Friday, May 10, 2024

21 Day Panama Canal Cruise--Bucket List Dream Fulfilled!

We flew out of Little Rock Friday, April 12th at 9 a.m.  Rachel was very gracious to take us to the airport around 6:30 a.m.! Our connecting flight was at DFW. Since we had a 2 hour layover and our gate was right across from there, we ate at Pappasito's.  That restaurant is a favorite of ours!! We landed in Ft. Lauderdale around 4:30 and got a cheap hotel there that shuttled us to the ship Sat. morning.  However before being shuttled to the ship, Jeff had a stressful morning.  He realized during the night, he forgot to pack his laptop charger!  That is major mistake for someone who is a writer and that was how he planned to spend his Sea Days!  So he hired an Uber who took him to Walmart where he purchased a universal charger and got back to the hotel just a few minutes to spare before catching our shuttle.  Whew!!πŸ˜₯

Our Ship and our roomπŸ’—. We were able to get on the ship at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 13th. We ate lunch on the Lido Deck and then our room was ready around noon.  

Our home away from home for 21 days!

Holland America Cruise Lines -- "Eurodam" was the name of our Ship

Nice big bathroom

Heading out to Sea (the Atlantic Ocean)!  Picture off our balcony:

Goodbye Ft. Lauderdale

Nice beach

Map of where we traveled

Itinerary: 12 ports (with lots of sea days in between, that we loved!)

Just FYI -- that laptop charger would not work 😞😬.  Didn't realize it til we were on the Ship for a day or two.  So for two weeks, Jeff typed everything on his Ipad and/or Phone until we finally got to California, where he could purchase a charger.

Professional Picture Saturday night:

Sunday was our first Sea Day.  We watched Antioch's services, then I went down to the Promenade and walked. The wind was ferocious! So it was quite a workout (and at times scary that I was going to get blown off the ship).  But I still enjoyed it!  Beautiful blue water (we are now in the Gulf of Mexico)


The Show (Sunday Night) was very good -- Song and Dance with Chris, Daniel and Company

Monday was another Sea/rest day.  At 10, we went to the World Stage and watched a very interesting lecture on the Panama Canal!  I was so glad I watched as I knew nothing about the Canal!  Jeff knew lots but I didn't.

Tuesday morning, April 16, we arrived in Cartagena, Columbia, South America. My first time to be in South America!
We didn't do an excursion here (ship was leaving at noon). So we just got off and walked to this pretty area. It was hot (89 and very, very humid!)
Proud as a PeacockπŸ˜ƒ
If you look close, you will see Jeff and I
Our ship:

The show tonight! Such a talented pianist with a great sense of humor: Hyperion KnightπŸ‘πŸ‘
The LED screens they had on the stage added so much to all the shows!!

THE BIG DAY!!  Wednesday, April 17th -- PANAMA CANAL!    
We got up at 5:30 AM in order to watch our entrance!
3 locks that fill up with water and raise the boat up several feet each lock in order to be the same level as the man-made lake on the other side

A professional picture we purchased that shows the locks clearly

Almost our turn -- waiting on the big yellow ship and the sailboats to move further in first.
Those big gates will close in order for that lock to fill with water.  Amazing how it all works!

Entering -- 7:15 a.m.!
There's not a foot on either side of the boat -- whew!! Those machines (called mules) help to keep us from scraping the sides
Looking back to where we had been
Land we saw along the way once we exited the first set of locks
The Pan American Highway -- stretches from the southern tip of South America to Alaska!!  Connects South America to North America....19,000 Miles in length.  Amazing!
The TV screen in our room (with narration) showed the process better as we traveled through (it took 8 hours to make it thru the entire Panama Canal...lots of it was in a pretty man-made lake named Gatun).  The journey was 52 miles long. There were two sets of locks.  The first one was 3 locks back to back to enter the Canal and the last one had one lock separated from the last 2 to exit the Canal (3:00 p.m.).  
It cost the Cruise Line $375,000 to use the Canal (each time they use it).  Each passenger was assessed $80.00.  America should have kept possession of the Canal but now Panama owns it.
Going thru the last group of locks
Tourists on land watching our Ship pass thru:
We are out....soon to be in the Pacific Ocean!
Panama City!! It's big -- Jeff said it's like Dubai - rich city!
I didn't remember someone taking this picture on the makeup and up since 5, so not good of me!
Wed. night: This guy was a great comedian (clean jokes), magician and Ventriloquist! Clarence was so funny!! Very talented man!  However, we went to his show a couple of nights later and it wasn't as clean, so we were disappointed then.

