Saturday, June 24, 2017

VBS 2017 and Grandchildren

The week of June 11-17 was Vacation Bible School at First Baptist, Galena.  Last year, I kept Laine, Ellie and Copeland so they could attend VBS.  This year I also invited Eisley to join us as she is big enough now that she would have been so sad if brother was in Kansas and she wasn't.  I do love the opportunities for the kids to be with us and with their cousins.  It's always exhausting but so worthwhile making lots of sweet, sweet memories. 
Rachel's family surprised us and came to church Sunday morning!
All the family, including Mom, enjoyed a delicious roast lunch that day with the Hall family (thank you, Judy 💟)!
Andy and Carman brought their kids to us on Sunday afternoon, meeting us at the local Mexican restaurant to eat before we headed to the church.
Just as last year, I made a point to get pictures of the kids each night.
This is Night 1 (Sunday) in front of the VBS backdrop on the stage:
 First night went well.  They were wired tight when we got home.  They love for Papa to tell them a Bible story and to pray with them.  They are getting too big for all of them to sit on his lap though.
 So Copeland and Laine got Papa's lap the first night and Ellie and Eisley sat together in another chair
 Eventually they all ended up together in one chair--silly munchkins! 😍😍😍😍
 So thankful that all 4 of these kids are great sleepers.  The next morning, they were ready to play!
 Monday is Jeff's day off, so he helped me take them to Pharr Hill Park in Joplin.  Our first time to visit there.
 This park has several different playgrounds--walking to a second one here
 It also has a splash pad.  I was aware of that, but didn't think to bring swimsuits or a second set of clothes.  Thankfully, I did bring towels!  Next time, I will know better! 😏
 It also as an exercise area which would be great for adults.
 Laine found a bunch more rocks...
 which the kids re-hid at the other playground
 That evening -- ready for Night 2 (Monday) at VBS
 Checking things out
 Laine, Ellie and Copeland got to be the flag and Bible bearers for the opening 
 Pictures were taken each night by our VBS photographer, Jessica.  This is one of Ellie
 And one of Copeland (they were doing something for their game time)
 On Tuesday, Leigh invited us to come over to her pool and swim with the Meier twins.  The kids did this last year and loved it and were so excited to go again!
 So thankful they had fun and there were no injuries 💙.  Thanks again, NiNi!!
 A little playtime before we headed home for naps!
 Night 3 (Tuesday)
 Eisley was still too young for a class, but she had a great time in the nursery!
 So thankful for our nursery workers!
 And for ALL our VBS workers!!
 On Wednesday, Mom and I took the kids to the Joplin theatre that was offering $1.00 movies.  Leigh also took the twins.
 There were two movies showing and these four (Laine, Ellie, Eisley and Aidan) wanted to see "Penguins from Madagascar" with Mom and I.  Leigh took Copeland and Adam to see "Monster Trucks"  And yes, I popped popcorn at home and took it and their drinks, so it was a really cheap outing!
 Mom and I then took our 4 to the Mall next door for lunch at Chick-Fil-A (their favorite)
 When we got home, I allowed the 3 oldest to have some "quiet" time and not take naps.  I got out some old picture albums for them to look at -- of the trips we took to Disneyworld with their parents when they were kids.  They seemed to enjoy looking at them.
 Night 4 (Wednesday)
 Putting their money in the donation box which would be used for a Missions Trip to Dominican Republic next summer (and also meant that the missions team would get pies in their faces the last night--and the kids love that!)
 The girls had helped Gracie Shoemaker sell tickets at Galena Days that eventually allowed her to win the Miss Galena Days Queen title.  She wore her crown and sash so they could see her in it. 💖
 The 4th night of VBS is always my favorite as the theme of the night emphasizes Jesus' death on the cross and salvation for all who believe.  Mary Mooney and I were Crew Leaders for the 4th and 5th graders.  We are in the Bible Station here with teacher Janet Morton telling the Bible story that night.
 After we got home and was reviewing the night, Lainey Bug shared her testimony asking Jesus into her heart all on her own, in her bedroom a few months ago. She knows all the answers and is very confident and assured that Jesus lives in her heart and she will go to heaven when she dies. The best decision Laine will ever make!! It was the sweetest music to our ears!!
So very thankful that my first grandchild is saved!
Much joy!  
(this picture was actually taken earlier in the week when she was acting out a part for the video that night).   
 On Thursday, this DeDe was t.i.r.e.d!  And decided this day would just be a day in our p.j.'s til noon and a day to relax.  They didn't seem to mind at all.  Donna Langford had given them a sack of Shopkins that kept them occupied for a couple of hours.  Thanks, Donna!
 Night 5 (Thursday)--we had survived!! 😀
 There were 10 salvations during the week, which is what makes VBS all worth it!  I was privileged to lead this little girl (Katrina) to a saving relationship with Jesus! 💕
 Friday morning was spent taking baths, washing hair, doing laundry, packing, etc.  Then we took Grandma to Main Street Deli for lunch.
 The parents all arrived in time for the closing program.  Many of these pictures are taken by Jonathan with his good camera!
 Grandma also came to the program and got some Gideon time 
 Shepherd loves his Papa
 They were glad to be reunited
 More of Jonathan's pictures during the program.  They kids did a great job singing and doing the motions to the cute songs.
 Since Eisley was in the nursery, she wasn't allowed on stage--but she was still trying to do some motions.
 Ellie was "mama" all week to Copeland and Eisley.  She's holding his hand here 😍.
 Laine was also a tremendous help to me all week with seatbelts, picking up toys, etc.  I love them as babies, but there are definitely advantages to them growing up 😊
After the program, we all came back to the house, so they could get everything packed up, pajamas on the kids, etc.  We did take some quick pictures outside first.
This right here is Jeff and I's heart! 💗  How we love these kiddos!  And Avi too!  She would have joined us for the week but was already committed to spending that week at her Dad's.  I'm hoping to get some "full" family pictures with all 7 grandkids in a week or so.
After they all left, the house seemed so quiet and yes, DeDe slept good that night. 
Thank you, Andy, Carman, Rachel and Jonathan for sharing your precious children with us!!!

