Thursday, June 30, 2022

VBS 2022

Since 2016, Jeff and I have made an effort to include our grandchildren in Vacation Bible School (with the exception of 2019/2020).  I'm beginning this post, with a few memories of "years" gone by before I blog about this yearπŸ’–

2016 - Only 3, at that time, were old enough to attend....First Baptist Church, Galena, KS

The parents came for the program on the last night and brought the 2 younger grandkiddos.

2017 - Added one more (Eisley)--First Baptist, Galena

Again, the parents came for the program and brought the 2 younger brothers

2018--Shep joined us - First Baptist, Galena
And on program night, parents and Gideon came
2019, they all lived too far away to come to Galena (and I was in the midst of packing for our retirement/move). 2020 -- COVID cancelled VBS here in Conway.
2021 - Ellie, Copeland, Eisley and Shep attended VBS at Antioch in Conway 
(Laine helped a couple of days and Mack, who was too young, stayed home with me).  
Program Night

And now 2022!  My first time to have all 9 grandkids in my home for an extended period of time!  Thankfully, Rachel came and stayed during the week which was a BIG help (I honestly don't think I could have done it without her - especially since Jeff was still recovering from his back surgery).

On Sunday (Father's Day), Josh brought Saylor to us.  That was a sweet blessing for Jeff to have his oldest son and granddaughter with him on Father's Day (it's a rare treat)!
(Yes, Saylor had put on her swimsuit😍)
Andy sacrificed Father's Day (for the second year in a row) so that Carman could drive to AR and bring the kids to us.  She took her 4 to Rachel and Jonathan's that day where they spent the night.  The cousins were excited to see each other (first time since Christmas).
The next day, Rachel and Jonathan got all 8 kids up, fed, and ready for the 40 minute drive to Conway!
Saylor was excited to see her cousins!
We all met at the church for the first day of VBS!!  DAY 1
Josh also went with us, so he could see everyone before he headed back to TN.
A few pictures I "stole" from the VBS Preschool Facebook page.  Laine was the helper in Mack and Gideon's room....
Saylor's class
Our first afternoon together, we went to Jay and Jana Hefner's pool for a fun afternoon of swimming.  The temps were very hot the entire week the kids were here (heat index over 100πŸ˜“).  Thankfully, the Hefner's pool is partially shaded and in the water, we were nice and cool!

So glad Jonathan had off Monday and was able to come over and help that day!
So appreciative of the Hefners in letting us use their pool - 2 years in a row!
Jonathan went back home that evening and Rachel, Gideon, Kipling and Laine went to Grandma's (my Mom's) to sleep each night, which was a huge blessing.  I slept 6 here (3 in each bedroom/2 in each bed and the other two each on a child's blow up mattress on the floor).

Everyone was happy and ready to go back to VBS!πŸ’—πŸ‘Œ

That afternoon was "rest" day -- showers, baths and naps for the little ones/Nintendo Switch for the older ones.  Great Grandma joined us for dinner that night
Then Laine made everyone snow cones for dessert

This was "picture" day so they were instructed to wear their VBS shirts that I had ordered for them.
(Kipling was too young to attend, so he stayed home each day with Rachel and I)
That afternoon, Rachel and I took them to the Laurel Park/Splash Pad
They had a great time -- Rachel and I about died of heat stroke 😜
They also played at the park for a "little" while
On our way home, we stopped at Sonic for "Happy Hour" Slushes!
We definitely had some tired kids that afternoon! (And they slept good that night!)
Rachel fixed dinner for us that night as she could tell DeDe was plumb tuckered out!  After dinner, we did have a fun evening of games....First was Charades!
We were so surprised that one of our youngest (4 years old) guess the first one!!
Aunt Ray Ray helped the younger ones....
A couple of rounds later, Saylor (also 4 yrs old) guessed the word!πŸ‘
The other game they played - "Heads Up"
I loved it when I walked thru the room at one point during the week, and these kids were singing and doing the motions to one of their VBS songs, "Awesome God!"
Each night after Rachel took her crew to Grandma's, the kids staying here prepared for bed and then Papa read them a Bible story and prayed with them.
DAY 4 (last day)
That afternoon was another "rest" day - baths/showers/naps for the little ones.

And then our 10th grandchild, Avi and her Mom, Michelle came.  Saylor was sure excited to see them!  I didn't get a good picture of their reunion though 😏
Jonathan came back over and we had Brick Oven Pizza for dinner and then headed to the program.
The picture Antioch took on Picture Day of all who attended VBS
The program was very cute!
Preschool sang first...Saylor....
Mack and Gideon
Laine and the other helpers doing the motions
Then the older ones turn....Ellie, Eisley and Shep
I love this picture, Michelle got of Saylor during closing prayer time:
Rachel and all her crew went home after the program.  Michelle, Avi and Saylor along with the Texas Swart kids spent Thursday night with us.  Michelle and the girls headed to NWA that next morning to spend the weekend with her brother and family (and I again forgot to get a picture!😞)
Later than morning, I had the Texas kids all packed up to drive an hour or so to meet their Mom.  The week had been hard on Jeff....he did work each morning at the church and helped Rachel transport kids back and forth, but he didn't get his normal quiet afternoon to rest, so he was worn out.  So I took the kids by myself (which was fine).
I was all "cooked" out - so we first went to Taco Bell here in Conway for lunch and then we used the free ice cream coupons that were handed out at VBS at Andy's on our way out of town....of course, that wasn't the smartest idea this DeDe had....100 degrees and ice cream outside was a mess--but they enjoyed it!
Always a relief to be able to return grandchildren to their parents - safe and sound!!  So thankful for God blessing the week with health, no accidents, no fights, and LOTS AND LOTS of sweet memories!!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

Saturday, we were "toast"  -- thankfully, I was able to finish up laundry, clean up the house a little and rest!!  Sunday was a great day at Antioch.
Monday, Michelle and the girls stopped by for a couple of hours to give them a break on their long drive back to TN.  Always sweet to have them in our home!😍

And now.....the next "big" event on our calendar, is our family's trip to Disneyworld in December to celebrate Jeff and I's 50th wedding anniversary as well as Christmas, etc.  I realize Disney is definitely not what she "use" to be and I'm heartsick at the decisions the CEO's are making.  I know Walt would not be pleased!!  However, we planned this trip last year before many of those decisions were made and we have already paid on our trip, got our airline tickets and even more importantly, our grandchildren are so, so excited about going.  So we will go.....for Jeff and I, I'm sure our last time.  Still praying that someone "wakes" up in the Disney leadership and realize they are making some major WRONG decisions!!!😲😲

During the week, while Rachel was here, she made each family (with kids) countdown calendars (to start using when we are 100 days out).  The kids were excited about that.

Next Monday is July 4th.  One of my favorite holidays....Saylor has been with us the last two years on the 4th but won't be this year.  However, I'm using this picture as my profile pic on FB remembering her visit and celebrating the 4th!πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’™

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