Thursday we were in the North Pacific Ocean. Sea Day.πŸ’ž
Thankful for opportunities to get a lot of steps in each day!  I walked every single day!!
Picture after dinner Thursday 4/18
Friday, 4/19 we have arrived at Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Jeff has been to Costa Rica many times when we worked at the Missions Office. It's my first time (Central America). This town is on a Peninsula.
Walking to the town
We didn't pay for an excursion -- instead just walked on our own for about 1-1/2 miles in the town.  It was so HOT! (mid 90's with high humidity!) Cold showers when we returned to the ship!
Me and the Sign
Jeff and the Sign
After dinner April 19
Saturday, Sea Day
Gotta get my exercise in each day in order to enjoy eating!
Then I relaxed…doing my Bible study and reading!
Saturday 4/20 - "Dressy" Night
Professional Picture from that night
The Pianist Hyperion Knight played again that night on the World Stage. He is excellent -- and a great storyteller as well. What was shown on the screens added so much to the concert (pictures from the areas of those who wrote the songs he played). Very enjoyable!!
We went back to the World Stage a couple of times for more shows, but didn't care for the last two weeks of shows like we did the first week.  They had several comedians over the 3 week period but we didn't go to any of their shows.

Sunday 4/21 - Day 9 -- Docked in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala (Central America). Big shipping container yard there.
Got a picture of Chris -- Our Cruise Director.  He was great!
We didn't do an excursion (Jeff has been to Guatemala many times on Mission Trips and/or when working for the Missions Office). In the area where we walked to, there were many "shops" - locals selling their goods.
There was a shady nice park area, so Jeff and I enjoyed sitting there for 30 minutes or so and listening to the band from inside play on speakers outside.
We went back to the ship fairly quickly and listened to Antioch's services.  Wonderful once again!!

Day 10 - Monday - April 22 (our granddaugther Saylor's 6th birthday!). 
We were still out to sea til about 11 a.m.
Jeff spots land!
Pretty beach!  No, we didn't put on swimsuits to enjoy it.  
Huatulco, Mexico
We walked ashore for a little while.  Another very hot day.  

Tuesday, April 23rd was as "perfect" as an earthly day can be!! It was cooler! The sea was calm! And it was Sea Day! (my favorite!It was also our granddaughter Ellie's 12th birthday!
As I walked, I had to stop and take a picture of the sun shining on the ocean -- so pretty!!
And then I joined Jeff on the was so, so nice this morning!!
Loved having my quiet time on the Deck
The Bible Study I have been doing this Spring
I started watching "The Baxters" on Prime (I had read the books years ago). But after watching it, I decided to buy the Kindle version of the series and sure enjoyed reading it again while on this trip! Such a great series!

Wednesday 4/24 we docked in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico around 8:00 a.m.
Very pretty city!
We hired a tour guide who took us and another couple all around in an air conditioned van
The weather was perfect on this day!
Yes, we had to have a picture by the sign:
The couple that was on the cruise with us:  John and Debbie from New Jersey
As we visited a while, we realized we were all Christians and had the same conservative views (both spiritually and politically).πŸ’—  It was great to get to know them!
These benches and this park was so cool!!
Our tour guide:
Walking a swinging bridge!!  It wasn't real easy to stay on your feet!  Jeff didn't try it!
Jeff insisted on buying me a red opal ring (at a nice jewelry store in Puerta Vallarta).πŸ’– He was able to talk the guy down half in price!!
Goodbye Puerto Vallarta! We enjoyed our visit!

Thursday April 25--Sea Day (my sister Kaye's birthday)
Wonderful weather!! It's been so hot prior to this, so 79 degrees was perfect!

