Friday, June 17, 2022

May and June

 May 1st was our "baby" girl's 37th Birthday!  Happy Birthday, Rachel Ann!  We sure do love you!πŸ’–

So thankful for these Mom's and the great job they are doing raising our grandchildren!!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
So thankful I am blessed to be a Mom, MIL and DeDeπŸ’—
And very thankful for my Mom!! (and sister, Kaye).  I fixed lunch for us that Sunday (and Rob and Jeff )
The next week, Copeland and Gideon stayed with us for a couple of days to celebrate their birthdays (Gideon's was in April and Copeland's later in May).  Grandma came over to see Rachel and crew
Love these guys!
We did some park time, visited the pet shop, etc.  It was really hot, so didn't do much outside
May 17th is our daughter-in-law, Carman's birthday.  We love you, Carman!
May 19th, our oldest grandson turned 9!!πŸ’™  Love you, Copeland!
May 23rd was the day Jeff had been waiting for - for almost 2 months!!  Back surgery--rods, screws, bone fusion, rotor-rooting out some stuff, etc.!
The surgery went great, according to the surgeon!  Jeff spent 2 nights in the hospital and seemed to be doing really well.  He was discharged Wednesday around 2 but by evening was in so much pain (in his calf--opposite leg of the surgery leg).  We were afraid of a blood clot, so went to the ER.....major mistake!!  6-1/2 hours later, we had no answers and Jeff was absolutely miserable.  Got home around 4 a.m.  The next morning, he called the surgeon's office, who had him go later that day to get two ultrasounds (both calves were hurting at this point).  Again, the tests did not show any clots.  For 3 weeks, he has been in so much pain.  Even the surgeon has no answers as to why he's experiencing the calf pain.  Today (June 17) he FINALLY had a pretty good "less" pain day.  Sure praying he's finally on the road to recovery.
Our brother-in-law, Rob bought him this nice walker and it has definitely been a major blessing to him!!  But we are sure looking forward to the day, it is no longer a necessary part of his life!
We are also so grateful to the many, many people who brought us food and/or gave us gift cards, for all the calls, cards in the mail, texts, and most of all prayers!  We are so thankful!  Also very appreciative of our Worship Leader Travis and his family for taking care of our yard during this time!  

May has been a busy month for our grandkids as they finished up their school year.  Laine is very much into drama and performed in a musical.  Wish we could have seen well as Eisley do her dance performance in Little Rock.  
And Shep graduated from Kindergarten!!  Hated we missed that too!
Two weeks after surgery, Andy made the trip to Arkansas to help his Dad out for a couple of days.  So very kind of him.  He cleaned out our flower beds, did some other yard work and also cleaned out and organized our garage.  He wanted to create a new flower bed for us, but it poured the day he was going to do that, so that will be a project for next time!  Thank you Andy for coming!!πŸ’“πŸ‘πŸ’š
The flower bed after he finished mulching!πŸ’š
Rachel's family joined us the last night Andy was here (but I failed to get a picture!).  Andy, Jeff and Rob then went to see the new movie, Maverick (Top Gun), and really enjoyed it.

Mack turned 4 on June 9th!  Sure love this cutie!πŸ’™
Sunday, June 5th, my Aunt Freda (Hardister) passed away.  This picture was taken in 2019, the last time I saw her (I had driven to Pittsburg, while still living in Galena, to the facility she was living in to hear her play the piano for Uncle Marvin who sang for the residents).  So thankful, I got to be there for that day!  I sure did love her!  But thankful, she is now whole, healthy and enjoying all the fruit of her labor and faithfulness to the Lord!
Bev drove from Texas to Arkansas on Wednesday and then rode with Rob, Kaye, Mom, Jeff and I on Thursday to Kansas for the services.  Before we went to visitation, we went to Jim's Steakhouse in Pittsburg for an early dinner.  Our "Brunk" cousin Christie and husband Wayne met us there as she wanted to see us while we were in town.  It was a great visit and a delicious meal!
Aunt Freda's wonderful service was held at Meadowside Baptist Church in Pittsburg on Friday.  She and Uncle Jack were charter members of Meadowside and Jeff and I served with them in the beginning years of the mission.  Paul Mooney, missionary pastor of Meadowside for many years, preached the service and Uncle Marvin sang.  Sweet service!
It was so good to see many of our Boore family at the services (a few had left before we got the picture taken)!
The Boore cousins that were at the lunch (Marsha and Cheryl were at the funeral but didn't get to stay for lunch)
Also good to see several friends, including Paul and Mary (Mooney)πŸ’–
I was Aunt Freda and Uncle Jack's flower girl.  My Mom made both Aunt Freda's dress as well as my flower girl dressπŸ’–
We drove home after the funeral on Friday (it was a very hard trip for Jeff😞)  He spent several days thereafter in bed.
Saturday, Kaye and I went to a Ladies Brunch at church that we had signed up for.  Really enjoyable time.  Delicious food and great devotional by our friend, Kerry Stitch
Some of the gals from our Jensen Small Group who where there in support of Kerry
Then we had a flower arranging lessonπŸ’—
All the ladies and their flowers
A picture of the one I made (not bad for a brown thumb girl)!
Bev stayed with Mom til Monday and went to church with us Sunday, which was great.  I didn't get a picture of us (thought we were taking a picture, but it turned out to be a video, so can't post here).  So glad she was in AR for a few days!

As I wrote in the post below this one - I started a healthy food plan the last of April.  I lost 14 lbs. in about 6 weeks. Jeff's surgery, then the funeral, travel to Kansas, etc., set me back some.  So I have been back on plan the last week and doing good again.  I still desire to lose 7-9 lbs.  But am so very thankful that my blood sugar numbers are staying in the acceptable range!  I go back to the diabetes doctor the first of July and hoping she will be pleased with that!  I really have enjoyed this "Crave" book along with the recipes/food plan on New Life Promise.  

Now I'm "gearing" up all my resources to keep 9 grandkids next week.  7 of them will be participating in VBS at Antioch; Laine will be helping at VBS; and Rachel and Kipling will be in town to help me out (they will stay at Mom's at night).  I'm thinking I'm getting too old to do this, but love when the cousins get the opportunity to all be together in our home and able to go to Bible School (we have done this for several years).  This will be Saylor's first time to join us for "cousin" week. πŸ’˜ So my next blog post will be all about the week!  πŸ˜€

It's been so hot in AR this week (and all over the US).  Ugh....I do not like summer.  I have to do my exercise here in the house (jogging my mini lap) or going to McGee Center.  But I'm getting 'er done and must not quit!  After all the health problems/pain, Jeff has been in, I'm just counting my blessings that I have the health and ability to exercise and will not take that for granted! 

Sunday is Father's thankful for a godly Dad and for Jeff and our 2 sons and son-in-law for the great fathers that they are!  Happy Father's Day, Jeff, Josh, Andy & Jonathan!πŸ’™

Thanks again to ALL who have been praying for Jeff.  We both are looking so forward to the day when he feels good again and is able to resume all his activities, ministries and enjoying life to the fullest!  Thank you, Lord, for being with us in this valley and never forsaking us!!πŸ’žπŸ’ž

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