Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The "Boore" Family

Not only did Mom reserve the lakehouses for us, she paid to have a professional photographer come and take family pictures.  It had been 16 years since we had a professional picture and much has changed in our family since then.
It was pretty chilly that morning we did the pictures which caused a little unpleasantness for our younger children, but over all, we are very pleased with the pictures!!

I wanted to do a little history lesson before posting the rest of the professional pictures.
Our family started in 1949 when Edward L. Boore married Dorothy Jean Brunk in a small ceremony at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, rural Girard, Kansas
From their union, came 3 girls:  Debbie, Beverly and Kaye
(and also their firstborn son, Dwayne who died shortly after birth)

 Mom and Dad's 25th Wedding Anniversary in 1974
(and Jeff was now a part of the family)
 And from their daughters, they were blessed with 7 grandchildren:
Josh, Shannan, Andy, Adrienne, Shawna, Matt and Rachel

 The summer of 1999, Mom and Dad celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
and had a professional picture taken of all their family at that time 
(our last family professional picture).
 Sadly, Dad died in 2000.
He never got to meet any of his great grandchildren.
He would have loved them so much!
Our last big family gathering was in 2012
and Mom had 12 great grandbabies:

 And now there are a total of 39 of us!!  37 were present New Years' weekend 
(2 grandson-in-laws had other commitments)
 Silly picture!
 Mom and her girls
(Normally Lake Windsor is beautiful, but this was just a 
few days after the horrible flooding our area had experienced.)
 We love you, Mom!
 The Swart Family

 The Ferrell Family
 (due to it being so cold, they opted not to do a dock picture, 
but afterwards, they wished they had)
The Harkness' Family

 Mom with her daughters and son-in-laws
 Grandma with her 7 grandchildren and their spouses

 And Grandma with all 18 of her precious great grandchildren!

 The oldest daughter:  Debbie and husband Jeff 
 The middle daughter, Bev and husband Don
 And the baby daughter, Kaye and husband Rob
 The rest of the pictures are the grandchildren and their families.....in birth order 
(grandchild's name is in bold):
Josh, Michelle and Avi Swart
 Shannan, Madyson, Zachary, Cooper and Alex McEuen 
(Shannan's husband, Mike, had to work)
 Andy, Carman, Laine, Ellie and Shepherd Swart
 Mike, Adrienne, Lincoln and Graham Goering
 Shawna, Tristan, Noah and Malachi Tunnell 
(Shawna's husbandNathan had another commitment)
 Matt, Kristin, Ellis, Nora and Owen DeMott
 Jonathan, Rachel, Copeland and Eisley McCrary

The Boore family has been so blessed -- 
generation after generation!!
Every single one of these adults know Jesus as their Savior, loves the Lord and is serving Him in a good church!  They are raising their children to also know and love Jesus!  We believe that is in part to the faithfulness of Dad and Mom who set the example for each of us. There are three preachers among us--Jeff Swart, Andy Swart and Mike Goering who all pastor Baptist churches; Don Ferrell is a faithful deacon; Shawna and Nathan Tunnell have served on the mission field; Beverly Ferrell is a volunteer with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and all of the rest are very actively involved in their local church and community.  
Thank you, Lord, for blessing our family!!

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