Day 14 - Friday, April 26 (and our granddaughter Laine's 14th birthday!). 
Tthe Housekeepers gathered together very early before anyone was up and made all kinds of creative towel animals (we also had one often on our bed at night).  These were in the pool area:
Our wonderful housekeeper - Victor!! (will post a picture of his helper Andi later)
Our first cloudy day and another Sea Day! And cool (60.8 degrees). I'm looking at the glass half full/overflowing as God has blessed us with 13 days with no rain or bad weather!!! Thank you, Lord!🎊  I 
I didn't even break a sweat while walking.
Bless the crew!! Always working on the ship -- cleaning, painting, repairing!! This job would be hard -- stooped down! Ouch (painting the black area!)
We played a couple of games on this Sea Day.  I won Spades but Jeff won "Tens" πŸ’“
A picture on my balcony to close out Friday

Day 15 -- Saturday 4/27 (Grandson Gideon's 7th Birthday!)
Arrived at San Diego, CaliforniaBack in the United States of America!
Our goal today (since we have both been to San Diego before) was to do some shopping! Rented an Uber to take us to Walmart and Best Buy -- which were right beside each other!! I got me a second suitcase at Walmart since I had to pay an additional $100.00 in Little Rock as my bag weighed 6 pounds over the limit 😏 (and we both got several other items we were needing there). And Jeff got his computer cord at Best Buy!! He was so glad to have a computer again -- after typing on his Ipad and/or Phone for two weeks!  He kept a daily log of our trip on his phone, so transferred all that to his laptop.  When we got home, he printed those pages -- 40!!  That's a lot of info!  😁
An absolutely gorgeous day!! Bright sunshine and around 70 degrees
That night was Orange Night (for the second time...first time we had no orange to wear!). So we bought us some orange shirts at Walmart to play along!🧑
When we didn't go to the World Stage for the main show, we would go to the Billboard (yes, across from the casino πŸ‘Ž) and play "Trivia" with Simon. Some nights was lightning trivia and hard, and Jeff didn't do as well. But we really enjoy the nights Simon did music trivia. One night it was 60's and Jeff scored 30 out of 33!πŸ‘

Sunday, April 28th, Avalon, Catalina Island, California:
They take lifeboats off our Ship and use as tenders to get people from ship to the Island
We headed to the Island about 8:30 on a tender.
Very pretty area (where Natalie Wood died in the water).
We had bought these Panama Canal shirts on the ship after going thru the Canal, so decided to wear them this day.  Our Ship in the background.
After enjoying the Island, we went back to the Ship and watched Antioch's services (so good!) and then I walked the Promenade Deck -- I was the only one walking (that first week, there would be 25-30+ people walking)!  It was chilly! (around 59-60 degrees)
I walked the last half mile up on Floor 10 (which is where our room was) - as the sun was shining bright and it was warmer. This is the pool on that floor.
A picture of the main pool area on Deck 9 -- took the pic from Deck 10 looking down.  I know I'm getting old!!  In years gone by, I would have spent plenty of time around the pool.  But on this cruise, I didn't even put on a swimsuit!!  And it was O.K.!!  On Sea Days, it was covered up with lots of people.
This is the first night (night 16--3rd Sunday on ship) that we wore jeans to the dining room (and our matching shirts). We just didn't feel like dressing up tonight (and it was casual night so it was fine!)
Simon from the Billboard (our trivia guy)!
Beautiful evening!! The "calm before the storm." Captain had come on all speakers earlier and told us that around midnight, we are going to have a very bad storm. Between us and San Francisco a huge storm with gale force winds of 45 knots and 16 ft. seas/waves will be in our path that night and the next day. This would be the worst waves we have ever encountered on a cruise. Yes, we took seasick pills before going to sleep!! We were praying too and had our family praying!!πŸ™

April 29 - Whew -- we did have some waves out there (although the next night was worse)!! Thankful that we survived the night (if there was a storm, we were not aware of it.  But the rocking was definitely greater)!
The inside pool was a wave pool that morning!

