Thursday, August 24, 2017

July and August 2017

Jeff and I spent 4 days in Branson to celebrate his 64th Birthday.  We had a fun, relaxing time.
 We enjoyed a delicious birthday lunch at Keeter Center at the School of the Ozarks.  Such a neat place to visit!
We rode the Ducks -- our very fist time and we really had a great time!
We also went to see The Hughes Brothers Show.  That was also a first for us.  A huge very talented family!
 On our way home from Branson, we decided to take the "longer" route and go to Rogers and see Rachel and her family.  (Andy's family were in Texas at that time)
Jeff had never been to the Amazeum so Rachel and kids went with us to show it to him.
 Fixing Papa some ice cream in the Walmart diner there
 It was a fun visit!
 A couple of weeks later, we went back down to eat dinner with Josh.  He had flown in from his last stint with Journey, to pack up their remaining belongings in a U-haul to take to Tennessee
 Michelle and Avi had already moved there a couple of weeks earlier
 Andy helped him load up and then rode with him to Nashville.  The brothers had a good time together before Andy flew back home a couple of days later.
 Avi started 7th grade in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee on August 1st.  It is a year-round school (longer breaks; shorter summer).  She made several friends on her first day and seems to be adjusting well.💖
 How quickly Gideon is growing.....3 months difference 💙
 On Monday of last week, I went to Centerton to help Carman and Andy out with the kids.  They had several commitments and needed a sitter.  I loved being that sitter!
 We met Rachel and kids one day at a park for a picnic lunch
 Then on Wednesday, I took Shep with me and went and picked up Copeland and Eisley to bring to Galena for a few days.  This was my first time to keep this trio at the same time (and then later in the week to also keep Gideon).  They were all so very good!
 Such cuties!!
 This girl!  She loves her jewelry:
 And her Barbies
 And her dollies!
 She stacked all my costume jewelry on her stick horse 😀
 Shep enjoyed playing with his cousins
 Watching the tree men cut down branches
 Watching Spiderman/Truck cartoons
 Grandma came and visited one day
 Spaghetti one night -- what a mess 😁
 Definitely required baths for all 3
 So sweet after baths and eating popcorn
 I got Jeff an Amazon Echo for his birthday....I introduced the kids to "Alexa" and they talked her leg off!  My favorite was when Eisley said, "Alexa, I love you" and she responded, "That is sweet." 💕
 On Friday morning, Jeff took Shep and met Rachel half-way and exchanged Shep for Gideon.  
 Gideon's first time to spend the night away from his Momma.  Mom and Dad had a fun date night celebrating Jonathan's birthday and all went well here with the baby!
 Eisley loves her baby brother 💖💙
 Monday, August 21st was the "BIG" day for the Total Solar Eclipse.  We were a little disappointed here in Southeast Kansas as it didn't get near as dark as we had hoped.  Just a little hazy.  But I did love seeing all the pictures from those who did get to experience the total eclipse including Josh, Michelle and Avi in Nashville!  Josh said it was one of the neatest things he has ever experienced!
 Ellie started Kindergarten this week 💜 at Providence Academy (they attend the academy 2 days a week and Mom homeschools them the other 3 days)
 And Laine started 2nd grade. 💓  We are so excited that we will be attending Laine's baptism this coming Sunday!!
 Copeland will be starting Preschool this fall.  Rachel will be homeschooling him.💚
 On August 16th, we celebrated 8 years in ministry here at First Baptist!  It's been a very good 8 years and we are so thankful for the love and support of this church family!
One of the members, Shawnda Weaver, blessed us with this beautiful cross stitch art she made. The picture definitely doesn't do it justice.  Very impressive!!  We thank all who have expressed words of kindness and gifts to us on this anniversary!  
Here's to Year 9! 💟

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