Wednesday, January 13, 2016

December Wrap-up 2015

December was another whirlwind month.  As I looked back in order to pull pictures for this posting, I understand why!  Every single week was full of activity!
The first week, I went down to Rogers to stay with Andy, Carman, Laine, Ellie and Shep in order to help out with a newborn.
It was a sweet time!
One day we went to the Promenade to visit Santa 
 Shepherd's first time to meet Santa :-)
 I wasn't there when Copeland and Eisley visited him, but wanted to include their picture too
 I drove home on a Thursday, attended BSF that morning in Joplin, then headed to St. Louis that afternoon with Jeff for a church member's surgery.  We got home on Friday.
Saturday, we drove back down to NWA for our oldest granddaughter, Avi's, 11th birthday party.
It was a painting party! 
 Sweet girl!
 We love you, Avi!
 We took Laine and Ellie to the party.  Copeland and Eisley were out of town staying with their McCrary grandparents.
 Went back to the house to get the girls' belongings as they were going home with us that weekend.
Showing their pretty paintings before we left.
 Shepherd Knox :-)
 As soon as we got back to Galena, we headed to the Christmas parade
 The girls loved all the candy!
 And Ellie even scored a stuffed animal from Sheriff Groves
 Sunday at church
 One of our church members is the queen of gift giving.  She felt sorry for Laine for not getting a stuffed animal at the parade, so she brought both the girls stuffed animals.  Thanks, Judi!!
 Always have to get a picture of them in front of my tree each year...
 We took the girls home that next Monday. 
Tuesday evening, Jeff and I drove down to Neosho to meet the McCrary's to see the Christmas train.  We didn't dream that thousands of other people would have the same idea!!  After waiting in a long, long line for 2 hours, we gave up and went to a nearby Denny's for a late dinner.  Live and learn!  Thankfully, Copeland and Eisley are still young enough not to be disappointed.  They were so good in spite of it all!
The next week, Rachel, Jonathan, Copeland and Eisley came to Galena for 4 days.  Jonathan was working for his company in Joplin, so we were blessed with them staying with us.  
 We had a lot of fun with them as we did with the girls!

 One day, Rachel and I and the kids went to Joplin to finish my Christmas shopping (and then Rachel spent all one afternoon wrapping for me!  Thanks so much, Rach)!
 Wednesday night at church was AWANA Store Night.  Copeland got a bag full of goodies and both of them got Santa hats :-)
 Their last nigh with us, Rachel and Jonathan went on a date and Jeff and I took the kids to the play, "Elf" at our high school auditorium.  Very cute play and both of the kids were so good.  Copeland didn't take his eyes off the stage!
The next weekend was full of church activities:  Christmas Choir Cantata and our annual Family Christmas fellowship, which is always a highlight at First Baptist.  
And then it was Christmas week......
 We take turns with our kids' other family (in-laws) for the holidays.  This year, it was their turn to spend Christmas with their spouse's family.  So we had the week free.  Thanks to one of our members, we were blessed with 5 days at a condo in Branson.  Mom went with us.
The weather was really nice, so the first night we ate in the Grand Village area and enjoyed shopping at some of the really cute shops there.  These lights were really neat on one of the stores.....they put little green neon lights on whoever walked by.
 Mom and I in the "big" rocker
 On our 43rd anniversary, we booked dinner and a show on the Branson Showboat Belle
 We enjoyed the evening a lot.  Although as we were leaving, we got a distressing call involving one of our church families.  So thankful that God performed a miracle that averted what could have been a horrible tragedy.  I'm still praising the Lord for His mercy in that situation!
 And then one day, we went to Silver Dollar City -- it was another beautiful weather day in December!  Mom rented one of those motorized scooters.  It didn't get crowded til after dark, so we had a very enjoyable time seeing the shows and the beautiful lights, etc.
On December 23rd, this little guy turned 1 month old!!  Our handsome Shepherd Knox Swart....

 And to close out the posting, a picture of Jeff and I at Abuleo's in Rogers for my birthday dinner.  62 years old, how can it be??  I always thought that was so old!   So thankful for each year of life and the many, many blessings God has given me!
The next posting will be about our Christmas with the kids, grandkids, Mom, and my sisters and their families in Bella Vista New Years' weekend.  I'm waiting on the professional pictures before completing that posting

2015 was definitely another blessed year for the Swart's.  God added a sweet daughter-in-law, a 10 year old granddaughter and a newborn grandson.  He blessed the ministry at First Baptist in wonderful ways too.  And now we are in 2016.......and praying He will continue to walk beside us, carry us in those hard, hard days, and use us for His honor and glory.
We pray the same for each of you!!
Happy New Year!

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