Wednesday, June 5, 2024

April-June 1


We were excited that Conway, Arkansas was in the path of a total eclipse on April 8th!

Our church hosted a fun Eclipse Party on their parking lot!

It was fun to see this neat experience with friends!
My first time to see a total Eclipse!! So, so cool!  A picture I took 💞

This is my friend (and professional photographer) Linda's picture

Another "composite" picture Linda put together 💗

Rachel's family had their schooling outside that day waiting on the event

Andy's family got to experience it too in Texas!


While we were gone, our Senior Adults had a great outing to Ft. Smith to the Marshal's Museum.  Everyone said it was great!


Saylor turned 6 on April 22

Ellie turned 12 on April 23

Laine turned 14 on April 26

Gideon turned 7 on April 27

Pictures sent to us of our Grandchildren this Spring

Shep had a great soccer season

But he also had some concerning health issues.  After many tests, doctor's visits, etc., he finally seems to be doing better!!  We sure have been praying for our sweet boy!🙏

Saylor had a great Kindergarten year at her school!

Laine got to participate in a day at Court/Mock Trial!

Mack also had a great Soccer Season!

His closing Preschool program

Mack also graduated from Preschool -- will now be in Kindergarten in the Fall!🙌🙌

The McCrary kids last day at Comm Central!!  They sure have loved it!  Next Fall, since Momma is returning to teaching, they will be going to public school.  Praying it's a great experience for them!
Closing Program at Comm Central
Kipling.....Pre K
Gideon - 1st Grade
Eisley won the "Memory Master" award🙌
Copeland and his Science Project!  He won 1st Place for his Unique Design for his stop motion video!👋
He was also nominated for an "Above and Beyond" award which was for exemplary behavior.🙌

Ellie and Laine have been very involved in a Drama/Music Program and had their final program recently.  Wish we could have been there (but was thankful to watch it livestreamed on FB)!  They both did great!


Our "baby" girl had a birthday on May 1st!

Hard to believe our daughter is 39 years old!!  Goodness, gracious!!  Major changes for her this year with returning to teaching.  Rachel has been a stay at home Mom now for over 10 years (she taught Kindergarten in Rogers, AR Copeland's first year of life) and now has homeschooled her kids for 6 years and done an excellent job.  I know she will be a great asset to Fulbright Elementary and to the Kindergarten class she will be teaching there.
Just as an example of Rachel's Homeschool set up in the basement of their home in Little Rock  So organized!

On May 8th, our Senior Adult group traveled by chartered bus to take a Tour of Subiaco Academy Abbey Church and Gardens

On May 11th, our area was blessed once again with another of God's amazing creations:  Northern Lights.  So pretty!

Mother's Day 2024 at Antioch with my sister, Kaye. It was my first Mother's Day in 70 years not to have my earthly mother here to celebrate.  So it was bittersweet!  I didn't do anything special other than church and lunch together with the Harkness and Heads.  I did enjoy Facetime calls/FB posts from my kids/grandchildren💓

Our sweet daughter-in-law, Carman had a birthday on May 17th.  So glad she is a part of our family!

And on May 19th, our oldest grandson, Copeland turned 11!

May 23-25 we had a quick out of town getaway.  Two nights with the Harkness and Heads at the Bella Vista Lakehouse.  Always enjoyable!!
We had fun playing games on the screened in patio!
My view Friday morning (so, so pretty!)
Then Jeff and I and Rob and Kaye headed 2 hours north to decorate graves.
Jeff at his Mom's grave
Kaye and I at Mom and Dad's graves
And our baby brother's grave:
We also visited my grandparents, aunts, uncles, a cousin and Jeff's dad and grandparents graves💞


Jeff was honored to speak at Conrad Carroll's funeral

Then we made a fast trip to LR for Eisley's last Doxa dance recital (the only grandchildren event we got to be in person for, sadly)!

She did great!!!

Summer is now in full swing!!  So many storms and lots of rain, which is unusual!  

Praying God is honored in all we do in the days, weeks, and months ahead!!

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog with lots of good pictures!! :) :) :)
