Friday, June 8, 2018

VBS Week 2018

For the last 3 years, I have invited some of my grandchildren to join us for VBS at First Baptist.  Each year, a new grandchild is added 😍.  The first year (2016), it was just Laine, Ellie and Copeland:
Shep and Eisley (and the parents) all came for the closing program (2016
 Then in 2017, it was Laine, Ellie, Copeland and Eisley:
The traditional picture after the closing program with Shep and Gideon present:
This year (2018) it was Laine, Ellie, Copeland, Eisley and Shepherd
(with Gideon and Rachel with us at home during the day)
Night 1 (and no, we didn't coordinate but it was cool it worked out that way/black and white for Laine, Ellie and I)
Night 2
Night 3
Night 4
Night 5
Night 6 - Program Night (with Gideon included)
We kept busy during the days....playing, playing and more playing (and cooking, eating, cleaning up kitchen, bathing, picking up toys, etc., etc.) 😃😃  We really thought we would get the phone call any day that baby Mack was on his way.......but he was a good baby and let us finish up VBS before making his appearance. 💙
Gideon said "Papa" for the first time during this visit. 💙💙
Gideon wasn't walking yet, but he sure could push Shep on the airplane.  He did start walking just a couple of weeks later 😍
Each year, Leigh Ryan "NiNi" has invited us over for a day of swimming, pizza and lots of fun!
The kids look so forward to this each year!  Thanks, Leigh!
We played in the backyard some:
Momma and Daddy were pretty worried about how Shep would do as he was in the midst of potty training, etc.  Carman almost kept him home because of that.  However, I wanted Andy and Carman to have some "alone" time before their world was once again turned upside down with a newborn (and 3 siblings)  So I insisted he come and he was so good for his DeDe!  He ate well, slept great, no meltdowns here (we did have some crying at VBS) and only 1 accident (which was DeDe's fault for not leaving him on the potty long enough to totally finish his job).  Good boy, Shepherd Knox! 💙
Another day, we visited the Southeast Nature Center
And played at the park
And of course, visited their beloved "Cars on the Route"
Then we met Papa and Great Grandma for lunch:
Lacey Boyes and I had the 4th and 5th graders in VBS:
Good kids and two from our group asked Jesus into their hearts!!  That's what makes the week all worthwhile!! 💖💖
Some misc. pictures taken by others during the week.  Once Jennifer Shoemaker started working in the nursery, Shep was a happy camper.  He knows a grandma when he sees one 😍😍
One night, Laine just needed to talk to her Papa to be reassured she had Jesus living in her heart and she does--there is no doubt!! 😍
The closing program.....Laine and Ellie.....
Copeland and Eisley.....
All the kids did so good.  Jonathan had come that afternoon to see the program and then they all spent the night with us Friday night.  Since they had 2 cars, they volunteered to take Andy & Carman's kids home Saturday morning......they had been gone only about 30 minutes when we got the phone call that it was baby day!!  I just thought I had the day to clean house and catch a breath!  HA, not to be had!  But we were excited and rushed around to head to Arkansas for another precious grandbaby's birth....the next posting will document Mack's arrival!
Thank you, First Baptist, for providing a wonderful VBS week for the children of our community and my own grandchildren!!  And thank you Andy, Carman, Rachel and Jonathan for allowing your children to attend.  A special thanks to Rachel for coming and helping me during this week.  I could not have done it without you!! 😍😍

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog. Looks like your grands had a great time at your house and your church has a wonderful VBS!!!
