Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Fall 2023

Fall 2023 will definitely be in the Memory Books for the rest of my life.  This post will be the events that occurred during August-January that centered around family/friends events.  I will devote a separate blog to the finals days of Mom's life and a funeral blog, only briefly mentioning some of the dates in this post.

As I wrote in my last post, Jeff had a stroke on July 13, that affected his eyesight (and flared up his Meniere's disease).  He had to wear an eye patch for 4 months!  Those were not easy days for him!  We were so thankful when God restored his sight to him and he no longer wears a patch (December 4th!)

For a few days the end of July-first of August, I kept the McCrary kids while Rachel accompanied Jonathan on a work-related trip to California.  One of those "very hot" days, we went to the Splash Pad (this summer was brutal!):

On August 16th, we had a large group of Senior Adults travel on a chartered bus to Branson to see the musical, "Esther" at the Sight and Sound Theatre.  It has been my favorite so far!

Aug 24-27, the McCrary kids again stayed with us while Mom and Dad moved to a new house!!  We were thrilled that they had sold their Hunters Woods home and found this new home in the Pleasant Valley area (10-15 minutes closer to us).   Saying goodbye to their old home.....

Moving Day (August 26--100+ degree day πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅):

August 27 -- Church and then Turner Aultman’s wedding shower

Turner was my "first" taste of what it would feel like to be a grandparent (23 years ago)

One day after Rachel got moved in, I went over to help with some cleaning and unpacking and had to try out the pool (one of my favorite things about their new house!)

Another school year begins for our Grandchildren....from oldest to youngest:

Avi - College, working full time, living on her own!

 Laine - 8th Grade

Ellie -- 6th Grade

Copeland -- 5th Grade

Eisley -- 4th Grade

Shep -- 2nd Grade

Gideon -- 1st Grade

Saylor -- Kindergarten

Mack -- "Bridge" Class (between Preschool and Kindergarten)

Kipling -- Preschool

September 7th was our first Fall Senior Adult event -- the potluck/rib meal held at the Perspective Building

During August and September, some from our Small Group helped on several occasions with the Shoebox Ministry:

September 7th was our oldest son, Josh's 46th Birthday.  We love you, Josh!

We were supposed to go see our Swart family in Texas on September 14th, but due to Jeff's struggles with his eyesight/vertigo, we once again cancelled 😒.  Sure hope we can go to Texas and Tennessee in 2024 to see our boys and their families!

Our world took a difficult turn in September when Mom fell during the night of September 21st, transferred by ambulance to the hospital, and diagnosed with a broken hip.  That began some tough, tough days for Mom and us girls.  I'll devote an individual post to this journey next. 

On September 25th, I joined a large group of "girl" friends at Kerry Stitch's home each Monday night for 7 weeks for the Bible Study, "When You Pray."  Very good study and the fellowship was great!

For nine months, Jeff and Mark Stitch had led a small group of men (also on Monday nights) thru the excellent Men's Discipleship series, MD5.  It was a great time for all!

Sept. 26, Eisley turned 9!  We love you Eisley Elizabeth❤️!

Due to helping in the care of Mom, we didn't get to see Eisley to give her, her birthday gift til they came to visit Grandma on October 13th.  I still owe her and Kipling an overnight stay with us for their traditional birthday's outings.

October 14th, Jeff and I attended Turner and Kelsie Aultman’s pretty wedding!

Glo and I were some of the very first babysitters for Turner πŸ’•

On October 15th, we drove to a suburb of Kansas City for Garrett Hall's Ordination.  So proud of Garrett and Hannah and know they are doing and will do great things for the Kingdom of God!

We love the Hall family!

I spent several weeks in October with Mom.  During part of that time, Andy and his family came to visit Grandma (this was after her hip surgery, rehab and back in her home....before the trip back to the hospital and then being put on Hospice. So Andy's family got to see Grandma while she was still doing pretty good).  Pictures of their visit will be in the post I do centering on Mom.  While they were here, it happened to be Kipling's 5th Birthday (October 23rd)!  We love you, Kipling Edward!πŸ’™

Rachel was very gracious and had us all over for a delicious "breakfast" dinner and party for Kipling!  Fun night!

October 25th, our Seniors went on a Fall Foliage trip to Ponca Mountain (we saw some beautiful color!)

On Oct. 26th, Mom was back in the hospital and a decision was made for her to go home the next day on Hospice.  That began two months of Kaye, Bev and I spending many tough days caring for Mom and lots of family and friends coming to visit her.  I will write about all those visits/pictures in the next post.

October 28 was the 23rd anniversary of Dad going to Heaven!

Halloween pictures of my grandkids

I love that I am included on Saylor's teacher's email with pictures of her and her classmates!  Here are a few I am posting for memory sake πŸ’•

Sunday, November 5th was Pastor Jason and Toya's 30th Anniversary at Antioch.  It was a fun day of celebrating!  Jeff was honored to do the sermon that day, since he has known them the longest of all those on Staff (our relationship with Jason and Toya go back 37+ years when they were students at Jacksonville College and Jeff was Dean of Students).  Jeff gave Jason his first "ministry" job when he came to Craft Baptist at part time Student Pastor where Jeff was Pastor.  Lots of memories with the Aultmans over all these years!  We love them and are so thankful Jason is our Pastor!