Sunday was Father's Day.  I'm so thankful, first and foremost for my Heavenly Father who makes all earthly blessings possible!  And I'm very thankful that I had a godly Dad, who made sure I was in church every time the doors were opened, raised me in a Christian home and was right there when I trusted Jesus as Savior.  Dad's been gone almost 17 years and he is still missed so very much.  June 13th would have been his 90th birthday! 
(This picture was in 1997 at Jeff and I's 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration)
 And I am also so thankful for a husband who has been such a great dad to our 3 kids.  This will always be one of my favorite pictures of our family at our favorite vacation spot!  (1993)
 And he is a wonderful Papa too.  These grandkids love him!
 And I'm triple thankful for these three guys raising my grandchildren in Christian homes, teaching them about Jesus!!
Josh with Avi
 Andy with Laine, Ellie and Shep
 And Jonathan with Copeland, Eisley and Gideon
 I'm still doing the monthly pictures of Shep and Gideon on Facebook (until they turn 2 and then it's just once in a while I will post in their albums)
This cutie pie turned 19 months on the 23rd of June.  This picture was taken after his first haircut.  He is looking more and more like his Daddy.  Such a handsome boy! 💙
 On June 25th, Josh and Michelle celebrated their 2nd anniversary! 💞💞 Love you both!
 And a few pictures of baby Gideon to close out this posting:
6 weeks
 8 weeks
 And two months on June 27th.  Such a sweetie!! 💚
June was definitely another full month with all of the above and also time taking Mom to doctor's appointments, car repair, a trip to KC to visit a church family's very sick little 5 year old, etc.  I thought the older you get, that time slows down, but that sure hasn't been our case - ha!! 
It's ok - there sure isn't time to be bored!!
I'm just so thankful for the health, time and opportunity to enjoy life to the very fullest!!

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