday, August 19, 2024

Shepherd Knox Swart's Salvation and Baptism

What Andy wrote about Shep's salvation on June 27th, 2024:
God is so kind.
For a long time, we've been praying for Shep to receive Jesus as his Savior. Tonight at VBS, Shep told me, "I still have my sin. I want to give it to Jesus." After talking for a bit, I had the privilege to lead him through a simple prayer of confession and belief in Jesus.
Afterward, I asked him, "Who has your sin?".
With tears in his eyes, Shep said, "Jesus has it."
I followed up, "What did He give you?"
"He gave me His grace."
Jesus will continue to bring many sons to it was my son.
What a glorious day! 

And to all that, I say, "AMEN!"

August 18, 2024 
The Mount, Keller, Texas

His Daddy asked him the same questions again that he asked him the night he got saved.  Shep's answers were the same!!πŸ’™


Click on link below to see the short video of the Baptism

Baptism Video

The baptisms (there were several) were at the beginning of the service.  Andy preached an excellent message afterwards.  The church was packed!! (Over 1200 total attendance in the two services that day).  God is blessing The Mount!!

Had to get some family pictures in the lobby afterwardsπŸ’–

So very proud of you, Shepherd Knox!!  We love you, Buddy!

Momma got him a delicious cookie cake to celebrate!

Carman's Mom, Grandma and sister also came to Texas for the baptism (and a birthday party for Grandma's sister-in-law).  But Nonnie ended up sick in the hotel room, so they didn't make it to the baptism (they were able to watch on-line).  Carman went and got her Grandma (Shep's great grandma) and she ate lunch with us, then Carman took her to the birthday party.  πŸ’–

A very, very special day and Papa and DeDe were so thrilled to be able to be there for it!!  
God has graciously saved 6 of our 10 grandchildren.  We will continue to pray for the younger 4, that they too will ask Jesus into their hearts soon.  πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

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