Friday, November 30, 2018

October/November Highlights

Mack turned 4 months old in October.  He's a cutie and looks so much like his sister Ellie and his Momma! πŸ’™πŸ’™
 And Saylor turned 6 months old in late October πŸ’–
 Another precious 6 month old picture of her πŸ’—πŸ’—
 Around this same time, Saylor started wearing a helmet to help with some issues with the shape of her head.  She will wear it approx. 4-6 months, 23 out of 24 hours a day.  Thankfully, she adjusted quickly and it doesn't ever seem to bother her, even in sleeping!
 As I said in my posting below about Kipling's birth, Jeff and I brought back to Galena with us that same day, Copeland, Eisley and Gideon.  They stayed with us 6 days while Mom, Dad and baby Kipling adjusted to newborn life.
 Copeland and Eisley decorated a pumpkin in Awana one night
 One of our sweet church members had given me toys that her grandchildren outgrew, so these kids sure had fun with those!  Thank you, Donna!
 One day the weather was nice so we did the usual things in Galena:  Park, Cars on the Route, playing outside, etc.
 I wrote another posting prior to this one all about Kipling's birth.  I took the kids back to Ft. Smith on Monday and stayed til Friday.  One of Rachel's friends from church gifted them with a newborn photo session.  Here are some more pictures from that (I also posted a few others on the blog about Kipling)
Kipling has beautiful dark hair!
Sweet, sweet kiddos! πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’™
 Also while there that week, I got to enjoy Halloween with these cuties!
 Mario and his family
 Mario's baby Toad
 Was texted pictures of Andy's crew
 Saylor or Avi didn't dress up, but here are some cute pictures they took at a Pumpkin Patch:
 The first of November I did get my Christmas decorations up.  I hate the process but love the outcome! So cozy and comforting to me!
Mack at 5 months (Nov. 9) 
 On November 12th, there were 11 of us from FBC going to the Senior Adult Conference in Branson  It snowed so beautifully that morning but didn't stop us from going!  This picture was taken in Joplin at our friends, the McQuillen's home, who rode with Jeff and I to the conference.
 I didn't take very many pictures of our group at the conference.  This one was in the dark outside of the Samson theater (it was a terrific show!)
Those in the picture: Left to right:  Ron and Debbie Owen, Shelva Jean Sleeper, Jennifer Shoemaker, Judy Hall, Judy Gilstrap, Bonnie Hopkins, Connie and Cliff McQuillen and me.  Sadly Jeff was back at the hotel deathly sick in our room 😒😒.  He was able to enjoy Monday, but during the night and the remainder of the time there, he was so sick.
 We got home from Branson Wednesday afternoon (thankfully Cliff drove us home but it was a miserably long ride for Jeff).  He wasn't any better on Thursday, so I took him to ER and from there he was admitted into the hospital with dehydration and the Norovirus.  This was Jeff's first hospital stay in his 65 years of life!!  He hopes it's his ONLY hospital stay - ha!
We were supposed to keep Andy & Carman's 3 oldest that weekend as Andy had a medical procedure done.  But since we couldn't, Aunt Ray Ray insisted they stay with them.  That was a houseful and although the kids were all so good, Jonathan and Rachel don't think they want 7 kids - ha!  Just getting them all ready for bed is quite a task (which I know from when I keep them all--it's not for the faint of heart😁)!  The McCrary kids sure loved having their Swart cousins for a 2 night/day sleepover!
They sent this video text of get well greetings to Papa (I'm crossing my fingers it will work on this posting):

Saylor πŸ’– before they began their long Thanksgiving journey from Tennessee to Arkansas!
Thankfully, Jeff only had to spend the one night in the hospital and by Thanksgiving week was feeling much better!  Mom, Jeff and I went to Rachel and Jonathan's the day before Thanksgiving as Josh and family were going to be stopping by on their way to Michelle's parents (it was our kids turn to spend Thanksgiving with their spouses' families).
This was Jeff's first time to hold Kipling since his birth.
We were thrilled to see all 6 of these grandkiddos on a holiday that normally we don't seem them!
Grandma was excited to see them too!
She's sure growing!
Saylor's 7 month pictures -- just adorable!
Shep and his family were at Carman's mother's for Thanksgiving.  This cutie turned 3 on Nov. 23rd!
This picture is out of date order, but am adding with the two above -- we didn't get to celebrate with Shep til Dec. 4th.  We had to go to Fayetteville for a church member's surgery, so Andy, Carman and the boys met us for lunch and for Shep to open his presents from us (and from Uncle JJ/Michelle that they had left with us).  The girls were in school, so we didn't see them, sadly.
This kiddo is so much fun!  And he's definitely his daddy's mini me!
Back to Thanksgiving....we spent the night with Rachel and her family Wed. night and then headed on to Conway Thursday morning to spend a couple of days with my sister, Kaye and her family.
She had a house full for a very scrumptious, abundant and delicious Thanksgiving meal.  Kaye's kids and families; Rob's daughter and family and Rob's sister and all her family were there for the day.  It was a great day of food, laughter and sweet fellowship!  Thanks so much, Kayety, for inviting us!
Kaye and Rob kept Lincoln and Graham for over a week while Mom and Dad went on their 15th anniversary trip.  Those boys are sure cute!  We really enjoyed some time with them!  Eating at the Purple Cow restaurant here on Friday and then Mom, Kaye, the boys and I went to see the cute movie, "The Grinch."  Jeff and Rob went back to the house to watch the Hogs play.  I'm sure the movie was more fun!  Hoping for a better year next year for our Hogs!
Andy texted us this picture of his family on Thanksgiving Day
And this was the one Jonathan sent us of their family
This precious baby boy turned 1 month old on Nov. 23rd! πŸ’™

Mom stayed with Kaye for several days and Jeff and I headed home Saturday morning as we were very excited that Josh and his family were coming to spend the night with us!  This was Saylor Faye's first visit at DeDe and Papa's house!! πŸ’–πŸ‘
We love these Sisters!! πŸ’•πŸ’•
They had to leave early Sunday morning for the very long trip back to Tennessee.  Had to get this cutie in front of my tree!
And one of the family before they left us 😒  So glad they will be back Christmas along with our other children and grandchildren!  Our little house will be packed and overflowing with lots of love and laughter! 😍😍
Andy and his family had fall photos taken and they turned out so good!!
The last of November, Rachel had a tubal done.  The doctor moved up the surgery date and so her arrangements with Jonathan's mom scheduled the next weekend didn't work out.  So I went down for a 24 hour stay to keep the kids while she had the surgery and to do baby duty that night since she wasn't able to nurse.  She did have some strong pain and nausea, but thankfully recovered after a couple of days.  The only picture I took of the kiddos during that visit - in front of their pretty tree!
We recently had church directory pictures, so I 'm closing with that.  Truly we are so thankful, so grateful and so blessed for the tremendous blessings God has given us!!

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