Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016
We weren't with our children or grandchildren that day, 
but thankful for the pictures they shared with us:
 It was an "extra" special day for our new daughter-in-law, Michelle, as she was baptized that day!!  All of our kids are actively involved at Metro, the church our son, Andy, pastors.  
So Andy baptized her.  We are so proud of you, Michelle!
Josh, Michelle and Avi
Andy, Carman, Laine, Ellie and Shepherd

Shep's first Easter!
Rachel, Jonathan, Copeland and Eisley

A couple of cute pics of the cousins

And the remaining pictures are just some fun ones of their Easter activities:

We had probably the best Easter service at First Baptist in Galena that I can recall since we came here in 2009.  Large attendance, wonderful congregational singing; powerful special music and great sermon!  So thankful for the reason we celebrate!!  Jesus did die for my sins but Praise the Lord, He arose 3 days later and is alive!!  In fact, He lives in my heart and I long for His soon return!
I didn't think to take a picture of Jeff and I.  We were happy that Mom joined us for services and the 3 of us were blessed with a delicious meal with the Hall family.
It was a wonderful day for all!!

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