Jeff and I went up to Floor 11 for a while......observation area, game room and lots of people. The boat shook so bad that I had to leave and take a seasick pill!
Where Jeff spent a lot of time that last week typing on his laptop (that's him in the orange shirt):
The waves got even worse late that morning and thus they closed off all doors to go out on deck -- for fear someone would go overboard!!
So I walked the public floors: Floor 3, then Floor 2, then climbed stairs and walked hallways on Floors 4,5,6. Took pictures of areas on the ship as I walked. 
Art Area:
Where the pictures were on display that the photographers took....yes, we did buy some!
Shopping area
Jewelry store
A hallway that had connecting hallways at each end that I could walk all the way around.
I loved when I could get one of the loungers on the Observation deck....but it was rare and they were in high demand.  But did get one on occasion!
Dressy Night Monday April 29

Tuesday, April 30--San Francisco.  Jeff got up early to get a picture going under the Golden Gate Bridge:
My picture off the balcony when I got up at 7. It had been another very rough night with big waves/strong winds, so we didn't sleep much! So we were extra thankful to get to San Francisco and calm waters.
Jeff nor I had ever been to San Francisco, so we were glad this was one of our port stops.  I am posting more pictures here than some of the other ports since it was our first visit.

The city of San Francisco along the harbor and the Bay Bridge.
A view of Downtown San Francisco from our cruise ship.
We rode a Hop On Hop Off Bus to see the City.  The weather was great so we sat on top!
Alcatraz Island
One of those steep streets shown in movies
Fisherman's Wharf
Catholic Church used in the Clint Eastwood movie Dirty Harry.
Trans-America insurance building in downtown San Francisco
More unique buildings in downtown San Francisco
San Francisco's City Hall.....we all know San Fran has a lot of moral decline.  Many need Jesus!
Tie Dye Shop in the Haight/Ashbury District of San Francisco
Jimi Hendrix's Red House where he once lived in the Haight Ashbury District of San Francisco
Corner of the streets Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco. Ground zero for the Summer of Love
Shop memorializing the Summer of Love in the Haight/Ashbury District of San Francisco.
Unleaded gasoline was $5.70 a gallon. Too high (we saw it above 6.00 in some of our ports)!
Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay.  One had to take a Ferry to get to it and we didn't do that.  I wish Jeff could have since he's watched movies and read books about this prison, but he didn't.
The Golden Gate Bridge!
We got off our Bus here to take some pictures and use the porta-potties.  When I walked out of the one I used, I was rather shocked to see the backside of a naked man a few feet of me!  Yikes!! 😠  I hurriedly walked away from the area.
A view of downtown San Francisco looking across the Bay.
That evening in the Dining Room:
We like the food on Holland America better than any cruise lines we have traveled on. We would eat our breakfast and lunch on the Lido Deck (like a cafeteria with numerous choices). Each night, we ate in the Dining Room, where you are waited on, with fancy options and beautiful presentations.  Pictures of our favorite Dining Room food for those 21 days (different nights but compiling here and there were many other delicious dishes we enjoyed):
Jeff's favorite was Cracked Pepper Tenderloin with Grilled Shrimp and a baked potato (underneath was sauteed spinach, green beans, caramelized pineapple, balsamic reduction). He loved it!  (He did have steak often):
My favorite was Alaskan Citrus Salmon (Pear saffron couscous, golden raisins, toasted pine nuts, spinach, lemon butter). So good!!
 I always had soup for my starter (as they served a lot of delicious soups).  My favorite was the Butternut Squash Soup with Creme Faiche (pumpkin seeds and cranberries). The first time to do this: I asked for a second bowl (and then was too full to eat much of my entree)!
Jeff always had a salad.  His favorite was: Salad of Greens and Frisee (William pear, mandarin segments, pistachios, cherry tomato, organic mixed seeds) with balsamic dressing. Jeff wasn't sure he would like the "grass" but did really enjoy his salad.
Jeff didn't eat dessert much, but this was his favorite:  Tres Leches Creme Caramel with berries. 
My favorite was Coconut Cream Pie (whipped cream, mango sauce). 
I created a whole "private" album on Facebook of the evening meals but won't bore you all with that here!  But it's fun to go back to look at those meals and the pretty presentations of those meals.  And I was thrilled that I enjoyed the meals and yes even a dessert once in a while but still lost 7 lbs. (thanks to the walking, no doubt)!!

May 1st (our dear daughter, Rachel's birthdayπŸ’–) -- Sea Day

Waves and rocking of boat/lots of creaks, groans, popping overnight!!  Worst than the night before!!  