I was with Mom for a couple of weeks thru the week of Thanksgiving.  Again, those pictures, for the most part, will be in the next post.  Josh and family came to town (on their way to NWA) and stayed with Jeff.  I fixed a traditional Turkey dinner (with the help of my kids) on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and Josh and Rachel's families came to Mom's and ate with us.  Sweet day!

So.much.to.be.thankful for!!!πŸ’“πŸ’“

November 23rd was Thanksgiving and Shep's 8th Birthday!!  We love you, Shepherd Knox!πŸ’™

Nov. 27, Kaye came to stay at Mom's and I went home, prepared a dessert to take to our Jensen Christmas party that night (and to pack for the Senior Adult Conference that we headed to in Branson the next day).

Some of our Jensen "Girls" and "Guys" that were at the Christmas Party:

Nov 28-30 was the Senior Adult Conference in Branson.  Some of our Antioch family that were there:


December 1st was our Senior Adult lunch/party at Hole in the Wall

Sunday, December 3rd was the Ladies Christmas Luncheon

December 6-8 -- Antioch once again offered "Bethlehem" to our community.  Wednesday night, Jeff and I, along with Rachel's family, Bev (who was here caring for Mom/we hired a sitter that night) and Kaye and Rob all "walked" thru the City.  My grandchildren love it!!  Jeff and I then worked the last two nights as greeters, ushers, etc.  Almost 6,500 toured the City during those 3 nights!

December 9th was Avi's 19th Birthday!  We love you, Aviana!πŸ’–

December 9th was also our Promise Class SS Party.  So thankful for our wonderful teacher Larry and his wife Renie!

December 14th was our Antioch Staff Christmas Party!!  God has blessed Antioch with the best!!

December 15th was a surprise event to honor Steve Crawley and Roger Smithson for their dedication to create the MD5 program.  Two great Christian men who have impacted hundreds of men's lives!!

Steve and Roger have become two of Jeff's closest friends!

I was at Mom's Dec 17-23.

December 22nd was Jeff and I's 51st AnniversaryπŸ’– (we didn't do much celebrating but did eat at the new Conway Olive Garden on Dec. 23 when Kaye came to stay at Mom's)

Sunday, December 24 was a Candlelight service at Antioch (Jeff and Rob went, but I was at Mom’s with Kaye and we watched the service on-line).

Monday December 25 – Christmas!!  Due to the fact that Mom seem to be very close to the end of life, Jeff and I spent the day at her house with Rob and Kaye and then Bev and Don who came from Texas.

Originally, my family had planned to gather December 26-30th for our Christmas together.  The grandkids were all staying at Rachel and Jonathan's and the adults would stay with Jeff and I.  However on the morning of the 26th, we found out that Carman was very sick in bed and the Texas crew wasn't coming.  Josh and family did go ahead and come and stayed at Rachel's since I was at Mom's bedside.  Jeff and I spent the day at Mom's with my sisters and husbands. Josh's family and Rachel's family did drive over to Conway that night, so we could eat together at Marketplace Grill and have a little time with them.πŸ’š

Thankfully, on December 28th, Andy’s family was able to travel to Arkansas.  My sisters insisted we go on over to Little Rock and have Christmas with our family.  It was hard to leave Mom, but I knew if she could talk, she would tell me to go!  So we did and had a very sweet time with our children/grandchildren!  Andy's family also stayed with Rachel and Jonathan!  A HOUSEFUL at the McCrary's (15 of them under one roof!).  Thank you, thank you, Rachel and Jonathan for hosting all of us!

On December 29th, my 70th birthday, Mom died at 4:45 a.m.😒.  

Details will be in the next post.

Definitely a birthday, I will always remember!  Later in the day, after we completed all things related to Mom's passing, we drove over to LR to spend one last day with our family.  I was shocked to walk into a "surprise birthday party!"πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰  (That was the last thing on my weary mind!)


The next week, Bev, Kaye and I spent the days together taking care of Mom's affairs.  Lots of bittersweet work and time together.  Wednesday, January 3, Jeff and I, Bev, Rob and Kaye all went to Kansas to finalize Mom's funeral arrangements.  We were blessed to spend some time with our cousins.  Christie & Wayne hosted us, along with Randy and Kimbra in their home for a delicious lunch one day.  We had a great visit!

Christie gave each of us girls one of these beautiful lighted/snow globe type churches!

And then Nancy and Mark hosted us one evening for a delicious steak meal!  Another fun night of fellowship!

Nancy was also so sweet to give each of us girls a very pretty stone plaque!! 

My family all spent the night before the funeral in an AirB&B in Carl Junction, MO (that Rachel found on-line) - big house that slept all of us!!  The only pictures I took was at bedtime of the grandkidsπŸ’—

January 6, 2024, we had a beautiful funeral for Mom.  Many pictures will be included in the funeral post.  I was thrilled that all my family (except for Avi who was working) came to Kansas for the services!!  Love them all so much!!πŸ’—πŸ’—

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