Saturday, June 9, 2018

MacArthur Joshua Swart

As I said in the last post, these 3 kiddos were with Jeff and I all week (along with their McCrary cousins and Aunt for VBS).  Rachel and Jonathan were taking them home to their parents that Saturday morning when we got the call that it was time to have a baby!  So they graciously took the kids to a restaurant and fed all of them while Jeff, I and Grandma tied up a few loose ends in Galena and made the drive to NWA.  
Momma did pack their big sis/big bro shirts in her hospital bag, so they changed into them once they arrived at Northwest Medical Center, Bentonville, AR
 We all arrived between 12:30-1:00 and started the "waiting" game.
 This is the second great grandchild birth Great Grandma Boore was privileged to be in attendance at.
 Yes, we used the electronics to keep everyone occupied since the area was small and the children were bored.
 Jeff was not too happy about me posting the picture below on Facebook -- but it just tells our viewers how very tired he was (and everyone else after such a busy week).  So it was OK he took a nap!!  Gideon playing with his shoe didn't even wake him.
 MacArthur "Mack" Joshua Swart was born June 9th at 3:11 p.m. weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz.  Their largest baby so far.  
Mack's name has special meaning to us:  Andy (and Jeff) are both huge fans of the great Pastor/Preacher John MacArthur who baby Mack is named after. His middle name, "Joshua" is after our first-born; Andy's big brother, Josh (who was shocked and overwhelmed when he heard the name). And of course, "Swart" means we now have two male grandchildren to carry on Jeff's name. Pretty special name!! 
 His body temp was a little low, so he was placed on Momma's chest for several hours until it warmed up to normal temp.  This was where he was when he got to see him for the first time, so we didn't get to hold him.  But he was right where he needed to be, so it was OK!
 First picture with his siblings 💙
 Later in the day, after his body temp was normal and he had his bath, etc., Daddy got to hold his boy!  Jeff, Mom and I had gone home before this time as we were exhausted and had another busy day on Sunday.  
 Just precious!!! 😍
 We enjoyed all the pictures that Andy texted us in those next couple of days.
 On Sunday -- first family picture of all 6!!
 Proud Sisters and Brother!
 Ellie is such a "momma" -- she is a big help in holding her brother
 Big brother, Shep, did have have few days of adjustment not being the baby anymore.
 Thankfully, it only lasted a week or so 💙
 The kids' good friend Kayce came to the hospital and got some cute pictures before they went home.
 Pretty momma and she once again did so good giving birth!!
 Daddy's second boy
 About 27 hours after birth, they headed home!
Carman's mom and sister came to NWA on Sat. to help with the children and then the baby for several days, which was greatly appreciated by all!
We are so blessed with another precious grandbaby!  #9

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