Day 20 -- Thursday, May 2
Our wonderful room stewards: Andi and Victor. They sure did spoil us!!
More towel creations that morning:
We went to the World Stage that morning for a very interesting presentation.  All about the areas of the Ship that are behind the scenes: Electricity, Water, Wifi, Housekeeping, Food, Food, Food, the Crow's Nest, etc. Chris and Simon led it but had different ones from the Ship speak. Here it was the Head Chef.
The "Head" Captain talked
And to end it, they had a whole lot of the crew come on stage that make it all happen!
Then I went and walked -- an hour!! Longest I've walked at one time, while on the Ship. It was chilly at first (I had on a fleece jacket) but after 30 minutes it was very comfortable.
So pretty -- I'm sure going to miss this sight!! I LOVE CRUISING!!!

Day 21--Friday 5/3 - last full day on Ship πŸ₯². We are in Vancouver, Canada. There is snow on those mountaintops but the weather was very nice. It's almost always raining there, but we got a sunshiny day and in the 60's!! Thank you, Lord!
A side picture of our ship. Our room was on the 10th Floor at the front of the ship (only 11 floors). But close to an elevator. So we were very pleased with the location.
Lots of Skyscrapers and unusual building designs in Vancouver (as was in San Francisco).
On another Hop On, Hop Off bus -- all inside since it's usually raining in this city.
Chinatown (second largest--first largest in San Fran that we did see on our Tour)
After Tour, back on the Ship for our last relaxing afternoon.
11th Floor - observation deck.....Jeff sat a table often and typed on his laptop. Whenever I could, I would grab one of these loungers, but they were hard to come by.  Jeff got to enjoy one for a little while this day.
5/3: Leaving Canada (may be the last foreign country we will ever be in🀷‍♀️

Back in the North Pacific! Our last night to be "rocked" to sleep -- I love that about cruising!
Day 22 -- Saturday May 5th - Seattle, WA.  Back to reality!  First day to see a little rain!  That was amazing as most of the US was getting so much rain/flooding/storms!
Got on a shuttle bus to airport at 8:30 a.m.  Goodbye Cruise Ship 😒
It was heading to Alaska next!
When you get old and there is a long walk from where bus dropped us off to the check in counter -- you pay someone to haul your luggage!
Seattle Airport. Had a long wait here as our flight wasn't til 1:30 pm (Pacific time)
Our flight left on time and we "thought" we would be back in AR by 10:30 p.m. Sat. night!
Our layover flight was to be in Chicago.  However, due to storms, the plane couldn't land.  We circled for a long time till there was a problem with fuel.  So we were diverted to Moline, IL (20-30 minute flying time).  We landed there but due to some maintenance issues, sat on the tarmac for 2-1/2 hours 😠.  By time we were finally cleared to fly back to Chicago (11:30 pm), there were no more flights out to LR.  We stood in line forever to get vouchers for hotel, shuttle, food, etc., but around 1:30 a.m., we decided it wasn't worth it to leave the airport, go to a hotel for a couple of hours and then be back to the airport for our early morning flight.  So....we just stayed inside the airport in uncomfortable seats.  Finally about 3:30 a.m., we were able to go thru security again, get to our gate and then at 4:30, was able to get some breakfast.  We hadn't eaten since about 11:30 the previous day (and that was McDonald's), so we were hungry!  Our flight did leave Chicago around 6:30 a.m. (Central time)
Jeff was so tired!
Our layover was in Charlotte, arriving around 9 am (Eastern time)
Love the rockers at the Charlotte airport. 
We had 2 or 3 hour layover here,  We were too tired to even remember how long it was.
But finally got back to Little Rock around 1:15 p.m.  (approx. 33 hours after leaving ship--with all the time changes, we aren't really sure) and was so thankful!  We arrived HOME SWEET HOME around 2:30 with all but 1 big suitcase (still in Chicago), that was delivered to our home the next day.  We both slept over 11 hours that night going to bed around 6 p.m.!

Again, we definitely are looking at the glass half full and are very, very grateful, for the safe flights/on time flights going to FL for the start of our cruise and for 21 wonderful cruising days.  Thank you, Lord, for no ship problems, no rain and/or no weather-related problems on the ship (other than a couple of days of wind and waves) and the fact that Jeff and I stayed healthy (that was really a blessing!).

We will always be so grateful for this opportunity!!

1 comment:

  1. You spent some time doing this! Great pictures and blog!! And good you found some good Christians friends to share some of this experience with. :)
