Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Mom's Funeral Service 1.6.2024

Dorothy J. Boore 4/5/1929-12/29/2023
Lived a good life for 94 years and 9 months! 
Mom's service was held at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, rural Girard, KS where Mom was a member for 68 years. My Dad's youngest sibling, Uncle Marvin led the congregation in singing "Amazing Grace" (Mom's request). Uncle Marvin lost his hearing following Covid this year, so we appreciated him leading us even though he barely can hear now😢 (always had such a beautiful voice!). We also appreciated our cousin, Nancy Boore, for playing the piano for us!
Grandson-in-law and Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Bentonville, AR, Michael Goering, did a wonderful job opening the service with some sweet words and a prayer!
Mt. Olive Pastor, Tom Lewis (who was Mom's pastor for several years before we moved her) also had some kind words to say and read the "long" obituary.
Grandson Andy Swart (who is Pastor of The Mount in Keller, TX) shared some meaningful thoughts about his Grandma (and Grandpa) and the impact their lives and memories of the farm had on him, his siblings and cousins.
Andy (at the request of his Mom and Aunts) gave the opportunity for anyone to speak that wanted to share about "Dorothy." Jason Aultman, Pastor of Antioch Baptist, Conway, where Mom was a member the last 4-1/2 years of her life, spoke kindly of her.  We were so appreciative of Jason and Toya driving to Kansas for the service.
One of Mom's oldest friends, Anita "Smith" Melhorn spoke and told one of those funny "Dorothy" stories about the time she was with her and Mom got pulled over for speeding in Pittsburg by one of the notorious policemen there (who would give his own mother a ticket). Mom pulled over, rolled down her window and "Chester" the policeman, said, "Maam, do you know the speed limit is 20 mph?" Mom said, "No, but thank you." Rolled up her window and drove away. Anita looked behind them and said the policeman had his hands on his hips, shaking his head!😂🤣
Lacy Garrett beautifully sang, "Wish You Were Here" (another of Mom's requests). So pretty!
Dad and Mom had both requested Jeff to do their funeral sermons. He did a great job.
Telling several of those funny "Dorothy" stories!
Jeff asked Jason to close the service in prayer.
Granddaughter, Shawna Tunnel, beautifully "signed" the song "I Can Only Imagine." Shawna also did this at the end of her Grandpa's service. ❤️❤️ 

We then journeyed the 3 miles to the Girard Cemetery. Son-in-law's Rob and Don, Grandsons/Grandson-in-laws, Josh, Andy, Matt, Michael, Nathan and Jonathan, and great grandsons, Lincoln and Tristan were pallbearers.

Jeff spoke for a few short minutes
Uncle Marvin closed the graveside service in prayer
Then the pallbearers carried Mom to her final resting place
Beside Dad 💕 (just FYI - Mom chose a pink casket years ago when she did her arrangements. For some reason, it turned out black with pink accents. We didn't question the funeral home about it as they had to order it. At least the pink flowers looked pretty on top!)
Mom and Dad's first child, DeWayne is buried close by. What a reunion it was for Mom to see her son and be reunited with Dad!!❤️
Mom insisted we have the funeral meal catered by one of the chicken places. So we had Chicken Annie's Girard provide the chicken, bread, garlic potato salad, garlic coleslaw, spaghetti, mashed potatoes and homemade noodles. Yum! And then our wonderful cousins provided delicious desserts!!! Thanks, girls!!
So appreciative of the Mt. Olive church family in providing drinks, serving us, cleaning up, etc!

Mike Cooney came from Galveston, TX! Thanks, Mike!

We were also very appreciative of Keith and Wilda Head driving from Conway to attend the service.  For 4+ years, the Heads, Mom, Kaye, Rob, Jeff and I ate Sunday lunch together.

4 of my 10 cuties!!
Our beloved cousin, Sandy Vinardi came to the service (such a surprise). Sandy is battling Stage 4 cancer which breaks our hearts. We appreciate your prayers for Sandy!  (updated to add that Sandy passed away 6 weeks later: Feb. 9, 2024🥹😢)
So, so thankful all my family (minus Avi, who was working) was able to come....traveling from Tennessee, Texas and Arkansas.
Mom's legacy!! 36 out of 42 of us (we were missing granddaughter, Shannan and her children, Madyson, Zach, Cooper and Alex who were sick with a nasty virus and also Avi).

Mom's grandchildren...Matt, Andy, Josh, Rachel, Shawna and Adrienne (missing Shannan)
The Great Grandchildren! (and yes one little boy, who happens to be mine, did not want his picture taken 😂)
Bev's family (missing Shannan and children)
Here is a recent picture of Shannan and family (who was so sad they couldn't be there!)
Kaye's family
Our Brunk Cousins that were present❤️ There were several children/grandchildren of these that were there, but I didn't get a picture 😢 (and I'm adding that Mom told Wayne during a Facetime call several weeks before she passed away, to wear his overall's!). So he minded her!
Our beloved cousin, Sandy Vinardi came to the service (such a surprise). Sandy is battling Stage 4 cancer which breaks our hearts. We appreciate your prayers for Sandy!  (Updated to add that Sandy passed away 6 weeks later: Feb. 9, 2024 😪)
Our Boore Cousins that were present and Aunt Judy and Uncle Marvin. There were several more at the service but wasn't able to stay for lunch. (also children of some of these present, but didn't get a picture).
As Bev, Kaye and I were going thru things at Mom's, we threw into a big tub miscellaneous things we thought the greats might enjoy they had fun going thru all that stuff💕
A HUGE thanks goes to our cousin, Janis Goedeke, who did so much behind the scenes to make this day so special! From decorating both the foyer, sanctuary and the fellowship hall (with the help of her sister, Gale) to running the tribute video, livestream, sound, and so much more - THANK YOU JANIS!! 
(That picture on the wall was purchased in honor of Dad after he passed away).
Kaye, Bev and I all felt that Mom would have been very pleased with the service. 

Mt. Olive made it possible to livestream the funeral service on Facebook.  Andy has since been able to create a video of it (which enables those who aren't on FB to watch it).  
Thanks Mt. Olive and Thanks Andy!  
(Click on the individual links to open)

Funeral service

Rachel created this memory video for us!  Thanks, Rachel!

Tribute Video

Mom's Obituary


(a total of $2,190 was given to Mt. Olive).  

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