Thursday, May 31, 2018

May: Mother's Day, Copeland and Gideon's Bday party, etc.

I just "thought" April was crazy and things would slow down.....well, it was followed up by a crazy, busy but blessed May!!
The first Saturday of the month, my cousin, Holly Viets, planned a wonderful event for our "Boore" moms and their daughters/daughter-in-laws at the Oakview facility in Pittsburg.  More info about that is included in the posting, "Ted and Gladys Boore's Legacy."
Rachel, Jonathan and the kids came for a weekend visit Mother's Day.  We loved seeing them--it had been a long, long time since the whole family had stayed with us.
 Saturday evening was our annual Mother's Day Banquet at First Baptist.  Rachel and Eisley went with me.  We got some pictures in the yard before leaving:
 The banquet was one of the best!!  Great job to all those who organized it and to Jenae for speaking!  I was too busy visiting with family and friends that I forgot to take any pictures.  These two were taken by our special photographers, Peggy and Tasha:
 Sunday was Mother's Day.  I'm so thankful for my own Mom and the Christian home she raised us girls in!  Love you, Mom!
 And I'm so thankful for our daughter Rachel and the wonderful Mom she is
 As well as our daughter-in-laws, Michelle
 and Carman.  All wonderful Moms!! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
 Rachel's family joined Jeff, Mom and I for church Sunday and a delicious lunch afterwards.
 Mom won a prize for having the oldest child present (yes, that's me! πŸ˜„)
 The next Saturday, we drove to Ft. Smith for Copeland's 5th and Gideon's 1st birthday party!
And this precious boy turned 1 on April 27th!

 Mom and Dad did great with decorations and a delicious meal for all who attended
 With the "super hero" birthday boys
 Our family that was able to attend (the McCrary family also came, but I didn't get a pic)
 Gideon was DONE taking picturesπŸ˜†
 Copeland got a Spiderman Bicycle
We got Gideon this outdoor water play toy and they all had fun and got soaked!
 And we got Copeland this flat swing
 The Swart and McCrary cousins that came to the party
 The next day, Sunday, we had church in Galena, then the Mooneys and Jeff and I made a fast trip to Mt. Olive, Girard (my home church) for their 150th birthday celebration!
Mom and her friend Anita Melhorn had driven up to Girard in time for the morning worship service.  They picked up Anita's daughter, Ilene, in Girard first: 
 It was so good to see my high school best friend/maid of honor, Sheryl "Ragonese" Bruns.  Sheryl will always be a very special friend of mine!  We were so sad to learn that her husband, Alan, has been diagnosed with ALS.  We are sure praying for him!
 It was good to see many "old" friends and family.  Lynda "Lee" Johnson drove from Conway, AR to be there.  Her Dad, Bro. H.L. Lee pastored Mt. Olive two different times.  My cousin Holly and Aunt Freda also came to the event.
 We hurried back to Galena to attend graduation and a party for 3 of our graduates.  Garrett Hall, Dylan Watkins and Gracie Shoemaker were just "babes" when we came to Galena.  Now they are all grown up and graduated.  So proud of each one!! πŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ’™
 On May 22, precious Saylor Faye Swart turned 1 month old!! πŸ’–πŸ’–
For 7 years, May 22 has been a day to bring sadness to my heart -- remembering the devastation and loss to so, so many after the Joplin tornado tore through our area. But on May 22, 2018. it's a day of celebrating Saylor Faye's first month birthday!! You are such a blessing to us, Saylor and we love you dearly!!! πŸ’–πŸ’–
 Over Memorial Day weekend, Kaye and Bev came to Galena to spend time with Mom and I.
 We had a great visit, good food, fun game playing, etc.  Holly joined us on Saturday for a visit and games.
Sunday, Bev and Kaye went to church with us.
 In the afternoon, we went to Pittsburg and Girard and decorated graves (Aunt Bea and Grandma and Grandpa Brunk in Pittsburg; Grandma and Grandpa Boore, Dad and our baby brother, Dwayne in Girard)
While in Girard, we made a quick stop at Uncle Marvin and Aunt Judy's as Mom had left her Bible at Mt. Olive the Sunday before and they had it for her.  Always good to see them!
Thanks, Bev and Kaye for coming!!  We love you!
The last weekend of May/first 2 days of June were Galena Days.  As always, the days/nights are full with events each night and our church's chicken noodle dinner on Saturday.  It's a lot of fun and hard work for many, but a blessing to our community.  Jeff even won a little girls' bike that our granddaughters will enjoy riding whenever they visit us:
Galena Days ended about 11:30 Saturday night.....and Sunday night, VBS began (with 6 grandchildren and our daughter joining us)!! Whew and Whew!! 😍  A whole new posting for the week of VBS next! πŸ’“πŸ’“

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