Sunday, September 17, 2017

DisneyWorld 2017 - Post #3 - Magic Kingdom and Epcot - Sept. 17th

Day 2 - Magic Kingdom!  Such a magical place 💖
We left our hotel at 9:05 and entered the park at 9:35 a.m.
These first two pictures was taken before we entered park
We had ordered Disney shirts before leaving home so this was our day to wear them
Once inside the park, there had to be Castle pictures 😍
Too fun! 💗💙💗
We went to Fantasy Land first as we had fast passes there.  Before using the fast pass, we rode "It's a Small World"
And then the Prince Charming Regal Carousel

And then it was time to use the fast passes on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (one of the girls' favorites!)  Since Shep was too little, DeDe gladly stayed with him.
Look closely and you can see Carman and Ellie, then Jeff and Laine and then Andy
Love the look on Laine's face!! 😀
Another opportunity to have their picture with Cinderella
And with Princess Elena
We then rode The Little Mermaid ride
A random shot on Main Street
We ate lunch at Pinocchio Village House
And then used a fast pass for the Peter Pan Flight
(Our travel agent reserved 3 fast passes a day for the rides that had the longest lines.  She did a good job choosing those)

Since our first day was long and it was really hot on this day, we decided we needed to go back to the hotel and cool off and take naps and then return for the evening.  So we left the park around 1:30, getting back to hotel at 2:15.
However, we were made aware of the fact that Magic Kingdom was closing at 7 that night and having their "Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party."  You had to purchase an additional $50.00 ticket for that and was encouraged to dress in costume. Since we were not interested in that, we decided we would go back to Epcot and ride some of the things we didn't get to ride the day before and watch the light show.  We ate our evening meal at the resort and was leaving the hotel around 7.  However, Carman hadn't felt good that afternoon and right before getting on the bus, she said she needed to go back to the room 😪 with what appeared to be a sick migraine.
So we sadly left without her.  We arrived at Epcot around 7:20 p.m.
Andy and I and the girls rode the ride Mission to Mars.  Oh my!!  Andy and I regretted it - very intense, although the girls loved it.  (Jeff had stayed with Shep)
Our "chamber" got stuck after the ride and wouldn't open.  We sat there probably 15 minutes wondering if we were ever going to get out of that thing!
Another one of our favorite rides at Epcot is "Test Track."  Since Shep was too small, I stayed with him and Jeff, Andy and the girls rode it.  They all loved it.  I wish that Carman and I could have gone back to ride it later, but there just was never an opportunity to do so.
Then it was time for the laser light/fireworks/music show -- Illuminations: Reflections on Earth

For Day 2 - we walked 13,443 steps and 6.6 miles!

We left the park around 9:45; arriving to the room at 10:20.  Carman was in bed still feeling awful.  Of course, each night we got back to our room, we all had to have showers as we had done a fair share of sweating during the day and felt so grimy!  This isn't a picture of our bathroom, but similar.  I am posting it to show how the shower was made.  It didn't have any sharp corners but it did have a ledge inside.  Andy and Shep were taking a shower and Shep fell just right and hard enough to hit his head on that ledge.  There was much panic by his Daddy when he saw all that blood.  Jeff took him to the bed and applied pressure that he had learned as a Boy Scout and did get the bleeding to stop.  In the meantime, sick Carman is on the phone trying to get the front desk to connect her to 911.  There was a delay and so Andy & Carman gathered Shep up and headed to ER (so thankful for cell phones with GPS!).
In ER, Shep did so good waiting his turn.  When the nurse took one look at Carman coming out of the bathroom after throwing up, she said she was checking her in.  They diagnosed her with dehydration and gave her an IV of fluids and nausea meds.  Had that not happened, she probably would have only gotten sicker.
Andy sent out a prayer request on Facebook and text and God sure answered our prayers.
I'm going to copy and paste what Andy said:
Shep got 6 stitches. One inch cut. Doc said it came together really well. 
And y'all won't believe this...I was dreading the stitches. I knew he'd scream and it would be traumatic. I was praying like crazy that God would give us grace in the moment. Well, God showed up. Shep was completely calm. He didn't move a single time and about two minutes into the procedure HE FELL ASLEEP!!!! He slept through the rest of it and has been for the last 10 minutes since they finished. Doc said she's never seen anything like it. I told her how many people were praying. She said, "I believe it. I'm speechless." As she walked out the door she said to herself, "wow...what a great treat."  Thank you, Jesus!!
It was about 2:30 a.m. when the 3 of them got back to our hotel room.  Shep went right to sleep and slept all night.  Carman was also feeling better by the time they got home.
And the next day, you would never know Shep had had the accident.  He was as good as gold!  Carman was too!!  
A couple of blessings in the midst of this traumatic night:
We purchased travel insurance before our trip and it should cover the medical expenses.  The Resort told the kids, whatever insurance didn't cover, they would pay!  And a night or two later, they sent up a big sack of 3 plush Disney animals for Shep (all his favorites), balloons, etc.  Plus they added to our magic bands, 6 extra fast passes for each of us!  We give Disney a "thumbs" up for great customer service! 👍

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